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Vote now for your team of the season for the season ending now!

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Posts: 7,324
00:21 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,971
00:49 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Some people not quite seeing the point in this etc, as predicted from when I created it.

But here's mine, no particular order:

Posts: 7,324
01:56 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

I'll do a proper one later

Edited at 23:03 Fri 23/05/14 (BST)
Posts: 492
02:08 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
can't deny that ^^^^^^

ggs ul wp
Posts: 11,489
02:24 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Agree with most of michs words...

it is people just naming 16 players they think is best season...Thats why the GC is there..

otherwise..its just a ego boost..well said.

anyway i choose

and all the underdog team for still battling on.

cheers we try are best
Posts: 785
04:43 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The GC is just a good way to look at who has played the best this season, without the GC up on show, how would uprising players know how well players in Professionals have done for example?

I agree with mich, players who post their 16 top players this season are chosen due to favouritism and relationships.

Harry chose erigert because they are very well known friends, krazyash_07 chose 3 players in his own clan, due to being friends.

Maybe you should have changed the wording of this thread Harry, to name players who ain't in the same clan.

Also Ash as mich said i deserve to be in your top 16 more than precision, thanatos and friendyboy. FCL% better an all that.

You'll have to learn me what consistency means, because i've played every clan game possible this season, and i've finished the season unbeaten in FBL, FCL % fairly good too.

If thats not consistency I don't know what is.

Cheers for the mentions though (ash, mich)

But really this thread just means favouritism and relationships.

Sorry harry.
Posts: 2,717
05:09 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a funny one...harry made this thread..but ash posted his 16 on his thread 43 minutes b4 harry made the thread..whos thread is it
Deleted User
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05:18 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just a funny one...harry made this thread..but ash posted his 16 on his thread 43 minutes b4 harry made the thread..whos thread is it

LOL - it's Harrys thread mate, we were discussing the idea via FB but I decided post mine on Phoenix thread to show chuffed with some of my players. (Well ALL of them but I'm not biased would have selected whole lot if were).

I forgot you, my apologies, you would definitely be in the 16.
Deleted User
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05:18 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the awards that i was trying to do last year are a much better representation as there is categories ..... so silent_hill may of got a mention in certain categories clan teams mean nothing in this way
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:36 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the awards that i was trying to do last year are a much better representation as there is categories ..... so silent_hill may of got a mention in certain categories clan teams mean nothing in this way

Let's do yours then, this were just something Harry wanted to try.
Posts: 785
10:40 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So instead of creating a funkypool awards thread at the end of every year, why not also make one for every clan season ending?

Or better still wipe out funkypool awards every year completely. The best players on here will always get the same mentions every year no matter what thread its in anyway.
Posts: 6,417
11:05 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Harry chose erigert because they are very well known friends,

i dont know where and when this came out
Deleted User
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11:09 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
So instead of creating a funkypool awards thread at the end of every year, why not also make one for every clan season ending?

Or better still wipe out funkypool awards every year completely. The best players on here will always get the same mentions every year no matter what thread its in anyway.

Yeah, it's getting boring being the worst clan player on the site now :P
Posts: 785
11:16 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
My list and this is in particular order

1. cke1982
2. jack_86
3. blackcabman7
4. powea012
5. _ice_
6. greenie1983
7. weirdo_1
8. n_robertson
9. cue_ball
10. skiller10
11. aces_back
12. puddling
13. t1pster
14. w_hoolahan
15. winkers
16. emmajackson

Anyone with any complaints, feel free to offline message me
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:30 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
My list and this is in particular order

1. cke1982
2. jack_86
3. blackcabman7
4. powea012
5. _ice_
6. greenie1983
7. weirdo_1
8. n_robertson
9. cue_ball
10. skiller10
11. aces_back
12. puddling
13. t1pster
14. w_hoolahan
15. winkers
16. emmajackson

Anyone with any complaints, feel free to offline message me
as this is being done on a vote system......I second every one of these votes.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:11 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 11:01 Sat 24/05/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:48 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I vote for

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:33 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
My list and this is in particular order

1. cke1982
2. jack_86
3. blackcabman7
4. powea012
5. _ice_
6. greenie1983
7. weirdo_1
8. n_robertson
9. cue_ball
10. skiller10
11. aces_back
12. puddling
13. t1pster
14. w_hoolahan
15. winkers
16. emmajackson

Anyone with any complaints, feel free to offline message me
as this is being done on a vote system......I second every one of these votes.

I'd swap hoolahoop for hardy.
Posts: 19,819
21:36 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Some of the names mentioned so far are quite funny.

All this is, is a big fat ego boost for some people, and a lot of lists are biased.

For example...

Thanatos and precision (as much as I love them) and friendyboy have lower %'s(FCL) than silenthill, long_pot and askingfan.

There are never gonna be any true unbiased lists on the threads like these really. Just people picking other people in their team or their mates.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Edited at 20:55 Fri 23/05/14 (BST)

Plus no one mentioned liam__scfc who has abetter % in both FCL and FBL than most have.

Edited at 20:57 Fri 23/05/14 (BST)

So you are saying people are biased against PDs lol
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:49 Sat 24 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Some of the names mentioned so far are quite funny.

All this is, is a big fat ego boost for some people, and a lot of lists are biased.

For example...

Thanatos and precision (as much as I love them) and friendyboy have lower %'s(FCL) than silenthill, long_pot and askingfan.

There are never gonna be any true unbiased lists on the threads like these really. Just people picking other people in their team or their mates.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

Edited at 20:55 Fri 23/05/14 (BST)

Plus no one mentioned liam__scfc who has abetter % in both FCL and FBL than most have.

Edited at 20:57 Fri 23/05/14 (BST)

So you are saying people are biased against PDs lol

No they were just examples I am saying people are only looking at their own team and mates and the top 2 or 3 teams.
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