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Deleted User
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19:18 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
3/10 you're slipping.
Posts: 6,417
19:31 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wait a second you guys are talking to ash and saying he is on too much, i would say i am on more than Ash , and yes the Co-Captain is hard to keep up with. Don't slate Ash , he is a good guy. I know i don't like Ash arguing but why does everyone seem to provoke the guy to comment?

Please can we all stop bickering and all make peace

Considering he is in every argument this site has, i dont think it is others fault provoking him. He just loves arguments, thats why he reply to every post he sees on the site

Personally, if i see someone provoking me i wouldnt care bout him and i would go on with my life (no need to reply to his posts). At the end of the day its just an online game lol.
True but is it fair he always gets outnumbered , i know some people in this one have stuck up for him , and i know i was against him on Baize Burners page but is it fair?

He is outnumbered because he provokes other people and than plays the victim as an innocent little guy. He has done it with 90% of this site. Even in this case if u read back u will see who started all this debate. For me he simply remains a hypocrite, other things he say and other things he does. I hope i was clear enough

P.s I used to support him too before his hipocrisy got on me
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:47 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think that's a little harsh but you're entitled to your opinion.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:59 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would say 90% was generous. I find your private messages telling me you dont want to have any further fights on here and wanting to try get along funny!! you're actively seeking fights!!

How's your health by the way? You haven't hinted much you are not well. I take that with a pinch of salt though seeing how when I'm not well I stay clear of fights and arguments. You however start more. How odd!!
Posts: 19,967
20:17 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wait a second you guys are talking to ash and saying he is on too much, i would say i am on more than Ash , and yes the Co-Captain is hard to keep up with. Don't slate Ash , he is a good guy. I know i don't like Ash arguing but why does everyone seem to provoke the guy to comment?

Please can we all stop bickering and all make peace

Considering he is in every argument this site has, i dont think it is others fault provoking him. He just loves arguments, thats why he reply to every post he sees on the site

Personally, if i see someone provoking me i wouldnt care bout him and i would go on with my life (no need to reply to his posts). At the end of the day its just an online game lol.
True but is it fair he always gets outnumbered , i know some people in this one have stuck up for him , and i know i was against him on Baize Burners page but is it fair?

Read back the last page, he attacked someone who attempted to defend him and reduced things to name calling. A lot of the time it seems like two different people posting. Sometimes keeps his nose clean, sometimes seeks trouble (and half the time he tries to end things by taking the moral high ground with pride, kinda seems childish).
Posts: 10,109
20:26 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Read back the last page, he attacked someone who attempted to defend him and reduced things to name calling. A lot of the time it seems like two different people posting. Sometimes keeps his nose clean, sometimes seeks trouble (and half the time he tries to end things by taking the moral high ground with pride, kinda seems childish).

You missed out misquoting Shakespears Sister! lol

Seriously though - let's drag this back on topic! A 2 week deadline is plenty of time to play an FCL match, at any time of the year. If your players can't get their games played during a holiday, then they won't be completing many games throughout the rest of the season!
Posts: 3,846
14:04 Tue 2 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Where do all the players go in this busy festive period, cos i for one when off work see more old players on here at xmas, plus majority as faust stated even if they could afford it wouldnt be able to party every single day of the week, a possible 5 perecent of all clan players and thats being generous, would be going away for a period of 3 days or more, the rest will be just going out , have a few busy days round 25th, and rest er time will be filled by over eating, drinking in house, and odd day at cousins etc......, just extend deadline for whinghers , and im sure there will be no probs getting games played, infact id say if there was plenty of time b4 the busty period id say most would be played b4 hand
Posts: 7,974
02:55 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

I'll give you 5/10 for that, not as good as fatmikees, keep trying, you'll get there.

Awwww, you tried SO hard with your punctuation there. Can you spot what you missed, and also what you used unnecessarily?

lol says morris the dancer
no need for any punctuation

lmao god your one funny guy
spent the night getting ready for a gig
lol naaaaaaaaaaaa about 2 mins

your so funny, teaching people how to spell and pronounce words
shame your signing isn't up to those glorious standards

now that's well funny
anyone want a link to the English teachers morris dancing youtube clips

ha ha ha ha ha
jesus I love reading your posts taking the mick out of peoples English

your so so so funny

Posted Image

way to go stu
Posts: 7,974
02:55 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry for my post
but hey
it was defo on topic
Posts: 10,109
12:06 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry for my post
but hey
it was defo on topic

Yet again Craig, you made yourself look foolish with a post that Alan Turing couldn't decipher.

"My signing isn't up to those glorious standards?" - Which signing? Sam's our only signing this season, and he's up to any standard you want to set.

"your so funny, teaching people how to spell and pronounce words" - didn't actually tell anyone how to pronounce anything. How can I hear how someone pronounced a word in text?

"no need for any punctuation" - Your post if proof beyond proof that there IS a need, as it's incomprehensible! I love a bit of banter, but trying to work out the content of your remedial level posts gives me a headache.

As for the band, we're a comedy band that tries to look as stupid as possible - and you're trying to take the mick out of us for looking stupid. Can you see how ridiculous that is? For the record, we're after some actual morris dancers outfits if anyone knows where there's some going cheap, And and our next gig we're wearing lederhosen. Feel free to come and see us, I'll give you a warm welcome.

Way to go Craig!
Posts: 7,974
12:07 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yupzzzz you noticed well heyyyy
Posts: 10,109
12:08 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yupzzzz you noticed well heyyyy

Another highly intellectual post Craig. You're doing well for quantity, even if the quality is lacking.
Posts: 7,974
12:10 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
yupzzzz you noticed well heyyyy

Another highly intellectual post Craig. You're doing well for quantity, even if the quality is lacking.

always looking down and insulting people keep it going morris

maybe get back on topic now
your one funny guy when your not being rude to people
your band says it all

anyway enough im off now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:25 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
So... Back to the morris dancing!

Sounds epic, we used to have some who came to our local once a month and just took the mick out of themselves for an hour, had the pub in stitches and left us all feeling happy

Keep it up Stu!
Posts: 19,967
13:32 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Someone get the Rosetta Stone, we need some translation
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:25 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
The or just 'Rosetta Stone'

Edited at 13:39 Wed 03/12/14 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:40 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rosetta Stone is the language learning software.
The Rosetta Stone is written in Egyptian and Greek using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). It's also in the British Museum.

The 'The' cancelled out your true meaning.
the rosetta stone was and still is seen as a marvel as it translated the same information in three languages so all could understand. If you didn't understand you would go to the rosetta stone to get it translated as you would understand.

The reason the Rosetta Stone software is called so is because THE rosetta stone was the place to go for translations and they see this and used the name.

Again trying to show how clever you are and getting it oh so wrong.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:44 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Einstein my point were the use of the little word 'THE' took his statement out of context to the actual meaning.

IF had just written 'Rosetta Stone' then that would have been plausible and correct.

Good to see you read the Wikipedia page - 2.5/5 for effort.

They were wrote in Egyptian or Greek and the 3 scripts were Hieroglyphic, Demotic and Greek so, once again rendered useless and inadequate.

Edited at 13:48 Wed 03/12/14 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
15:45 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Rosetta Stone is the language learning software.
The Rosetta Stone is written in Egyptian and Greek using three scripts (hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). It's also in the British Museum.

The 'The' cancelled out your true meaning.
the rosetta stone was and still is seen as a marvel as it translated the same information in three languages so all could understand. If you didn't understand you would go to the rosetta stone to get it translated as you would understand.

The reason the Rosetta Stone software is called so is because THE rosetta stone was the place to go for translations and they see this and used the name.

Again trying to show how clever you are and getting it oh so wrong.

I was about to post something similar! lol You couldn't script some of these posts!
Posts: 10,109
15:46 Wed 3 Dec 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Einstein my point were the use of the little word 'THE' took his statement out of context to the actual meaning.

IF had just written 'Rosetta Stone' then that would have been plausible and correct.

Good to see you read the wikipedia page - 2.5/5 for effort.

No Ash, you are very much in the wrong. It is THE Rosetta Stone. The fact someone named their software after it, means absolutely nothing.
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