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02:11 Sat 29 Nov 14 (GMT)
Defaults should never happen if both players make an effort. In 90% of defaults it is always usually pretty clear which player has made more effort. Regardless of a players ability a default can only be done on effort as the clans involved lose the right for the game points to be awarded by the games actually being played. If it is dvz, beenjammin etc that has made no effort and their opponent has made effort for the full 2 weeks they will have earned every point that they receive in default and the pro's would get what they deserve which is nothing. The only problem this can hold is that as we use frames as the overall win these large defaults can impact on the league.......example when pros won the league because of the high defaults. The bonus points for the win tries to prevent this happening but is not perfect but it is a lot better than it was prior to them being there.
03:15 Sat 29 Nov 14 (GMT)
I never denied that defaults, the way they're currently done, can ruin frame count when it's a close race. but I'm not convinced that happened for the pros, it may have and it may not have, no one can know what pros would've scored had those games been played, but that's beside the point. My point is, it can ruin match count just the same(frames decide the matches, a default score could sway the whole match), and I've proven that with examples of possible situations. As far as any example chris has given, the same principle problem can happen in any scoring system.
You 2 keep insisting that defaults are a bigger problem in frame count vs other systems, without giving any proof of your claim.
Prefer whatever scoring system you want, but I'm not gonna sit idly and watch you and chris tell lies about my preference. I'm gonna call it what it is.
Edited at 01:21 Sat 29/11/14 (GMT)
You 2 keep insisting that defaults are a bigger problem in frame count vs other systems, without giving any proof of your claim.
Prefer whatever scoring system you want, but I'm not gonna sit idly and watch you and chris tell lies about my preference. I'm gonna call it what it is.
Edited at 01:21 Sat 29/11/14 (GMT)
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13:04 Sat 29 Nov 14 (GMT)
Simple Maths formula
Bigger problem = Frame Count (Primary Impact + Secondary Impact) > Match Count (Secondary Impact only)
You 2 keep insisting that defaults are a bigger problem in frame count vs other systems, without giving any proof of your claim.
Prefer whatever scoring system you want, but I'm not gonna sit idly and watch you and chris tell lies about my preference. I'm gonna call it what it is.
Prefer whatever scoring system you want, but I'm not gonna sit idly and watch you and chris tell lies about my preference. I'm gonna call it what it is.
Simple Maths formula
Bigger problem = Frame Count (Primary Impact + Secondary Impact) > Match Count (Secondary Impact only)
Back to my three team example
Farmers 5-4 Ploughers
Ploughers 9-0 Siloers (Siloers dont turn up for the match)
Farmers now have to beat the Siloers 9-0 to win the League otherwise the Ploughers win it without actually having beaten any other team on the baize.
If you award the 9-0 in the Match Count scenario then the Farmers still need only to win 5-4 to win the League. If they don't achieve that then on a secondary basis the Farmers are going to suffer from that default they werent involved in but at least it didnt affect what they needed to do in the first instance going into that final match. The Ploughers have not been hard done by either as they might have won 9-0 or they might not have - but they have been awarded the 9 anyway.
Farmers 5-4 Ploughers
Ploughers 9-0 Siloers (Siloers dont turn up for the match)
Farmers now have to beat the Siloers 9-0 to win the League otherwise the Ploughers win it without actually having beaten any other team on the baize.
If you award the 9-0 in the Match Count scenario then the Farmers still need only to win 5-4 to win the League. If they don't achieve that then on a secondary basis the Farmers are going to suffer from that default they werent involved in but at least it didnt affect what they needed to do in the first instance going into that final match. The Ploughers have not been hard done by either as they might have won 9-0 or they might not have - but they have been awarded the 9 anyway.
20:15 Sat 29 Nov 14 (GMT)
primary or secondary, one or both, doesn't matter.
Either a default can ruin it, or it can't.
The end result (wrong team wins) is the same. It can happen in either system, shown in my examples. The only real difference is, my example only required one default. In your latest example there are 9!?, really?, who's example do you think is more likely to happen? Not implying that 9 are required to ruin match count either, just one, in the right situation, could ruin either system.
Either a default can ruin it, or it can't.
The end result (wrong team wins) is the same. It can happen in either system, shown in my examples. The only real difference is, my example only required one default. In your latest example there are 9!?, really?, who's example do you think is more likely to happen? Not implying that 9 are required to ruin match count either, just one, in the right situation, could ruin either system.
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22:40 Sat 29 Nov 14 (GMT)
Not now, no. But lets try and find something people do care about...
primary or secondary, one or both, doesn't matter.
Either a default can ruin it, or it can't.
The end result (wrong team wins) is the same. It can happen in either system, shown in my examples. The only real difference is, my example only required one default. In your latest example there are 9!?, really?, who's example do you think is more likely to happen? Not implying that 9 are required to ruin match count either, just one, in the right situation, could ruin either system.
Either a default can ruin it, or it can't.
The end result (wrong team wins) is the same. It can happen in either system, shown in my examples. The only real difference is, my example only required one default. In your latest example there are 9!?, really?, who's example do you think is more likely to happen? Not implying that 9 are required to ruin match count either, just one, in the right situation, could ruin either system.
Does anyone else really care?
Not now, no. But lets try and find something people do care about...
We need some more team lists registering and we will also need eligible players from those team lists to populate the first FCL and SL fixtures which are to be released next Sunday.
The fixtures are...
XVth Man v Uprising
Baize Burners v Pool Sharks
Pocket Dynamos v F.P.D.
Unbeatables v The Professionals
XVth Man v Baize Burners
Uprising v The Professionals
Pocket Dynamos v Pool Sharks
Unbeatables v F.P.D.
Super League
Group A
Un'B'eatables v Uprising
Annihil-8 v F.P.D.
The Professionals v Pool Sharks
Un'B'eatables v Annihil-8
Uprising v Pool Sharks
The Professionals v F.P.D.
Remember that any player named for a team in Group A, or subbed in to a game for a team in Group A, will not be eligible to play for any team in the first fixture set of Group B which will be released on 14th December.
The fixtures are...
XVth Man v Uprising
Baize Burners v Pool Sharks
Pocket Dynamos v F.P.D.
Unbeatables v The Professionals
XVth Man v Baize Burners
Uprising v The Professionals
Pocket Dynamos v Pool Sharks
Unbeatables v F.P.D.
Super League
Group A
Un'B'eatables v Uprising
Annihil-8 v F.P.D.
The Professionals v Pool Sharks
Un'B'eatables v Annihil-8
Uprising v Pool Sharks
The Professionals v F.P.D.
Remember that any player named for a team in Group A, or subbed in to a game for a team in Group A, will not be eligible to play for any team in the first fixture set of Group B which will be released on 14th December.
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01:59 Sun 30 Nov 14 (GMT)
Can i have an update on what the break time is over the Christmas period?
We have players who are busy etc..working..visiting..getting drunk(not me).
just so we know. Thanks.
We have players who are busy etc..working..visiting..getting drunk(not me).
just so we know. Thanks.
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13:43 Sun 30 Nov 14 (GMT)
As always, whenever you ask for input you usually get a 50:50 split in opinion. Of the results, the top choices were either to carry on or have a longer deadline.
Because we have an even number of clans this season, there will always be one fixture set with only one game in it per clan.
Therefore what I have done is used those fixture sets for the relevant Christmas and New Year periods to reduce games for each clan by 50%.
So for the following deadlines clans will now only have these matches to complete...
Christmas (deadline 28/12/14) - one FBL and one SL fixture (if in SL Group B)
New Year (deadline 4/1/15) - one FCL and one SL fixture (if in Group A)
Because we have an even number of clans this season, there will always be one fixture set with only one game in it per clan.
Therefore what I have done is used those fixture sets for the relevant Christmas and New Year periods to reduce games for each clan by 50%.
So for the following deadlines clans will now only have these matches to complete...
Christmas (deadline 28/12/14) - one FBL and one SL fixture (if in SL Group B)
New Year (deadline 4/1/15) - one FCL and one SL fixture (if in Group A)
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16:32 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
Extend by all means, still doesn't guarantee matches will be played when players are away celebrating with their families and friends.
17:09 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
I can guarantee our players will be able to meet any deadline set.
Extend by all means, still doesn't guarantee matches will be played when players are away celebrating with their families and friends.
I can guarantee our players will be able to meet any deadline set.
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17:24 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
You better hope and pray that you make it one day back in your own world...
You better hope and pray.
Our fixtures due to be completed 21st, hopefully will be before then but we called for a complete break. So extension means jack.
FCL fixture 2 will be the fun one as we don't expect ANY of our players to be online. That's what happens when people can guarantee to have a life than a virtual one.
You better hope and pray.
Our fixtures due to be completed 21st, hopefully will be before then but we called for a complete break. So extension means jack.
FCL fixture 2 will be the fun one as we don't expect ANY of our players to be online. That's what happens when people can guarantee to have a life than a virtual one.
17:35 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
That sentence makes absolutely no sense. It's gobbledegook!
Unless people are going away on holiday, Christmas - like all holidays, is a time when most people have more time off work, and have more opportunities to play than normal. I totally understand if people don't want to play Christmas Eve, Day or Boxing Day - but that's 3 days out of 14! Total non-issue.
That's what happens when people can guarantee to have a life than a virtual one.
That sentence makes absolutely no sense. It's gobbledegook!
Unless people are going away on holiday, Christmas - like all holidays, is a time when most people have more time off work, and have more opportunities to play than normal. I totally understand if people don't want to play Christmas Eve, Day or Boxing Day - but that's 3 days out of 14! Total non-issue.
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17:44 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
Nonsense, more time to get razzled, go out and PARRRTTTYYY and not give two hoots about an online game. You need open your window and allow some fresh air to your head just don't do it on 24th you might ruin your Chrimbo by seeing Santa.
If people have to resort back to playing a pool online game straight away then I'd say they've had a crap Christmas
If people have to resort back to playing a pool online game straight away then I'd say they've had a crap Christmas
17:47 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
Agreed as Ash is on 24 7s, he must not have a job.Meaning a spoiled little Rich Kid.
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17:48 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
Yes and I bet we'll see your name being online practically every single day...
17:50 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
With all due respect, just like the rest of the year, I will be out drinking more than the majority of people on this site over Christmas. Even me, with decades of experience in this field - will struggle to go beyond 14 hour drinking binges for 14 consecutive days. 30 - 40 minutes out of 2 weeks would be quite manageable even if I was drinking to that schedule though.
Nonsense, more time to get razzled, go out and PARRRTTTYYY and not give two hoots about an online game. You need open your window and allow some fresh air to your head just don't do it on 24th you might ruin your Chrimbo by seeing Santa.
If people have to resort back to playing a pool online game straight away then I'd say they've had a crap Christmas
If people have to resort back to playing a pool online game straight away then I'd say they've had a crap Christmas
With all due respect, just like the rest of the year, I will be out drinking more than the majority of people on this site over Christmas. Even me, with decades of experience in this field - will struggle to go beyond 14 hour drinking binges for 14 consecutive days. 30 - 40 minutes out of 2 weeks would be quite manageable even if I was drinking to that schedule though.
17:51 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
This post is the biggest example so far of why we need a "like" button!!!
Yes and I bet we'll see your name being online practically every single day...
This post is the biggest example so far of why we need a "like" button!!!
Deleted User
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17:51 Mon 1 Dec 14 (GMT)
Lol haha a classic coming from someone who is on here 350+ days a year, think anyone would need a break after that!!
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