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Fixture tagging

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Deleted User
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15:06 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
But the point is ash you tag the opposition, not your own team so notify your own team not everyone else.

And chappy that is idiotic. So teams that get no defaults get member tagged all the time to remind them but your team is ok? That why so many people been k your thread asking for subs? Why not just all agree to not tag, it is absolutely pointless.

When you captain your own team, you can choose to tag or not people, until then, your point is moot.
another idiotic comment, I get tagged so I completely have a valid reason for raising this. I also never said a crisis but when you hold every other team in such low esteem when in fact your team are no saints perhaps you should tag your own team also.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:10 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:12 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Being part of a clan brings its own responsibilities, one being Each player on the team we expect to refer to the teams thread for fixtures, results, notices etc.

I see where you are coming from as the opposition should do and expect the same BUT we can only be responsible for our own players. A one off notification from the initial fixture release won't hurt anyone and brings all players from both teams up to the same speed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:14 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
tbh i find it annoying being tagged 50 times day which most of you captains do do, why when u update do u need to post all the fixtures again instead of just updating once a day :S is stupid.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:14 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I know that's the easy option matty but the actual reason for tagging is stupid it turns out. There is no need for a captain to tag the opposition 6 times a day without tagging their own team. I am making the point that this could quite easily stop as easily it is for me to post please stop.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:14 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:15 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Pros update fixtures once every 5 days but we still know when we are winning ;)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:16 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I know that's the easy option matty but the actual reason for tagging is stupid it turns out. There is no need for a captain to tag the opposition 6 times a day without tagging their own team. I am making the point that this could quite easily stop as easily it is for me to post please stop.

yeah i understand i do updates once a day and its a gentle reminder really to both my team and the opposition there is games to be played thats the only reason i do it once a day i don't need to do it 50 times a day though thats annoying.
Posts: 6,417
15:17 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
But the point is ash you tag the opposition, not your own team so notify your own team not everyone else.

And chappy that is idiotic. So teams that get no defaults get member tagged all the time to remind them but your team is ok? That why so many people been k your thread asking for subs? Why not just all agree to not tag, it is absolutely pointless.

When you captain your own team, you can choose to tag or not people, until then, your point is moot.
another idiotic comment, I get tagged so I completely have a valid reason for raising this. I also never said a crisis but when you hold every other team in such low esteem when in fact your team are no saints perhaps you should tag your own team also.

Cheers, that way everytime he opens that spoiler he can remind that he owes me a premium membership lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:18 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...
but why tag me? I haven't had a default for god knows how long and it wasn't my fault when I did, I don't need tagged. Why are you not grasping this? You look after your own team and let the captain's look after theirs. Why should I post six times a fortnight when you could, even easier, not tag?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:18 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...

i understand johns point as when my daughter was born and i wasn't getting a lot of sleep i didn't want to be getting tagged at 4 in the morning for fixture updates which were happening every single captain knew this yet STILL did it .. if the captains know u don't want to be tagged they shouldn't tag u .. its not like the tag every name together they have to do it individually.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:21 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...

i understand johns point as when my daughter was born and i wasn't getting a lot of sleep i didn't want to be getting tagged at 4 in the morning for fixture updates which were happening every single captain knew this yet STILL did it .. if the captains know u don't want to be tagged they shouldn't tag u .. its not like the tag every name together they have to do it individually.

Matty, in the past, you have asked me to untag you, it took you 30 seconds to do it, and 10 seconds for me to remove the tag, no time at all.

I understand that some people prefer not be tagged, but it only takes half a minute to ask them to untag it.

In the time he has spent writing on this thread, he could have emailed every captain in clans, and asked them to avoid tagging him in the future...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:21 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...
but why tag me? I haven't had a default for god knows how long and it wasn't my fault when I did, I don't need tagged. Why are you not grasping this? You look after your own team and let the captain's look after theirs. Why should I post six times a fortnight when you could, even easier, not tag?

john i do agree with you fully that if you don't want to be tagged you shouldn't be tagged but now captains know this maybe they will stop ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:22 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
John why don't u do what i do .. when teams tag u just tell them you know u have a game so can they untag u i do it every fixture set and people majority of the time untag me you obviously get the odd moron that carries on but hey thats tools for ya.

Already suggested that to him, he thinks its a stupid idea to have to captains to untag him from a whole 6 fixtures a fortnight...

i understand johns point as when my daughter was born and i wasn't getting a lot of sleep i didn't want to be getting tagged at 4 in the morning for fixture updates which were happening every single captain knew this yet STILL did it .. if the captains know u don't want to be tagged they shouldn't tag u .. its not like the tag every name together they have to do it individually.

Matty, in the past, you have asked me to untag you, it took you 30 seconds to do it, and 10 seconds for me to remove the tag, no time at all.

I understand that some people prefer not be tagged, but it only takes half a minute to ask them to untag it.

In the time he has spent writing on this thread, he could have emailed every captain in clans, and asked them to avoid tagging him in the future...

what I'm saying is if captains already know that person doesn't need/want to be tagged they could take ten less seconds and not do it ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:24 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Apart from brand new clans I have posted on every thread in the past asking to be untagged.........

Kinda moots your point chappy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:28 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I obviously will no longer tag him, but then will have to get a list of people that do not like being tagged?

Will more people crawl out of the woodwork and demand that they are not tagged either?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:29 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Apart from brand new clans I have posted on every thread in the past asking to be untagged.........

Kinda moots your point chappy.

If you can find when you posted on my thread, since I took over control of my clan, then I will eat some humble pie, but I only know of Matty not liking to be tagged, as he asked me before to leave him untagged, which i obliged with no fuss due to the manners he used.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I obviously will no longer tag him, but then will have to get a list of people that do not like being tagged?

Will more people crawl out of the woodwork and demand that they are not tagged either?
I sure there will be plenty. Although if they demand, unlike I did, perhaps they shouldn't be untagged.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:30 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well I obviously will no longer tag him, but then will have to get a list of people that do not like being tagged?

Will more people crawl out of the woodwork and demand that they are not tagged either?

lol come on jamie it aint hard to remember who doesn't wana get tagged there isn't that many people but what u have to remember is there are reasons for a lot of peoples i know john has his reasons just like i did buddy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:34 Mon 4 Aug 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't mind being tagged :) and I don't know why any of you dislike being tagged lol its not like it interferes in your life

P.S I cba to read up about this shizzz
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