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17:33 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
I can understand how it could be demoralizing to the loser, and no, that's not a good thing, but as long as they're in the same league with the best players it's gonna happen anyway using either scoring method, I don't think we should sacrifice accuracy just to choose the one with less.
Shows good reason though, for the 2 divisions in the past, and the split halfway through we're doing now. These things cut down on the number of whitewashes for sure.
about encouragement to use all players, captains already have that, if they want to keep them
Shows good reason though, for the 2 divisions in the past, and the split halfway through we're doing now. These things cut down on the number of whitewashes for sure.
about encouragement to use all players, captains already have that, if they want to keep them
17:36 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
Would the best boxer in the world be the one who crushes the most opponents of a far inferior quality or the one who stands toe-to-toe with the highest quality fighters and comes out on top?
I like the mixed set up of the FCL, it means that a team can make up ground on a head to head loss by stepping up throughout the rest of the season and also a team who have been not quite as good as another for the most part of the season can still be champions by a head to head victory.
FBL is scored on purely individual wins, where team wins have no bearing.
SL is scored on team wins, where frames won have no bearing.
FCL is scored on frames won + team wins, where individual wins have no bearing.
Cup competitions are a completely different format as they are not a league format, but they score on head-to-head and not team wins.
and what's wrong with whitewashes?, wouldn't the team that can get the most prove themselves the best? I think so
Edited at 14:19 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
Edited at 14:19 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
Would the best boxer in the world be the one who crushes the most opponents of a far inferior quality or the one who stands toe-to-toe with the highest quality fighters and comes out on top?
I like the mixed set up of the FCL, it means that a team can make up ground on a head to head loss by stepping up throughout the rest of the season and also a team who have been not quite as good as another for the most part of the season can still be champions by a head to head victory.
FBL is scored on purely individual wins, where team wins have no bearing.
SL is scored on team wins, where frames won have no bearing.
FCL is scored on frames won + team wins, where individual wins have no bearing.
Cup competitions are a completely different format as they are not a league format, but they score on head-to-head and not team wins.
17:37 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
in FCL the frames are almost rendered obsolete since they increased the bonus from 10 to 20. It's become highly unlikely that a team can win without at least a tie for the most team match wins.
head to head is team match wins is it not? league format or not, doesn't change it
I see how you're trying to make the leagues look balanced, but they're not. I stand by what I already said:
We have one league counting indiv match wins, 2 leagues/cups scored by team match wins, and one league that counted frames but is being distorted into a 3rd league that counts team match wins.
Edited at 14:48 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
head to head is team match wins is it not? league format or not, doesn't change it
I see how you're trying to make the leagues look balanced, but they're not. I stand by what I already said:
We have one league counting indiv match wins, 2 leagues/cups scored by team match wins, and one league that counted frames but is being distorted into a 3rd league that counts team match wins.
Edited at 14:48 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
17:48 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
I think this seasons fcl has been succesful, bbs, pds, and pocket dynaomes who currently sit in the bottom 3 all have players that cant beat players from the so called top clans, with good captaincy thay can bild on that and me more of a force next season, while still have a chance of winning the plate this season, so the system infact works,
The only drawback is that team at the bottom of the end of the top split has packed in at the exact same time in the last 2 seasons, which affects all the table, and this season pros have sufferd heavily for it and its affected the table too heavily.
i dont think we need change, i think we need to make sure teams have stability before putting them in league
The only drawback is that team at the bottom of the end of the top split has packed in at the exact same time in the last 2 seasons, which affects all the table, and this season pros have sufferd heavily for it and its affected the table too heavily.
i dont think we need change, i think we need to make sure teams have stability before putting them in league
17:52 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
Definitely. We have far too many captains that have proved themselves liabilities to the detriment of the leagues. I think if you pack up and fold mid way through a season, or start a team and then just disappear like another captain has done a few times, then you shouldn't be allowed to captain a team the following season. Make this clear at the start of the season, and it will give much more stability.
I think this seasons fcl has been succesful, bbs, pds, and pocket dynaomes who currently sit in the bottom 3 all have players that cant beat players from the so called top clans, with good captaincy thay can bild on that and me more of a force next season, while still have a chance of winning the plate this season, so the system infact works,
The only drawback is that team at the bottom of the end of the top split has packed in at the exact same time in the last 2 seasons, which affects all the table, and this season pros have sufferd heavily for it and its affected the table too heavily.
i dont think we need change, i think we need to make sure teams have stability before putting them in league
The only drawback is that team at the bottom of the end of the top split has packed in at the exact same time in the last 2 seasons, which affects all the table, and this season pros have sufferd heavily for it and its affected the table too heavily.
i dont think we need change, i think we need to make sure teams have stability before putting them in league
Definitely. We have far too many captains that have proved themselves liabilities to the detriment of the leagues. I think if you pack up and fold mid way through a season, or start a team and then just disappear like another captain has done a few times, then you shouldn't be allowed to captain a team the following season. Make this clear at the start of the season, and it will give much more stability.
18:02 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
Grand Slam Cup Finalists will have won 2 and lost 1, Grand Slam Plate winners will have won 2 and lost 1. Identical records, different outcomes.
If Uprising lose in the Cup final they will have won 1 and lost 1, a record that would be bettered by teams who haven't been as successful.
head to head is team match wins is it not? league format or not, doesn't change it
Grand Slam Cup Finalists will have won 2 and lost 1, Grand Slam Plate winners will have won 2 and lost 1. Identical records, different outcomes.
If Uprising lose in the Cup final they will have won 1 and lost 1, a record that would be bettered by teams who haven't been as successful.
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18:19 Tue 23 Sept 14 (BST)
I don't know why the bonus points are included, the FCL is approx 12 fixtures long, meaning 1440 points on offer, so shouldn't the person who wins the most points be the winner?
01:53 Wed 24 Sept 14 (BST)
Way to many games to play for 1 league.
And if you are reffering to me Faust,i had no help at all with Pool Sharks as kingdadcool was going tru a divorce and i had ask several player's to help out but no 1 wanted to be a V/C are else wise.so i just let it go.But had Fighting Eagles for years m8.
Edited at 22:56 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
And if you are reffering to me Faust,i had no help at all with Pool Sharks as kingdadcool was going tru a divorce and i had ask several player's to help out but no 1 wanted to be a V/C are else wise.so i just let it go.But had Fighting Eagles for years m8.
Edited at 22:56 Tue 23/09/14 (BST)
02:58 Wed 24 Sept 14 (BST)
I wasn't referring to you Mikee, but I don't think you should be allowed to captain a clan after bailing on pool sharks, and if I'm brutally honest - you almost guaranteed defaults when you was FE's captain.
Way to many games to play for 1 league.
And if you are reffering to me Faust,i had no help at all with Pool Sharks as kingdadcool was going tru a divorce and i had ask several player's to help out but no 1 wanted to be a V/C are else wise.so i just let it go.But had Fighting Eagles for years m8.
And if you are reffering to me Faust,i had no help at all with Pool Sharks as kingdadcool was going tru a divorce and i had ask several player's to help out but no 1 wanted to be a V/C are else wise.so i just let it go.But had Fighting Eagles for years m8.
I wasn't referring to you Mikee, but I don't think you should be allowed to captain a clan after bailing on pool sharks, and if I'm brutally honest - you almost guaranteed defaults when you was FE's captain.
01:45 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
Again Kingadacool was Captain while with F/E let me down bad with FCL games.But he was again having sever home problems.And all the old time players had moved on and completly left the site.Need i say more.And im not asking to be a Captain again any way.How many Clans has Huts had and Zac and Craig.
03:02 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
craigs had more clubs than tiger wodds, and lost lot , he just blames his caddy
Again Kingadacool was Captain while with F/E let me down bad with FCL games.But he was again having sever home problems.And all the old time players had moved on and completly left the site.Need i say more.And im not asking to be a Captain again any way.How many Clans has Huts had and Zac and Craig.
craigs had more clubs than tiger wodds, and lost lot , he just blames his caddy
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03:03 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
pushing the blame onto paul is wrong .. the only reason u were going last two seasons was thanks to him getting your games sorted. zac has been a great captain .. craig and huts also despite me not getting along with them dont get many defaults and get games sorted.
03:35 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
not for want of trying
pushing the blame onto paul is wrong .. the only reason u were going last two seasons was thanks to him getting your games sorted. zac has been a great captain .. craig and huts also despite me not getting along with them dont get many defaults and get games sorted.
not for want of trying
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03:37 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
not for want of trying
i fully agree there also ... but he brought up other peoples clan credentials without taking a good hard look in the mirror first :P ... in fairness to huts his clans have completed seasons ok elite farce folded at the end of the season.
pushing the blame onto paul is wrong .. the only reason u were going last two seasons was thanks to him getting your games sorted. zac has been a great captain .. craig and huts also despite me not getting along with them dont get many defaults and get games sorted.
not for want of trying
i fully agree there also ... but he brought up other peoples clan credentials without taking a good hard look in the mirror first :P ... in fairness to huts his clans have completed seasons ok elite farce folded at the end of the season.
03:40 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
Well Matty tbh you have never liked me either,so no love lost.
Ill just stay out of all this as it is going no where any way.So have a nice day Peckerwood.
Ill just stay out of all this as it is going no where any way.So have a nice day Peckerwood.
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03:42 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
grow up and act your age .. its not about not liking you its about you not being able to run a clan properly.
Well Matty tbh you have never liked me either,so no love lost.
Ill just stay out of all this as it is going no where any way.So have a nice day Peckerwood.
Ill just stay out of all this as it is going no where any way.So have a nice day Peckerwood.
grow up and act your age .. its not about not liking you its about you not being able to run a clan properly.
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15:27 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
does that mean i should not captain next season
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15:49 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
Don't worry about it mate, some people enjoy trying to play God when quite frankly I'm an atheist so they just get ignored. ONLY person who can decide or stipulate who can Captain will be chris. Most occasions when a team folds it's purely down to reliability from their players, nothing untoward or sinister, it's not like it's a premeditated act. So in simpler terms, teams folding is mainly down to players not proving to be reliable, that is nothing to do with the Captain themselves. However, some I'm sure may have folded due to Captains not being bothered or responsible in the past.
Depending on IF any changes for next season then my team will NOT be making it's return for at least 1 season. Whole point us folding were due to health reasons and nothing more. (Appreciate those who have actually bothered to ask too)
(Hence us having a break. )
does that mean i should not captain next season
Don't worry about it mate, some people enjoy trying to play God when quite frankly I'm an atheist so they just get ignored. ONLY person who can decide or stipulate who can Captain will be chris. Most occasions when a team folds it's purely down to reliability from their players, nothing untoward or sinister, it's not like it's a premeditated act. So in simpler terms, teams folding is mainly down to players not proving to be reliable, that is nothing to do with the Captain themselves. However, some I'm sure may have folded due to Captains not being bothered or responsible in the past.
Depending on IF any changes for next season then my team will NOT be making it's return for at least 1 season. Whole point us folding were due to health reasons and nothing more. (Appreciate those who have actually bothered to ask too)
(Hence us having a break. )
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16:16 Thu 25 Sept 14 (BST)
Maybe taking a break from the site would actually help? Folding the clan then joining another one straight after and already talking about possibly returning next season is not exactly going do much good is it?
How long before you fold it again for the same reasons once you return? Smells like nothing but bull to me
How long before you fold it again for the same reasons once you return? Smells like nothing but bull to me
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FCL - General Discussion
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