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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:03 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not about the game. The game is still very addictive for new players.
More and more people are now choosing tablets and phones instead of laptops. This game is not playable on that. Until this game becomes compatible with ipads and smartphones, numbers will continue to decline.

The best post so far.

The best post will hopefully be one from the admin saying that something will change.

Clans are the only reason I have stayed on here for so long, otherwise I don't think there are enough achievements to make you want to stay.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:52 Mon 31 Mar 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This site used to be a laugh, more then enough players in the chat room, enough players to talk to.. Nowadays half the time the place is a ghost town.

Not enough ranked games on offer, ranking system is stupid. This place is dead throughout the night. And the site is just being more ruined by nasty and offensive players. Its no wonder the site is dead.

Hanging up my cue after 8 years

Take care everyone! x

The next day you're back on hahaha. Shocking behaviour
Posts: 19,819
17:50 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This is only my opinion, but back then clans werent so prominent, and people wont play ranked games now as there arent enough points attached to them. I appreciate the fact that you cant pick your opponents in a tournament, and the scoring reflects this. Another reason is (in my opinion) you can now win a tournament and have less points than when you started (hardly seems right to me).

People take the game too seriously and when it comes to clans it is non stop bickering and oneupmanship, people arguing over games and such, not a nice place to be. Just take a look at some of the threads today and that will speak volumes of how times have changed on funkypool

if you limit the subs in all clans then there wouldnt be bickering over tactical subbing and less arguements . Also i feel Less players in a clan would be better as more clans would be in a league which makes it much more fun and exciting .

i feel 10 players per clan would be good .

I agree with huts (feels dirty).
I'd prefer a sub limit and 10-12 players.
Though going back to the main reason of the thread, I agree with seb people are using tablets and ipads and funky needs to be compatible with them.
Also think the mods need to actually moderate this site lol.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:00 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Also think the mods need to actually moderate this site lol.

Not quite sure what you would expect or want?

There are many who believe it is over-moderated. In some instances I agree with that however that does not mean I won't respect, and moderate to, the guidelines installed by those that conceived the site.

However if you want something different to happen please explain what you want and, most importantly, why and maybe that will lead to an open and genuine discussion on the subject.
Posts: 10,109
18:15 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Limited subs encourage more defaults. Reducing squad size rewards inept captaincy.

If the squad sizes are reduced to 10 for example, Uprising would split into two teams and recruit 4 to 6 more players. I think other teams would do this also, rather than force their friends to play for another team. Also, if a squad of 16 loses a few players, it's not a big deal - if a squad of 10 lose 3 players - it's disastrous!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:19 Tue 1 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Limited subs encourage more defaults. Reducing squad size rewards inept captaincy.

If the squad sizes are reduced to 10 for example, Uprising would split into two teams and recruit 4 to 6 more players. I think other teams would do this also, rather than force their friends to play for another team. Also, if a squad of 16 loses a few players, it's not a big deal - if a squad of 10 lose 3 players - it's disastrous!

Agree 100% - 10 is way too low.
Another reason why we have more than 16 oops as they don't want to play for anyone else. IF you force them they will probably deactivate or create another account like many do already.
Posts: 1,714
13:51 Tue 8 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
This site used to be a laugh, more then enough players in the chat room, enough players to talk to.. Nowadays half the time the place is a ghost town.

Not enough ranked games on offer, ranking system is stupid. This place is dead throughout the night. And the site is just being more ruined by nasty and offensive players. Its no wonder the site is dead.

Hanging up my cue after 8 years

Take care everyone! x

The next day you're back on hahaha. Shocking behaviour

Ironic he says about the offensive, as he is one of the many contributing plebs on here
Posts: 7,974
03:07 Wed 9 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Limited subs encourage more defaults. Reducing squad size rewards inept captaincy.

If the squad sizes are reduced to 10 for example, Uprising would split into two teams and recruit 4 to 6 more players. I think other teams would do this also, rather than force their friends to play for another team. Also, if a squad of 16 loses a few players, it's not a big deal - if a squad of 10 lose 3 players - it's disastrous!

Agree 100% - 10 is way too low.
Another reason why we have more than 16 oops as they don't want to play for anyone else. IF you force them they will probably deactivate or create another account like many do already.

funny this comment
how many players do you think played in a team not so long ago
it was 10
and next to no defaults thats a fact
because people in the clan wanted to play games from the start

the culture of prepare for a default first rather than play is the bigger issue
its the cause of 90% of all arguments and the nasty under currents that follow

what rubbish is this
i don't like playing in the first week
i only play when it suits me
i can only get on 3 times a week for an hour

get players who want to play, get the games played asap
be done with the excuses and get them played

the only reason games should be difficult is times zones
swap players around

less excuses play the games
don't play for aggravation and default
easy isnt it
Posts: 19,967
13:51 Wed 9 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I wouldn't say there was next to no defaults, there were the same amount (in some seasons since there has been little to none). The point you have about players willing to play is true though, and largely influenced by the captains. Their attitude often comes through the whole clan. The difference in defaults is that most of the ones you see now are avoidable. Seasons ago they were because there weren't any subs left which clans couldn't really o much about if their regulars went on holiday or what have you.

16 is a good number as long as you have the right players in, changing that number won't help unless the players pull their finger out. That gives every position a back up, so with active players you would expect a few missing through business/problems but with enough players to cover different time zones incase of a sub/swap needed. The extra games allow for rotation between everyone. It's possible to avoid defaults completely with what their is. If you want to change clans I would put FBL/SL into a cup and give FCL 3 divisions. That makes the divisions more competitive, puts off new clans forming and dominating the lower divisions because it would be their 3rd season to get to the top which Instills stability in them.

As for size, it could go either way.
Posts: 19,819
18:07 Wed 9 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  

Also think the mods need to actually moderate this site lol.

Not quite sure what you would expect or want?

There are many who believe it is over-moderated. In some instances I agree with that however that does not mean I won't respect, and moderate to, the guidelines installed by those that conceived the site.

However if you want something different to happen please explain what you want and, most importantly, why and maybe that will lead to an open and genuine discussion on the subject.

Chris I have told the admin my concerns about this in the past.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:55 Sat 26 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
what a joke that you enter a tornament and sit in a room for 15minutes waiting for your opponent to take a shot and nothing happens and i get dq because of it and to think i actually pay for this privelage admin have a look at this problem as it is not the first time it has happened to me and im sure there are others too SHOCKING
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:25 Sat 26 Apr 14 (BST)  [Link]  
what a joke that you enter a tornament and sit in a room for 15minutes waiting for your opponent to take a shot and nothing happens and i get dq because of it and to think i actually pay for this privelage admin have a look at this problem as it is not the first time it has happened to me and im sure there are others too SHOCKING

Happened to me the other day, just one of those things. Very rare though.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:43 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Having spent some time as a guest recently, about 2 weeks, the way the site is when you are guest just isn't all that appealing. On more than one occasion while on and trying getting my kinda rubbish skills a bit better, there was no more than 3 or 4 other guests on, no friendly games and when a game was created just sat in a room for about 2-3 hours (between messing about on here facebook twitter etc) with no one enter for a game.

Now I have signed up after the problem that arose with the validation process, I found there still aren't that many games to play other than tournament games.

The site has many member ad at time 90 ish online so there should be enough games to play, so maybe the other commitments on the site, or lack of actual playing members (not just people who come here for a chat) which is wrong.
Posts: 1,074
16:12 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You know whats ruining this site, countless posts of why it is being ruined, how about looking at the bright side, yes its gone down, but its the best pool/snooker game online, and the fact it is free, is even better, everyone should stop moaning and enjoy the fact its a good game.

Its not like there is a limited things to do, yes there are tournaments in the game, but there are also clans, and game events, create a tournament, join a league, make a race, or create a new event, everyone has ideas to improve the site, but how about making new events, maybe it'll take off.

Guests arent going to get into premium events, because the fact is, it takes 1 minute to sign up, guests, in my opinion, are for members who dont want to be hassled.

Look at the positives
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:31 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
You know whats ruining this site, countless posts of why it is being ruined, how about looking at the bright side, yes its gone down, but its the best pool/snooker game online, and the fact it is free, is even better, everyone should stop moaning and enjoy the fact its a good game.

Its not like there is a limited things to do, yes there are tournaments in the game, but there are also clans, and game events, create a tournament, join a league, make a race, or create a new event, everyone has ideas to improve the site, but how about making new events, maybe it'll take off.

Guests arent going to get into premium events, because the fact is, it takes 1 minute to sign up, guests, in my opinion, are for members who dont want to be hassled.

Look at the positives

I didn't say guests should be in "premium events" as you put it... What I said is for a guest the site a pretty crappy place to be, it's only because I saw my cousin playing it that I had signed up as he said it wasn't as bad as it looked as a guest.

Guests are not just members who don't want to be hassled, I believe they are primarily for people who have no account who would like to try it out before signing up, and if that is the case then maybe something could be done to make guests feel a bit more welcome. Instead of just sitting there shooting balls all by yourself with no one to play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:50 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
What about tourneys for guests to join? No member can join them, so they stay privileged for the guests?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:55 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't see why Micro tournaments can't be made friendly and available for guests as well as members, if there is no tournapoints at stake anyway.
Posts: 1,714
22:17 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Micro's including guests is a great idea imo.

However you can also stay private with an account, you can set your profile so no one can pm you and ignore the rest if your such a recluse.

The site has gone down, since iv been back no one even posts so i cant even bully anyone and thats no fun.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:21 Fri 13 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
No one likes a bully kirk
Posts: 1,714
02:26 Sat 14 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
More people like me since i became a witty idiot than when I was pretending to be nice for the sake of clans lol.
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