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Posts: 785
21:01 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This site used to be a laugh, more then enough players in the chat room, enough players to talk to.. Nowadays half the time the place is a ghost town.

Not enough ranked games on offer, ranking system is stupid. This place is dead throughout the night. And the site is just being more ruined by nasty and offensive players. Its no wonder the site is dead.

Hanging up my cue after 8 years

Take care everyone! x
Deleted User
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21:03 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This site used to be a laugh, more then enough players in the chat room, enough players to talk to.. Nowadays half the time the place is a ghost town.

Not enough ranked games on offer, ranking system is stupid. This place is dead throughout the night. And the site is just being more ruined by nasty and offensive players. Its no wonder the site is dead.

Hanging up my cue after 8 years

Take care everyone! x

Posts: 1,169
21:04 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
about time

its too true.. place use to be a laugh and getting into the chat room was impossible.. not so anymore
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:22 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
about time

its too true.. place use to be a laugh and getting into the chat room was impossible.. not so anymore

they were the days when queuing for chat room space
Deleted User
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21:52 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
yep having to wait in the members bar for a space to come. Was awesome now it is just a shell of what it was unfortunately
Posts: 19,819
22:13 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Any ideas whats happened
Posts: 7,297
22:29 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Any ideas whats happened

the negatives are clouding the positives of the game .
Deleted User
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22:31 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This is only my opinion, but back then clans werent so prominent, and people wont play ranked games now as there arent enough points attached to them. I appreciate the fact that you cant pick your opponents in a tournament, and the scoring reflects this. Another reason is (in my opinion) you can now win a tournament and have less points than when you started (hardly seems right to me).

People take the game too seriously and when it comes to clans it is non stop bickering and oneupmanship, people arguing over games and such, not a nice place to be. Just take a look at some of the threads today and that will speak volumes of how times have changed on funkypool
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:33 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This is only my opinion, but back then clans werent so prominent, and people wont play ranked games now as there arent enough points attached to them. I appreciate the fact that you cant pick your opponents in a tournament, and the scoring reflects this. Another reason is (in my opinion) you can now win a tournament and have less points than when you started (hardly seems right to me).

People take the game too seriously and when it comes to clans it is non stop bickering and oneupmanship, people arguing over games and such, not a nice place to be. Just take a look at some of the threads today and that will speak volumes of how times have changed on funkypool

agreed members bar wow those were the days
Posts: 7,297
22:58 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This is only my opinion, but back then clans werent so prominent, and people wont play ranked games now as there arent enough points attached to them. I appreciate the fact that you cant pick your opponents in a tournament, and the scoring reflects this. Another reason is (in my opinion) you can now win a tournament and have less points than when you started (hardly seems right to me).

People take the game too seriously and when it comes to clans it is non stop bickering and oneupmanship, people arguing over games and such, not a nice place to be. Just take a look at some of the threads today and that will speak volumes of how times have changed on funkypool

if you limit the subs in all clans then there wouldnt be bickering over tactical subbing and less arguements . Also i feel Less players in a clan would be better as more clans would be in a league which makes it much more fun and exciting .

i feel 10 players per clan would be good .
Posts: 7,974
23:56 Sun 30 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
the competitive edge over defaults has killed all the enjoyment of clans
clans have become a massive influence on FP

multiple accounts and the abuse that goes with most

threads full of bickering and nasty remarks

i am guilty of posting what i believe is comedy to liven a debate up
my excuse and i am sticking to it

too many people with massive egos, being so rude and offensive to others, ive said this many times if you were a new player reading forums would you stay

simple answer not a chance

clan leagues should be limited to one league, then you have a max of 2 games per fortnight make teams of 8 with 5 matches in each

if people played games defaults would end then hopefully the bickering stops, i think 95% of crap on threads starts with people getting ready for defaults, then it gets very ugly

the best thing that has happened on this site regards clans is when Chris introduced Super League
wasn't many arguments apart from other leagues and there runners vying for been known as the best league
there was next to no arguments from players less rubbish on the threads, with a full inclusion for all

it was acknowledged as fun and quick and next to no rules except playing which is the primarily goal surely

what happened to Chris and Jo and the mod team running it

for god sake it was a success with them running it

sort clans and the way its played and FP will become a better place to be, then im sure more people will stay
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:27 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
ranking system, ranked tournies! things wnt change till this changes back
Deleted User
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01:30 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Things won't change at all.... Nick has already stated he doesn't have enough time for pool/snooker with other commitments
Posts: 11,056
01:57 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not about the game. The game is still very addictive for new players.
More and more people are now choosing tablets and phones instead of laptops. This game is not playable on that. Until this game becomes compatible with ipads and smartphones, numbers will continue to decline.
Posts: 2,094
11:05 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao the irony eh, looks like it didn't last long anyway!!
Posts: 22
12:46 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Clans imo have far too much influence on this site. Stop all clan games, leagues,whatever, so that micros and tournaments and individual games are the only place to play competitive pool .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:50 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Clans imo have far too much influence on this site. Stop all clan games, leagues,whatever, so that micros and tournaments and individual games are the only place to play competitive pool .

think this comment explains your name clans do make the site at this present time just needs reeling in a bit
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:54 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Hung your cue up now back with a new one
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:46 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Newbies, shouldn't be allowed to enter tournies again.

Make them play other newbies or something to get rid of their tag, like most of us have done.

Rather than resetting, play a tourney, and gain rank so quickly like some people do.
Posts: 6,417
18:53 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not about the game. The game is still very addictive for new players.
More and more people are now choosing tablets and phones instead of laptops. This game is not playable on that. Until this game becomes compatible with ipads and smartphones, numbers will continue to decline.

The best post so far.
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