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Posts: 3,846
18:35 Tue 29 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
We red and scooby. If it wasn't for that fluke run out by derik_dalton we would have won!

Up the Pros!!!

lol i admit it were lucky pal, tbj i were defiinetley unlucky to be snookered from the angle i left it, that was as unflukey as the fluke were flukey lol, its a shame if that won the fixture, im sure the luck would have evened out thoughout the games though pal
haha I'm playing. Swings and roundabouts bud one things doesn't decide it.

fbl looks very tight, summet like that fluke could win the whole league
Posts: 2,463
21:38 Tue 29 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
beenjammin 2 - 4 fuunky
I just had one of those matches , too aggressive a couple of the frames I lost, so my own doing there, but was very ul in the other 2.
Not to take from fuunky though, he played like a pro
Posts: 2,717
21:50 Tue 29 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Unlucky been worries thou..Team game after all
Posts: 3,072
22:12 Tue 29 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
yh ul been he is class like yaself :)
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00:41 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
played gibson in players champ..

7-6 to him

8us 2-2
9us 4-0 him
8uk 4-1 me.. (runout me)

nearly had him in uk missed last ball to take 2 runouts and the match but he played well.. gl in the rest bud

Edited at 21:49 Tue 29/04/14 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
01:10 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
franer_br8 pal ive heard uve been muted mate , do u wanna leave hat game till tmoro pal, migh be best 4 me, phone keeeps going off about what i told u earlier, and i dont spose your in best mood pal, facebook or bbm onwe er ur lads to let me know pal
Posts: 10,109
02:31 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 00:54 Wed 30/04/14 (BST)
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03:36 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Just so you all know what's happening in the GSC semi final, this is a message I just received from chris. I'd like to know if you think I'm out of order requesting that they stick to their original sent in line up?

"Because I had both yours and PS's teams they were showing on the website for the Semi-Final.

I didn't think about it but then got a message from PS that they wanted to change their line up.

I have no idea if it was because they saw your own line-up and tried to match up accordingly!!

Anyway out of fairness I have accepted their changed team but will give you the chance to make any line-up change if you wish. Neither line-up now shows on the website so if you did make any changes there would be no advantage to either side.

If you want to keep the same line-up then I will assume that to be the end of the matter and not raised at any later stage. "

original line ups should of been kept.. blatant matching up wether u can change or no is irrelevant
Posts: 10,109
03:57 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
On this occasion Matty, I believe Ash's explanation. He says he changed his team because they signed Yoni before the deadline and moved him to play straight so Ant could play another type. Only 2 changes - which isn't as bad as I envisioned. I let a drunken rage take hold of me and shouldn't have posted on yours and UB's threads tbh. Apologies!
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13:24 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
The Clan Grand Slam Cup Semi-Finals

The Professionals vs The Unbeatables

Please can I have a team line up for these games so that they can get under way from Wednesday evening.

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14:05 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
On this occasion Matty, I believe Ash's explanation. He says he changed his team because they signed Yoni before the deadline and moved him to play straight so Ant could play another type. Only 2 changes - which isn't as bad as I envisioned. I let a drunken rage take hold of me and shouldn't have posted on yours and UB's threads tbh. Apologies!
I do not believe for one second he didn't look at the team before making the swaps. He will have seen this post before its actually uploaded to the site he checks everything so much. There's always something with this clan.....always. I never hide away from games but for my own preservation I kinda hope I've been missed out on this one.
Posts: 10,109
14:13 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
On this occasion Matty, I believe Ash's explanation. He says he changed his team because they signed Yoni before the deadline and moved him to play straight so Ant could play another type. Only 2 changes - which isn't as bad as I envisioned. I let a drunken rage take hold of me and shouldn't have posted on yours and UB's threads tbh. Apologies!
I do not believe for one second he didn't look at the team before making the swaps. He will have seen this post before its actually uploaded to the site he checks everything so much. There's always something with this clan.....always. I never hide away from games but for my own preservation I kinda hope I've been missed out on this one.

Yes it seems I was naive in accepting that he only made 1 change. There was actually several swaps as well as the sub.
Posts: 2,463
16:31 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
beenjammin 5-0 run_outt TBC
he had to go, we plan to finish at 2 uk time

I got messed about a little, he's been nice about it though, apologized and all, re-scheduled for tomorrow at 12:30 uk time.

now it's:
beenjammin 12 - 1 run_outt
8us 5-0
9us 4-1
8uk 3-0, right after the 3rd frame ended he stopped responding and eventually logged off. It's been been about 30 minutes now, and he hasn't logged back on, doesn't even say browsing anymore.
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16:37 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
beenjammin 5-0 run_outt TBC
he had to go, we plan to finish at 2 uk time

I got messed about a little, he's been nice about it though, apologized and all, re-scheduled for tomorrow at 12:30 uk time.

now it's:
beenjammin 12 - 1 run_outt
8us 5-0
9us 4-1
8uk 3-0, right after the 3rd frame ended he stopped responding and eventually logged off. It's been been about 30 minutes now, and he hasn't logged back on, doesn't even say browsing anymore.

He is usually working, and plays in his lunch break as far as im aware, I am sure he will come on explain when he can next get on.
I apolgise on his behalf
Posts: 10,109
20:36 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Grand Slam Cup - SEMI-FINAL 1

The Professionals v The Unbeatables

mattywellie v mrmagic
beenjammin v greyhound

scott7a v horse10000
franer_ v hippesville

8 US
davey_1985 v _marc_

9 US
onevisit v lateo1993

8 UK
_redherring_ v mich

dvz v turtle1560

Deadline: 14th May
Posts: 10,109
20:37 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
As promised Fran ^^^^^

Posts: 2,463
20:47 Wed 30 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Is this like fbl, where once it's decided no need to finish?
or do all the games have to be played?
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00:07 Thu 1 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  

_redherring_ 3 vs 3 greyhound

I got really really unlucky fouls in 2 frames I lost and final frame I under hit my positional shot for an easy clearance.....could have been 6-0 with luck my way at a push, but should have been a win at least, but would have settled for 3-3 against a very good player b4 hand.

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02:07 Thu 1 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Cup 9 Ball

Onevisit 8 - 4 Lateo1993

Good games bud. Both were very unlucky at times and both played nice shots. I tried to throw away a 6 -1 lead but got the last two so all good. best of luck to Lateo for whats left.

Good luck the rest of you guys

Up the Pros!!!
Posts: 1,169
02:10 Thu 1 May 14 (BST)  [Link]  
well played mate, im unsure how it ended that close considering how it was going

Good luck in rest of the season
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