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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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Posts: 19,819
15:40 Wed 30 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Afternoon angel and jasonb :)
Posts: 19,819
18:41 Wed 30 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 Fixture Set 1 & 2
Unbeatables 4 v 11 Pocket Dynamoes

turtle1560v marksmith
hippesville v fastboysam
mrmagic v ang3l
greyhound 4 v 11 garethclin
_marc_ v jasonb
_niall_ v attainable
_egotisticalv askinfan
franer_ vred4eva

Black Scorpions (40) vs (20) Pocket Dynamos

w_hoolahan 5 v 10 onevisit
walktall v buckjam
silenthill 14 v 1 welshgizy19
lfc12 v the__king
raker 10 v 5 blueberry
triple_b 11 v 4 punkpoet
run_outt v kirk
igor v snoox

format : 5 8US , 5 9US, 5 8UK

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for game . Thank you..

Deadline 27/7/14 to 8/8/14
Goodluck all

Posts: 19,819
18:43 Wed 30 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL set 1

Pocket Dynamos 12 Vs 12 Wolf Pack A

onevisit 8 v 4 x_connor
askingfan 4 v 8 chapster_7
snoox v alex_lewis
fastboysam v rosie

Pocket Dynamos 9 Vs 3 Wolf Pack B

jasonb 9 v 3 deano1888
attainable v emmajackson
blueberry v sfk9
onevisit v emo148

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for games . Thank you..

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events)

Deadline 27/7/14 to 10/8/14
Goodluck all..
Posts: 6,262
01:03 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
sfk9 messaged pal so you can untag me in that one

Won the 9 Ball Tournament, winning 238 TournaPoints!, dropped 2 frames in 11, dedicate to ya all
Posts: 19,819
01:07 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done pal I will untag you when I repost, give me a nudge if I forget :)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:32 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the__king (6)( plus one golden break in 9ball)

lfc12 (9)
Posts: 19,819
01:36 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the__king (6)( plus one golden break in 9ball)

lfc12 (9)

Ul pal considering you haven't been online and he won the first 5 racks I think this is a decent result, thanks for playing
Posts: 19,819
01:37 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL 23 Fixture Set 1 & 2
Unbeatables 4 v 11 Pocket Dynamoes

turtle1560v marksmith
hippesville v fastboysam
mrmagic v ang3l
greyhound 4 v 11 garethclin
_marc_ v jasonb
_niall_ v attainable
_egotisticalv askinfan
franer_ vred4eva

Black Scorpions (49) vs (26) Pocket Dynamos

w_hoolahan 5 v 10 onevisit
walktall v buckjam
silenthill 14 v 1 welshgizy19
lfc12 9 v 6 the__king
raker 10 v 5 blueberry
triple_b 11 v 4 punkpoet
run_outt v kirk
igor v snoox

format : 5 8US , 5 9US, 5 8UK

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for game . Thank you..

Deadline 27/7/14 to 8/8/14
Goodluck all

Posts: 19,819
01:38 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
SL set 1

Pocket Dynamos 12 Vs 12 Wolf Pack A

onevisit 8 v 4 x_connor
askingfan 4 v 8 chapster_7
snoox v alex_lewis
fastboysam v rosie

Pocket Dynamos 9 Vs 3 Wolf Pack B

jasonb 9 v 3 deano1888
attainable v emmajackson
blueberry v sfk9
onevisit v emo148

Please message your opponant and arrange time /day for games . Thank you..

Format: 4 x 8us, 9us, 8uk (plus bonuses for events)

Deadline 27/7/14 to 10/8/14
Goodluck all..
Posts: 8,315
02:14 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Some good points guys ,. keep it going.., have fun too..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:19 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just thought I'd say I'm up for the players thing.
Posts: 19,819
17:45 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay cheers for letting us know/
Does anyone not want to play in the players championship?
Posts: 4,046
20:22 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay cheers for letting us know/
Does anyone not want to play in the players championship?

I'd like to play. ty
Posts: 7,297
20:40 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
kirk has been offline 3days any chance for a sub vs run_outt?
Posts: 4,971
20:42 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
for the above id say more, kirk been off 3 days, does anyone know if hes going to be about much / where he is?
Posts: 3,846
20:43 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
for the above id say more, kirk been off 3 days, does anyone know if hes going to be about much / where he is?

ive just seen him at shop, he said he will be on around 8pm gmt
Posts: 7,297
20:46 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
for the above id say more, kirk been off 3 days, does anyone know if hes going to be about much / where he is?

ive just seen him at shop, he said he will be on around 8pm gmt

would hate to ask what kind of shop
Posts: 3,846
20:48 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
for the above id say more, kirk been off 3 days, does anyone know if hes going to be about much / where he is?

ive just seen him at shop, he said he will be on around 8pm gmt

would hate to ask what kind of shop

Computer repair shop, apparently hes having touchpad problems, it feels very wierd, and keeps over exerting
Posts: 8,315
20:49 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Its only been 3 days still plenty of time for kirk ..
Posts: 8,315
20:50 Thu 31 Jul 14 (BST)  [Link]  
for the above id say more, kirk been off 3 days, does anyone know if hes going to be about much / where he is?

ive just seen him at shop, he said he will be on around 8pm gmt

would hate to ask what kind of shop

Computer repair shop, apparently hes having touchpad problems, it feels very wierd, and keeps over exerting
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Pocket Dynamos - FCL 'Division 2' Champions

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