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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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Posts: 9,926
03:53 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlucky u2
Posts: 9,926
03:53 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Uprising 34 v 26 Unbeatables

dv8 v mrmagic
cgibson92 v greyhound
davybaumers v joeyy
pirate_steve (12) v (3) turtle1560
derik_dalton (6) v (9) hippesville
sharky89 v _egotistical
r1p0m4n_v2 (9) v (6) franer_
clifton188 (7) v (8) braveheart

DEADLINE: 5/10/14
Posts: 9,926
03:53 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League - Fixture Set 5

Unbeatables A 17 v 29 Black Scorpions A

lateo1993 (5) v (7) w_hoolahan
poolbiird (4) v (8) silenthill
joeyy(4) v (8) shadwell17
hippesville (4) v (6) 2awesome2win TBC

Unbeatables B 18 v 19 Pocket Dynamos

crazzymadman (3) v (9) askingfan
franer_ (8) v (4) attainable
t1pster (7) v (6) blueberry
_egotistical v punkpoet

Unbeatables B 18 v 7 Black Scorpions B

turtle1560 (10) v (3) triple_b
franer_ (8) v (4) lfc12
_marc_ v mikeybboy
braveheart v mirrr

Deadline: Sunday 5th October

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 00:38 Sun 28/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
03:54 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup Semi Final

The Professionals 10 v 4 Unbeatables

FCL beenjammin(8) v (4) greyhound
FCL the_only_ego (3) v (8) turtle1560
SL mattywellie (6) v (6) mrmagic
SL scott7a (8) v (4) poolbiird
US8 miss_harriet (6) v (3) horse10000
US9 m0nster (6) v (6) hippesville
UK8 barkley20 v lateo1993
Straight dvz (3) v (1) franer_

Deadline 28th September

FCL and SL normal format applies
10 racks of US8, 12 Racks of US9, 10 Racks of UK8 and 4 Racks of Straight

Edited by forum moderator horse10000, at 00:38 Sun 28/09/14 (BST)
Posts: 9,926
03:54 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

mrmagic v legend_pot

Deadline: Sunday 5th October
Posts: 27
15:32 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive messaged 2Pac with no reply and posted on Black Scorpions thread with no joy.
Posts: 543
23:41 Sat 27 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
cup match

greyhound v beenjammin

2 v 3 8ball
2 v 3 9ball
0 v 2 uk
4 v 8 overall
very well played ggs
Posts: 13,570
01:54 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ive messaged 2Pac with no reply and posted on Black Scorpions thread with no joy.

Been there,
Done that,
Had to deal with,
A funky-prat,
Then a wee angel,
So brave and with heart,
Played an amazing game of 9 Ball,
To the finish from the start! xxx

Posts: 337
03:22 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi ubs
egotistical was meant to play blueberry in FBL (and me in SL actually) thursday night but he didn't show.
deadline is looming any chance of a sub tonight when blueberry is online?

A sub for this was unnecessary. I still had over 2 days to play this.
Posts: 337
03:26 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
_egotistical v barkley20


lateo1993 v barkley20

This is unnecessary too.
Posts: 3,250
03:26 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi ubs
egotistical was meant to play blueberry in FBL (and me in SL actually) thursday night but he didn't show.
deadline is looming any chance of a sub tonight when blueberry is online?

A sub for this was unnecessary. I still had over 2 days to play this.

Deadline for the match is tomorrow week, for some reason i thought it was tomorrow aswell. You're still in the match anyways so you still have a week to get it done
Posts: 337
03:27 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I meant the one with blueberry.
Posts: 3,250
03:29 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
oh that.. lol my bad.

As for the one with barkley, if you're on tomorrow you can try get it done, keep an eye out for barkley20 and trickster as i doubt matty would mind either one of them playing the game
Posts: 7,297
03:32 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL - Black scorpions B vs UB B

2pac_rulez vs braveheart

is now :

mirrr vs braveheart
Posts: 2,717
03:32 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
reverse it then..simple.
Posts: 9,926
03:33 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
horse10000 3 - 6 miss_harriet

Was good games i was 3-2 up when i was on a clear and fouled the black but take nothing away from her she played well

Good games
Posts: 337
03:35 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Na, it's fine. Keep me out of fixtures from now on, I'm not cut out for this arranging times to log on to a computer. I come on for a spare hour or two when I have some spare time but that's it.
Posts: 9,926
03:35 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
ego you wouldn't have been subbed out but deadline is tomorrow and you had been offline for 4 days and we didn't know if you would be back on in time to play them or not.
Posts: 337
03:39 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Aye I understand that Keith. I can't be bothered with this, "egotistical was meant to be on at this time on this day" and being asked what time "I am usually on at". I realise a lot of folk can work like that, I cannot.
Posts: 9,926
03:43 Sun 28 Sept 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Aye I understand that Keith. I can't be bothered with this, "I was meant to be on at this time" and "I

I have no problem with players who play games when they can mate and i take no notice when others post he said he would be on at this time etc, clans are fun we all have more important things in our lifes than here, i leave games as long as i can and then i sub or swap, i never worry about any of our players if they play or not...............clans are supposed to be fun
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The Unbeatables - another thread!!!

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