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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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Posts: 38,097
12:56 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
8 Ball Pool UK Friendly - reminiscent (1) loses to dgeneratio (2) who ran the rack!

2nd break today

11:54 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!

Edited at 11:55 Sun 11/01/15 (GMT)
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14:35 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Super League
Annihil-8 v Pool Sharks

the__priest vs red4eva
1-1 8 ball
1-1 9 ball
1-1 uk


was unlucky in the first game of 8 ball made one mistake and lost the frame
second frame left him with 7 balls

9 ball
he fluked the 9 ball in which killed me
I won second

again cost me the first frame
second I got it back

he played well, cant take that away from him, short format doesn't allow you to come back and apply pressure

2 mistakes in 6 frames and a fluke
gutted really
well done red good to see you back

Well done mate - very good draw - also pretty much confirms us the overall win so thank you. Unless fatmikee wins by 7-0 including an event then safe to say we've won.

ooops i didn't see the legend_pot vs aces_back one lol -
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14:35 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
OLD Fixture Set 2:

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (16) vs (15) Revolution - Complete (W)

(swp) hippesville (4) vs (2) sillybilly
(+)(s) ooo_u_tap_2 (3) vs (3) marblewood
(s) gillings (3) vs (3) vlad_putin
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) communist
(s)dgeneratio (4) vs 3) veyron

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (17) vs (14) Pool Poises - Complete (W)

friendyboy (1) vs (5) dazpolz
hippesville (6) vs (1) funky_king(swp)
lfc12 (4) vs (2) cannibals (swp)
(sub0 dgeneratio (3) vs (3) andyw1
mirrr (3) vs (3) kingdadcool (swp)

SL: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (bonus points for GB's & R/outs)

Edited at 14:39 Sun 11/01/15 (GMT)
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14:36 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
XVth Man (12) vs (4) Pocket Dynamos - Completed
XVth Man (14) vs (2) FPD - Completed


SL Fixture Set 3

Annihil-8 (5) vs (9) Pros

legend_pot vs beenjammin
the__priest vs tinie_v17
reminiscent (4) vs (2) crazy_greg
joeyy (1) vs (7) dvz (sub)
trats vs dbno

Annihil-8 (13) vs (6) Pool Sharks

legend_pot vs aces_back
the__priest (3) vs (3) red4eva
reminiscent vs fatmikee
joeyy (5) vs (2) ronalddw
(s) hippesville (5) vs (1) any1left

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (Bonuses for R/Outs & GB's)
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14:38 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
***NEW*** FCL Fixture Set 3

XVth Man (29) vs (31) Unbeatables

the__priest vs raker (weekend)
iam_me (8) vs (7) sleipnir
(s) gillings (8) vs (7) poolbiird
legend_pot vs turtle1560
jittzdulay vs mrmagic
joeyy (7) vs (8) fran_
hippesville vs horse10000
dgeneratio (6) vs (9) onevisit

XVth Man (53) vs (22) FPD

reminiscent (11) vs (4) buckjam
mirrr (14) vs (1) jacksealy21
(s) iam_me (9) vs (6) blackcabman7
friendyboy vs thegreatone7
lfc12 (9) vs (6) anoneeemouse
ooo_u_tap_2 vs just_lucky (sub 08/01)
gillings (10) vs (5) r08
(sub) jittzdulay vs moonbeam06

Deadline: 18/01/15
Format: 5 x 8us, 9us and 8uk
Posts: 4,231
15:43 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
OLD Fixture Set 2: Any Updates?

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (13) vs (12) Revolution

(swp) hippesville (4) vs (2) sillybilly
(+)(s) ooo_u_tap_2/jittzdulay vs marblewood
(s) gillings (3) vs (3) vlad_putin
(swp) friendyboy (2) vs (4) communist
(s)dgeneratio (4) vs 3) veyron

Sev7n 'n' Deadly (17) vs (14) Pool Poises - Complete (W)

friendyboy (1) vs (5) dazpolz
hippesville (6) vs (1) funky_king(swp)
lfc12 (4) vs (2) cannibals (swp)
(sub0 dgeneratio (3) vs (3) andyw1
mirrr (3) vs (3) kingdadcool (swp)

SL: 2 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (bonus points for GB's & R/outs)

Mike said he has it arranged for tonight with ooo_u_tap_2
Deleted User
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15:49 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay thanks for that.
Deleted User
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15:58 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
afternoon all
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16:14 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
afternoon all

Afternoon mate , great to see 9/16 players from the team online now (inc browsing)

Hope you are well?
Posts: 38,097
16:18 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
14:17 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
14:09 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
13:15 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
11:54 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
10:52 Sun 11/01/15
8 Ball Pool UK - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!

And my 200th 7 ball to you all
Deleted User
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16:32 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wowza awesome stuff James!'re on fire mate!
Posts: 38,097
16:35 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers well done on your draw too

UK was never my speciality but found a break what works at last
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16:36 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers well done on your draw too

UK was never my speciality but found a break what works at last

Oh crap - I better move you from mini golf too 8uk then for the GSC match.
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16:40 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tappy 3-3 marblewood

8 ball 1-1
I was really unlucky first frame cleared and very unlucky to knock one of his in with the black, evened out in the 2nd frame where he cleared and very unluckily snookered himself on the black.

9 ball 0-2
Over in a flash, been practising a runout break and got it perfect except snookered lol so he cleared and 2nd frame he did nearly the same but left me very hard positional shot which I didn't quite get so again simple clear for him

UK 2-0
I got unlucky on position to clear in one visit but lucky to leave him snookered, he had 7 balls on the table to hit though and leave me stuffed but gave me 2 shots so I finished.
2nd frame was really excellent clear to clinch the draw.

He moaned about luck at the end but I think it was definitely even if anything more bad luck to me, also talking through every shot of mine especially the important ones so I waited on the last black till he had done it before banging it in.
Good player though, happy to get the draw and the win in the tie
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16:44 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Tappin on your own shoulders you do more briliant than playin, glad its done..
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16:44 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
GREAT Result mate - very fine draw against a very good player, more importantly you've won the TEAM the match overall, so a massive thank you and well played to win the 8uk 2-0 in very telling times.

A lot of credit must go to Revolution, they performed very well and are unfortunate to lose. That being said those 2 points Alex won vs communist just go to show how crucial EVERY point won is.

It's a TEAM event and delighted to a part of this one. Let's keep it going and remember to enjoy yourselves.

Posts: 38,097
16:48 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
and my runout vs veyron

Well done all
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16:49 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
talking through every shot of mine especially the important ones so


i hardly spoke

and in the 8US you talked in my shot at the 8 by swearin fs

silly liar
Deleted User
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16:49 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
and my runout vs veyron

Well done all

That too matey - cracking result that were too - I mentioned Alex as he were the only one to lose, he'll kill me for mentioning it lol
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16:53 Sun 11 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fixture Set 2 Summary: P6 W5 D1 L0

FCL: 1 Match
vs Pocket Dynamos (Won: 88-32)

FBL: 2 Matches
vs FPD (Won: 14-2)
vs Pocket Dynamos (Won: 12-4)

SL: Annihil-8 - (1 Match)
vs Uprising (Drew: 16-16)
SL: Sev7n 'n'n Deadly (2-Matches)
vs Pool Poises (Won: 17-14)
vs Revolution (WON: 16-15)
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XVth Man : T'is the Season to be Jolly & Share...Just NOT OUR thread! :)

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