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XVth Man: Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

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19:23 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
two teams.... but id put the better players in 1 team for a better chance to beat the likes of the pros ... but if not just mix the 2 teams up for everyone to get a game
Posts: 66
19:27 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well said trats put the best in one and the others on one
Posts: 433
19:27 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
two teams.... but id put the better players in 1 team for a better chance to beat the likes of the pros ... but if not just mix the 2 teams up for everyone to get a game

If I get picked for 2nd team I quit!
Deleted User
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19:29 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
two teams.... but id put the better players in 1 team for a better chance to beat the likes of the pros ... but if not just mix the 2 teams up for everyone to get a game

I actually agree with this idea, have a little reservation about players feeling not good enough for A team but I also think we don't happen to have any players here based on their own ego. We could change the line-ups according to form and not just capability that will give everyone the incentive and option to play for the A team.

All our players are great otherwise we wouldn't have signed them too, so EVERYONE will be played in a side.
Posts: 66
19:29 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who is the top players though?
Deleted User
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19:38 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who is the top players though?

Team A (best) would be probably this:

Deleted User
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19:58 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
best way to try and push the big teams... but not bothered either way
Deleted User
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21:16 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
My list above is just a rough idea - happen to think all our players on their day are capable to be in team A or B.

Me and Alex do not mind being in Team B that being said
Deleted User
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21:58 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Soooo majority of the team want 2 sides in the SL so that's what we will do.

We have 14 players - could split 7/7 - Team names instead of A & B - bit more creative than that lol.

7 x Ghouls & Ghosts
7 x Beasts and Darkhorses (iam_me's idea)
7 & Deadly (DEAD7Y) & ?
7 Deadly Cues - 7 Scratch(masters)
7 'n' Deadly & Simply 7
Match 7 (as in the Mach 5-7 blades) -
Hustled @ 7

Any more ideas?

Or we could split only 10/14 to sides as and have the remaining 4 as subs for Either side, that allowing more flexibility?

Edited at 22:10 Mon 24/11/14 (GMT)
Posts: 19,967
22:10 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you get a drop out you could be 6's and 7's , and apt name if you don't know your best side
Deleted User
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22:15 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol nice one Zante.

More like: @6's N @7's

Edited at 20:19 Mon 24/11/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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23:04 Mon 24 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Two unnamed sides entered so far for SL
Posts: 1,111
00:59 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sad to see the game decline as it has, remember getting to virt and 1st in 9 ball couple of years back, now get to 800 + rank and your in the top 10 at least
Deleted User
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01:09 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sad to see the game decline as it has, remember getting to virt and 1st in 9 ball couple of years back, now get to 800 + rank and your in the top 10 at least

It's the ranking system too mate. Well done.
Posts: 1,111
01:10 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah true, was nice to see a lot more competition from so many people though
Deleted User
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02:26 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
XVth (15th) Man - Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

1. _aquarius12_ (Co-Captain)
2. friendyboy (Co-Captain)
3. lfc12 (Vice Captain)
4. joeyy (Vice Captain)
5. crazykid -
6. __emz__ ???
7. _astonished_ ???
8. myrddin
9. emerged
10. legend_pot
11. trats
12. iam_me
13. vlad_putin
14. get_up
15. the__priest

These are in no particular order btw,

We appear to have 2 players offline a fair few days - during the season we need everyone active and good communication. This is the problem with having only 14 players...BUT...WE can and WILL make it work. Please welcome the__priest to the team too, very reliable, very good consistent player and once again versatile. The 3 core ingredients we have tried to sign with every player.

Were great to see about 30 mins ago 9 players form our 14 all online...keep that up guys.

Edited at 02:13 Tue 25/11/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
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02:33 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Friendly

XVth Man (57) vs (33) Baize Burners

crazykid (11) vs (4) marquis
vlad_putin vs jitzzdulay
friendyboy (10) vs (5) dunkyfool
lfc12 (12) vs (3) buzzboxxuk
__emz__/legend_pot/joeyy vs drewdt3
get_up (3) vs (12) kris
emerged (9) vs (6) communist
iam_me (12) vs (3) todd2000

Format: 5 x 8us, 9us & 8uk - (In any order, up to yourselves)

Deadline: N/A (try get them played though

** let's get this completed ASAP, if you haven't played feel free sub yoursen in **
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:33 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Friendly

XVth Man (7) vs (8) Pool Sharks (inc TBC)

8us: get_up (2) vs (0) keaneo16 (5-3)
8us: trats (1) vs (1) _psmon_ (4-4)

9us: vlad_putin_ (0) vs (2) conch212 (1-5)
9us: crazykid (2) vs (0) ronalddw (7-1)

8uk: friendyboy (0) vs (2) kingdadcool (3-5)
8uk: emerged (0) vs (2) andyw1 (3-5)

Straight: legend_pot (1) vs (0) tronk789 (1-0 TBC)
Straight: iam_me (1) vs (1) flukealot

Deadline: N/A - Let's get some of these played, good luck and have fun.

8 frames of the game type OR 2 frames of Straight.

All down to legend_pot to get a draw. Fair result.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:35 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
*** Let's TRY get this underway please too, internal competition just to kill some time. ***

Now we have a Full Team we can set up two sides and play them vs each other.

TEAM A: legend_pot, crazykid, joeyy, _aquarius12_, get_up, __emz__, vlad_putin

TEAM B: trats, iam_me, lfc12, friendyboy, skyblade, emerged, _astonished_

Both teams drawn at random by myself and John tonight.


Fixtures Drawn:

get_up (9) vs (4) friendyboy (swp) - 1 7 balling (get_up) (3 points Team A)
_aquarius12_ (8) vs (4) myrddin (2-2, 2-2. 4-0 - no events)
crazykid (7) vs (8) iam_me (swp) - 2 B/Points (crazykid) - 1 B/Point (iam_me) - (3 Points Team B)
vlad_putin (9) vs (4) emerged - 1 GB (9us - emerged) (3 Points Team A)

legend_pot (12) vs (3) trats - 3 B/Points (3 Points Team A)
get_up vs lfc12
joeyy vs _astonished_


3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw for your team, plus 1 bonus point per event (including 7 Ballings.)

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us and 8uk (any order)

Team A: 12 (45)
Team B: 3 (19)

Edited at 01:31 Tue 25/11/14 (GMT)
Posts: 66
02:38 Tue 25 Nov 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
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XVth Man: Luck Takes No Prisoners!!!

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