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Posts: 38,097
13:21 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
if people contributed to the sites that have been going for many many years, maybe just maybe Nick wouldn't have had to take a job

how you or anyone can berate Nick is unreal, for over 10 years he has worked on this site, giving people probably the best online pool game

and for FREE

he asks for financial help by introducing premium

smell the coffee, over 10,000 active members at £10 each
and the same if not more on snooker

why would Nick need to take on a full time job ????

simple because people want to use the site for FREE and slate him and others constantly
To be honest the £10 is only worth the Cues to me and they aren't even worth 5. i use Opera to cut down on lag so i don't mind the adverts either.

unless nick added more benefits to Premium then its not worth £20 a year.

nick has always said the Core is always FREE so i wouldn't pay anyway.
Posts: 38,097
13:28 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh and Craig people need negativity to improve whether im playing Seb, i play a bad shot and he corrects me then i can improve my shot.

Same thing here.
Posts: 2,094
14:13 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
if people contributed to the sites that have been going for many many years, maybe just maybe Nick wouldn't have had to take a job

how you or anyone can berate Nick is unreal, for over 10 years he has worked on this site, giving people probably the best online pool game

and for FREE

he asks for financial help by introducing premium

smell the coffee, over 10,000 active members at £10 each
and the same if not more on snooker

why would Nick need to take on a full time job ????

simple because people want to use the site for FREE and slate him and others constantly

If you read previous posts your just repeating yourself. People did pay and nick still did very little so people stopped. You don't have to pay for an opinion, it's free so why go on about paying. It's hardly a free site then is it.

iv paid 30 quid into the site big whoop lol

Why do people think when they buy a premium account they are putting money into the site? The money off premium accounts covers the loss for removing adverts, without adverts Nick gets no money, he is still making the same amount whether people buy premium accounts or not so it makes no difference to him either way.

You pay for no adverts and nothing else.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:21 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig what do you want pal? A little ladder for you to stand above everyone else cos you stuck £10 in a site? I've done it before, but it's hardly worth it because i don't like to be tied to an account.

So because i'm not willing to put money into a site that has an owner that doesn't care, admins that ban me at every turn and a game in general that will never be improved upon, my opinion is no longer valid? Get off your high horse.

1) If things are so bad why be here ?
2) premium accounts sre transferable
3) don't get banned and follow the site rules

All the above have been answered
So what's your point

I've constantly seen this site improved
So I don't get your point there either

You have a large group of non-paying members on this site
Who berate everything nick does
He makes new games then blahhhh blahhhh

Stop changing things, ooh noooo the good old days
People say we like it the way it was

How does he win

Answer is simple he has given us a choice
You may like it or not

But I won't have non-paying members making mischief again and go answered

To many times people are heard above people
Who pay there way

I still don't get how and why baff ever made changes that people said would improve the site

Because it didn't did it fact

Whats missy got to do with things
Posts: 7,940
15:06 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
blahhhhh blahhhhh

its free for you,,,,,,,, get over it

some people enjoy this site,,, invest in it then complain

until then keep playing for free and bleat away

Negative Negative Negative

if you don't like it leave,,, or keep bleating on and on

there are many people on this site who like it and don't knock it daily,

they communicate make friends, meet up and have fun
play on the site have a laugh

then there are people like you
blaaah blaaaah blaaah

its free for you what the hell do you expect

You might not always like what Craig posts but in this post hes just put what alot of people are thinking.
Everyone should be entitled to an opinion without getting nonsense thrown back at them so lets keep things friendly please.
Posts: 7,940
15:09 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  

1) If things are so bad why be here ?
2) premium accounts sre transferable
3) don't get banned and follow the site rules

All the above have been answered
So what's your point

I've constantly seen this site improved
So I don't get your point there either

You have a large group of non-paying members on this site
Who berate everything nick does
He makes new games then blahhhh blahhhh

Stop changing things, ooh noooo the good old days
People say we like it the way it was

How does he win

Answer is simple he has given us a choice
You may like it or not

But I won't have non-paying members making mischief again and go answered

To many times people are heard above people
Who pay there way

I still don't get how and why baff ever made changes that people said would improve the site

Because it didn't did it fact

Again, some interesting points
Posts: 1,714
15:19 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok then the site is fine and nothing needs done. Let's see how long it fares
Posts: 1,714
15:20 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
blahhhhh blahhhhh

its free for you,,,,,,,, get over it

some people enjoy this site,,, invest in it then complain

until then keep playing for free and bleat away

Negative Negative Negative

if you don't like it leave,,, or keep bleating on and on

there are many people on this site who like it and don't knock it daily,

they communicate make friends, meet up and have fun
play on the site have a laugh

then there are people like you
blaaah blaaaah blaaah

its free for you what the hell do you expect

You might not always like what Craig posts but in this post hes just put what alot of people are thinking.
Everyone should be entitled to an opinion without getting nonsense thrown back at them so lets keep things friendly please.

It's not what he posts it's how he posts, I sometimes agree with some elements he says. But as a moderator you should be able to differentiate when someone is fishing and making a point.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:21 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem is Craig, everyone wants everything for free, but even if all their changes were implemented still would find faults.

Agree the site could benefit from a few minor tweaks but not too much, as that would only give more licence for complaints.

I think the only thing this site lacks and could truly benefit from would be a weekly maintenance. New accounts, resetters, have contributed to the demise in traffic. I'm not saying they are solely to blame, clans have alienated a lot of players too, not intentionally but has happened.

The site will never be as thriving as it once were when it first started, people need to erradicate that thought from their minds. Would be great but have to accept it. If all the complainers vented the same amount of constructive criticism as they do negativity then we could ALL try make it a happier site for EVERYONE.

Posts: 7,940
15:22 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Fishing or not he still has some very interesting points
Posts: 1,714
15:28 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
And that kind of moderating is why the site fails as when people like me give it back you's can't take it so we are all banned. So add that to the list.

It matters little what you post here, the site had it's glory day and it's gone. This site will never be what it was. RIP
Posts: 7,940
15:31 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem is Craig, everyone wants everything for free, but even if all their changes were implemented still would find faults.

Agree the site could benefit from a few minor tweaks but not too much, as that would only give more licence for complaints.

I think the only thing this site lacks and could truly benefit from would be a weekly maintenance. New accounts, resetters, have contributed to the demise in traffic. I'm not saying they are solely to blame, clans have alienated a lot of players too, not intentionally but has happened.

The site will never be as thriving as it once were when it first started, people need to erradicate that thought from their minds. Would be great but have to accept it. If all the complainers vented the same amount of constructive criticism as they do negativity then we could ALL try make it a happier site for EVERYONE.

I also like this, stop being negative and enjoy what we have for the time being.
Posts: 7,940
15:45 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
And that kind of moderating is why the site fails as when people like me give it back you's can't take it so we are all banned. So add that to the list.

It matters little what you post here, the site had it's glory day and it's gone. This site will never be what it was. RIP

We are all entitled to our opinions, even moderators.
If its given back in a friendly constructive manner per the rules there would be no need for anyone to get banned, we're all grown ups and should be able to have a sensible debate without getting put down all the time.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:57 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Firstly, I don't think any changes ever made to the site have, in themselves, ever caused numbers to reduce drastically. It's more a case of natural evolution and progression in that new ways to spend your time become available which appeal more to some than this one.

Anyone that ever posts about how great things were 'in the old days' really needs to take off those rose tinted spectacles. Yes there were more members online at any given time but there were at least as many arguments, disputes, obnoxious people and repeat offenders as there are now.

Like others, I would love to see a doubles game option, or a return of the Pro tables, however, if I could make one reasonably simple change to the overall scoring system it would be to split the Tournament Ranking system from the rest. You could then reset the so called 'Rank' game points weighting to exactly how it used to be and run them as two different systems, with two different sets of stats.

The Tournament Ranking system would then be the one that produced a genuine list, in order, at any given time, of player abilities based on open and fair competition. It would be the primary ranking list.

The other list, created from the 'Ranked' games, could then return to what it was previously - a 'High Score' list where players could strive to score as points as they could by opting to choose opponents and also challenge the existing High Score tables which, realistically, does not happen any more.

I am pretty sure that would appease some of the common complaints.

Whether anyone has the time or will to do it of course is something completely different and outside our control.
Posts: 2,094
16:08 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest It's unreal the amount of work Nick has put into this site, you only have to look at other pool games, people whinge that things aren't right when there is changes so the guy can't win either way. I guess he's just had enough of spending most of his time making site changes etc when he doesn't need 2.

I just find it funny how people with premium accounts think they have more of a right 2 complain, your money covers for the ads been removed and nothing else. It's not helping the site or Nick in any way whatsoever so you don't have anymore of a right to complain than anyone else!!
Posts: 6,417
16:30 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This game is the best free online pool game that ive played, so the problem why there are low numbers of people who play it isnt becacuse they dont like the game. The only thing which need to be intensified by mods or admins is advertising it more, thats all.
Posts: 7,974
16:32 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To be honest It's unreal the amount of work Nick has put into this site, you only have to look at other pool games, people whinge that things aren't right when there is changes so the guy can't win either way. I guess he's just had enough of spending most of his time making site changes etc when he doesn't need 2.

I just find it funny how people with premium accounts think they have more of a right 2 complain, your money covers for the ads been removed and nothing else. It's not helping the site or Nick in any way whatsoever so you don't have anymore of a right to complain than anyone else!!

no its funny you should say that
but premium members are people who pay for the up keep and help towards the maintenance of the site and I don't see to many PMs complaining either

they aren't allowed to sway people into making changes to this site either
its people who contribute nothing but moaning and belittling people constantly who seem to have a big say on how this site should be ran

people are never happy, if one person says something constructive it will be pounced on by the same old people
all who seem to contribute nothing to the site

sorry if I want something for my money, but as far as I am aware freedom of speech in this country is a freedom people have fought and died for

but what I don't agree with
is why people cant just agree to disagree rather than being rude and throwing insults
Posts: 7,974
16:45 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This game is the best free online pool game that ive played, so the problem why there are low numbers of people who play it isnt becacuse they dont like the game. The only thing which need to be intensified by mods or admins is advertising it more, thats all.

good shout
but when you read forums during a clan season
or enter the chat room it can be so daunting for any true newbie
they read comments probably don't even no how to get into games, no wonder they leave the site so quickly

that is where the effort needs to be
looking after newbies making it a more hospitable place to be
I've been on this site since 2006 and I still find it intimidating at times.
we set a clan up for newbies and for people to have a laugh

typical really the serial head sheds have to twist about it and moan and belittle it.. why ? is it causing anyone any offence

we had 15 people on Sunday for ranked killer, and often get over 10 I cant remember a room having 10 to 15 regularly for killer

if its not your thing why post and try and neg it
it works and people have a laugh

something very lost on this site for a very longtime
its to serious clans have made it this way or at least contributed

why not make a room and have a themed killer game
loosen up and chill, maybe have a beer or soft drink
take the mick out of players as they shoot
trust me its fun
if they don't like it then im sure they will heckle you when its your turn

lighten up
Posts: 1,714
16:51 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Your a walking contradiction, you say about freedom of speech and then say people should shutup or leave.

You also say people are being negative but that is their own opinion. Who are you to question that when you don't like anyone questioning yourself.
Posts: 7,974
16:58 Tue 24 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Your a walking contradiction, you say about freedom of speech and then say people should shutup or leave.

You also say people are being negative but that is their own opinion. Who are you to question that when you don't like anyone questioning yourself.

I don't mind anyone debating anything at all
its the rudeness and insults that follow because they lack the ability to have a discussion, when people don't like what other people say why do people find the need to insult others instead of constructive debate

I cant imagine in parliament someone says something that certain individuals don't like
then gets called all the crap that appears on this site
if you get my drift

people don't need to be rude and obnoxious
no matter how clever they think they are

anyways back to the cricket
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