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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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19:07 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Reminiscent vs cannibals

5-3 me

He gave me quite a scare after me being 4-0 up and him getting it back to 4-3, but I managed to pull through in the end.

Good games pal good luck for your season.
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19:08 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
wd remi
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19:09 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whoohoo another win, 4-0 to 4-3 wow close one.
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19:26 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Subs and Swaps are being made due too players being inactive or our players have no matches too play. Call it spreading the fixtures about and operating as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More! )

"Keep up the great results, another evening like last one would be A-mazin "
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19:34 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
SL Fixture Set 3

Annihil-8 (11) vs (11) Pros

legend_pot (6) vs (2) beenjammin
(sub) hippesville vs miss_harriet (sub)
reminiscent (4) vs (2) crazy_greg
joeyy (1) vs (7) dvz (sub)
(sub) dgeneratio vs dbno

Annihil-8 (25) vs (8) Pool Sharks - Incomplete

legend_pot (0) vs (0) fatmikee (sub)
the__priest (3) vs (3) red4eva
reminiscent (5) vs (1) aces_back (sub)
joeyy (5) vs (2) ronalddw
(s) hippesville (5) vs (1) any1left

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (Bonuses for R/Outs & GB's)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:35 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Set 3

XVth Man (60) vs (60) Unbeatables - Complete

the__priest (4) vs (11) raker
iam_me (8) vs (7) sleipnir
(s) gillings (8) vs (7) poolbiird
legend_pot (6) vs (9) turtle1560
(sub) reminiscent (13) vs (2) mrmagic
joeyy (7) vs (8) fran_
(+) hippesville (8) vs (7) horse10000
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) onevisit

XVth Man (75) vs (30) FPD

reminiscent (11) vs (4) buckjam
mirrr (14) vs (1) jacksealy21
(s) iam_me (9) vs (6) blackcabman7
friendyboy (13) vs (2) jimmy_d26 (sub)
lfc12 (9) vs (6) anoneeemouse
ooo_u_tap_2 (9) vs (6) just_lucky
gillings (10) vs (5) r08
(sub) jittzdulay/dgeneratio vs canny_miss

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:35 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (4) vs (3) Pocket Dynamos Any News?

iam_me (4) vs (3) triple_b
ooo_u_tap_2 vs chapster_7
friendyboy vs jasonb
jittzdulay vs kaperisk
lfc12 vs bigcjl2


Sev7n 'n' Deadly (15) vs (11) Unbe'A'tables

iam_me (2) vs (4) poolbiird
ooo_u_tap_2 (4) vs (3) fran_
(sub) crazykid (6) vs (1) onevisit
jittzdulay vs raker
lfc12 (3) vs (3) turtle1560

Grand Slam Cup - Round 1

XVth Man (8) vs (0) FPD

FCL (15): iam_me vs thegreatone7 (messaged)
FCL (15): (swp) _aquarius12_ vs r08
SL (12): (sub,swp) legend_pot vs buckjam
SL: (12) (s) gillings (2) vs (0) canny_miss (8-4)
8us: friendyboy vs moonbeam06 (10 racks)
9us: (swp) dgeneratio (2) vs (0) jacksealy21(12 racks) (7-2)
8uk: the__priest (2) vs (0) blackcabman7 (10 racks) (6-3)
Str: (sub) joeyy (2) vs (0) anoneeemouse (4 racks) (3-0)

Edited at 18:39 Fri 16/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:36 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fix Set 3

XVth Man (4) vs (2) Pool Sharks

8us: lfc12 vs dazpolz (Arranged Friday)
8us: (swp) crazykid vs keaneo16
9us: gillings vs red4eva (sub)
9us: reminiscent (2) vs (0) cannibals (5-3)
8uk: dgeneratio (0) vs (2) kingdadcool (3-5)
8uk: (sub) friendyboy vs _dave_
Str: legend_pot (2) vs (0) andyw1
Str: (swp) joeyy vs funky_king

XVth Man (6) vs (6) Uprising

8us: iam_me (1) vs (1) cgibson92 (4-4)
8us: joeyy (1) vs (1) dv8 (sub) (4-4)
9us: dgeneratio (0) vs (2) lll1lll1lll (swp) (0-5)
9us: hippesville vs davybaumers
8uk: reminiscent (2) vs (0) derik_dalton (swp) (5-3)
8uk: (sub) crazykid (2) vs (0) r1p0m4n_v2 (5-3)
Str: legend_pot (0) vs (2) corsair
Str: ooo_u_tap_2 vs clifton188

Deadline: 25th January 2015

Good Luck Guys -
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:21 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 4 - last one before the Split

Team lists required for the following games by Sunday afternoon (UK) please.

XVth Man v Pool Sharks
Uprising v F.P.D.
The Revolution v Unbeatables
Pocket Dynamos v The Professionals
XVth Man v The Professionals
Uprising v Pool Sharks
The Revolution v F.P.D.
Pocket Dynamos v Unbeatables
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:36 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid 6-1 onevisit
8us 1-1
9us 2-0
8uk 3-0 crazykid 1 runout

im happy with that considering I struggled he should of had 2 more frames but fell unfortunate on position on the black twice ggs mate
Deleted User
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20:37 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
gl jittz down to you
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20:37 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
crazykid 6-1 onevisit
8us 1-1
9us 2-0
8uk 3-0 crazykid 1 runout

im happy with that considering I struggled he should of had 2 more frames but fell unfortunate on position on the black twice ggs mate

AWESOME result mate - nice timely runout too - very well done
Deleted User
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20:40 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
very nice ck well done
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:43 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers guys il try get online on Monday somtime to try play keano glad to be off assistance lads :) super sub :)
Deleted User
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20:44 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixtures Checklist - FCL/FBL/SL/GSC (ALL Formats)
Dated from: 11th Jan - 25th Jan

Fixtures per player:

legend_pot: buckjam (GSC)
the__priest: none
reminiscent: none
joeyy: keaneo16 (8us)
trats: none
hippesville: miss_harriet (SL), davybaumers (9us)
iam_me: thegreatone7 (GSC),
gillings: red4eva (9us)
dgeneratio: canny_miss ** (as a sub) dbno (SL) **
friendyboy: jasonb (SL), _dave_ (FBL), moonbeam06 (GSC),
lfc12: bigcjl2 (SL), dazpolz (8us)
ooo_u_tap_2: chapster_7 (SL), clifton188 (Str)
jittzdulay: canny_miss ** (FCL), kaperisk (SL), raker (SL),
crazykid none
_aquarius12_: r08 (GSC)

This has been updated, let's get the 18th January matches out the way ASAP please. (as marked with a **)

What a BLITZ we did this evening - I should go offline more often LOL. ONLY 3 matches to be played by Sunday;

SL: hippesville vs miss_harriet, dgeneratio vs dbno, legend_pot vs fatmikee & FCL: jittzdulay/dgeneratio vs canny_miss,

Edited at 20:09 Fri 16/01/15 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:49 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Awesome result crazy! super-sub is bloody right! Well done Mich too another very good win
Posts: 38,097
23:31 Fri 16 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
no sign of canny_miss yet, will keep checking until Midnight though (may not play after that as i get tired around that time and my funky gets affected).

may play on League of Angels on Facebook while i wait (those who have me on FB knows how much i spammed that game in last two days)
Posts: 38,097
01:27 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to let you know, if canny_miss shows up after Midnight i may not play her as i'm half tired already out of boredom but seems she plays roughly 9 or 10 pm to 4 am from her events so hopefully can come on early one night
Deleted User
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01:39 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
No worries mate - deadline's Sunday. Thanks for trying -
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:22 Sat 17 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
After reading through the Unbeatables thread I agree that clan games are genuinely being ruined by subs n swaps being taken place way too early in fixtures without valid excusable reason. Therefore, I believe that the idea put in by horse10000 should be drafted in to avoid the randomness of clan games being rendered useless.
Initial fixtures being given a time frame of 12/14 days to get done and then subs n swaps to be taken place during the final weekend of the fixture if the game is incomplete. Also subs and swaps can be opposed by the opposition if they feel they have been messed around to avoid initial fixture which in turn shall lead to an uncontested default situation provided suitable evidence is put forward.
I also feel that in the case a player is either banned or offline for more than 7 days then there should be a clause allowing a sub to take place without any reason.
Would love to hear from all clan players regarding this situation.. And then implemented given the outcome of the reaction. Thank you and cheers for reading.

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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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