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The Professionals - FCL and FBL Champions

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Posts: 3,250
02:50 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So my unbeaten season continues. If any team would like to put up a worthwhile opponent it would be much appreciated

haha, humble as always sam
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04:04 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap_alot (8) - (7) attainable

im_crap_alot (2) - (3) attainable (8US)
im_crap_alot (3) - (2) attainable (9US)
im_crap_alot (3) - (2) attainable (8UK)

What to say, was playing good before the match and then suddenly nothing. Didn't do much wrong in 8US apart from one or two stupid shots, Ray played well and cleared up great though. 9US was more or less the same, both played some nice shots, in the end i fluked the last frame with a 2 - 9 combination. UK was horrible by me as per but i played some nice shots in some frames, had to resort to dirty tactics in the last frame as i clipped his ball and it ruined the path i was going to take, he potted it though and unfortunately for him he slow balled on the black and i cleared for the overall win.

Disappointed in the way i played to be honest, felt like i was at 60/70%. Ray played very well though and got two seven ballings and a run out in the games, Very nice guy and a pleasure to play, good luck with your season bud.
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05:37 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Super League

im_crap_alot (8) - (4) franer_

im_crap_alot (3) - (1) franer_ (8US)
im_crap_alot (3) - (1) franer_ (9US)
im_crap_alot (2) - (2) franer_ (8UK)

Strangest game ever, both myself and Fran just couldn't find any decent form at all, scoreline does not reflect how close all the games actually where. I fluked a black in 8US which we agreed looked stylish We both had some moments of nice play but in the end my clearing up was more clinical. Was a good laugh though and enjoyed the games with Fran. All the best for the season mate good games.
Posts: 3,072
05:52 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
wd ladies :@)
Posts: 4,230
05:59 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
wd ladies :@)

gotta love that comment lol
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16:01 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Black Scorpions (10) vs (5) The Professionals

_huts24 vs beenjammin
w_hoolahan (10) vs (5) dvz
2awesome2win vs m0nster
raker vs mattywellie
lfc12 vs scott7a
silenthill vs trickster
ub3rnator vs _wales_lad_
triple_b vs miss_harriet

The Professionals (17) v (13) Pocket Dynamos

liam_scfc v fastboysam
barkley20 (9) v (6) blueberry
_redherring_ v welshgizy19
sixty_plus v snoox
davey_1985 v garethclin
brettavit01 v the__king
im_crap_alot (8) v (7) attainable
miss_harriet v jasonb

Deadline 7th Sept

Edited at 13:06 Tue 26/08/14 (BST)
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16:05 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 2

The Professionals (13) v (1) Pocket Dynamos
8 US
miss_harriet (2) v (0) welshgizy19
beenjammin (2) v (0) onevisit
9 US
mattywellie (2) v (0) attainable
m0nster (2) v (0) snoox
8 UK
barkley20 (1) v (1) buckjam
liam_scfc (2) v (0) ang3l
dvz (2)v (0) punkpoet
trickster v garethclin

The Professionals (8) vs (0) wolf pack

scott7a (2) v (0) psych_pro
brettavit01 v gfgfdsg
davey_1985 v sfk9
im_crap_alot (2) v (0) egghead
mattywellie (2) v (0) deano1888
trickster (2) v (0) kaperisk
sixty_plus v rossunited
_wales_lad_ v alex_lewis

Deadline 31st august
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16:11 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  

FIXTURE SET 3 (24/8/14 to 7/9/14)

The Professionals A Vs Unbeatables B

dvz vs turtle1560
trickster vs _niall_
beenjammin vs t1pster
_wales_lad_ vs _egotistical

The Professionals B Vs Uprising

m0nster vs cgibson92
mattywellie vs sharky89
scott7a vs pirate_steve
miss_harriet vsderik_dalton

The Professionals A (7) vs (5) Black Scorpions B

sixty_plus vs mikeybboy
_redherring_ vs triple_b
brettavit01 vs run_outt
liam_scfc (7) vs (5) walktall

The Professionals B (18) v (6) Unbeatables B

davey_1985 vs _marc_
barkley20 vs t1pster
m0nster (10) vs (2) _egotistical
im_crap_alot (8) vs (4) franer_

(24/8/14 to 7/9/14)
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16:12 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I double checked this quickly with the websites to make sure it was right, got all results like the site has (if i missed anything then its probably a sub somewhere)
Posts: 661
23:47 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
miss_harriet v jasonb

8 Ball US ~ 5 - 0

9 Ball US ~ 4 - 1

8 Ball UK ~ 3 - 2


I had a runout, nothnig special really. ggs
Posts: 19,819
23:57 Tue 26 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey fellas bretavit is offline 6 days soon to be 7 I reckon, do you know when he will be online, or could you give us a sub
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00:01 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey fellas bretavit is offline 6 days soon to be 7 I reckon, do you know when he will be online, or could you give us a sub

there wont be a sub mate fixtures came out yesterday i have spoke to him on snooker.
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00:10 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship Round 2

miss_harriet vs gfgfdsg
m0nster vs zantetsukenz
_wales_lad_ vs garethclin
mattywellie vs jasonb
dvz vs egghead
trickster vs kaperisk
beenjammin vs jimmyd_86

Bye to next round : scott7a

Deadline 7/9/14
Posts: 661
00:32 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
miss_harriet v derik_dalton

8 Ball US ~ 5 - 0 + Runout for me

9 Ball US ~ 1 - 3 + GB for derik

8 Ball UK ~ 3 - 1

9 - 5

I had a runout in 8 US, and played well. In 9 ball, nothing went for me, and he got a GB. Felt a tad hard done by, as he probably did in8 US. Nothnig special in UK. ggs gl
Posts: 661
00:59 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
triple_b vs miss_harriet

Started, but triple's laptop was playing up. We're playing Sunday

I'm 1-0 atm
Posts: 5,821
02:14 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey matt u pal ash has deactivated
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02:59 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
davey 5 vs 8 marc

8us 3-1 him
9us 3-1 him
8uk 3-2 me (runout me)

Still searching for a win this season even when im playing pretty well i cant seem to shake this run of bad luck.. not as bad as previous games but still there abit.. He played pretty well clearing at every chance he got. score could of been either way round really. Think that gives us enough lead to win the fixture but frustrating season so far for me
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03:09 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Points are points mate!

Nice wins there Miss
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03:21 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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03:22 Wed 27 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
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The Professionals - FCL and FBL Champions

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