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Deleted User
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15:53 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i'd say thats a blessing Paula ....

and maybe start a petition of some sort? start a thread to vote for the site to go back to how it was?? surely if enough people just put there names down he would take on board??

He posted somewhere a couple months back saying he has taken on a full time job and only has time to really make sure nothing goes wrong and no more major updates will be done.

I could be very wrong but I seriously doubt anything will change now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:35 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
site is fine apart from the clans taking over,do they pay anything to use the site for their leagues etc?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:52 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
site is fine apart from the clans taking over,do they pay anything to use the site for their leagues etc?

The leagues and everything are all sorted away from the site, and as the site is free to use then there is no stopping anyone from using it to play how many games they want really.

If the site did charge for it all they would have to do is set up a forum elsewhere which could be free and easy enough to do, and then just play the games on here as they do now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:54 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Site would be dead n burried if wasn't for CLANS so ppl need to be grateful and appreciative to them more. Yes true there isn't much to cater for non clan members and that could be improved upon but CLANS bring the site a purpose and a definite new dimension.

Why should they have to pay? What a stupid statement to make.
Posts: 26
18:04 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Site would be dead n burried if wasn't for CLANS so ppl need to be grateful and appreciative to them more. Yes true there isn't much to cater for non clan members and that could be improved upon but CLANS bring the site a purpose and a definite new dimension.

Why should they have to pay? What a stupid statement to make.

It's this common clan player held belief that the clans have saved FP and we should all be grateful that's the biggest problem.

The clans took players away from FP's own tournaments and rankings, so any newbie coming along just sees empty tournies and no available games and doesn't bother sticking around.

The clans may be the reason CLAN players keep coming to FP and keep it barely alive, but they're also the reason no new members join, so they're killing FP as well as 'saving' it (for themselves mainly). Nothing can be done about clans now but if clans had never been allowed to get a foothold on FP it'd wouldn't have gone into long term stagnation.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:13 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Site would be dead n burried if wasn't for CLANS so ppl need to be grateful and appreciative to them more. Yes true there isn't much to cater for non clan members and that could be improved upon but CLANS bring the site a purpose and a definite new dimension.

Why should they have to pay? What a stupid statement to make.

It's this common clan player held belief that the clans have saved FP and we should all be grateful that's the biggest problem.

The clans took players away from FP's own tournaments and rankings, so any newbie coming along just sees empty tournies and no available games and doesn't bother sticking around.

The clans may be the reason CLAN players keep coming to FP and keep it barely alive, but they're also the reason no new members join, so they're killing FP as well as 'saving' it (for themselves mainly). Nothing can be done about clans now but if clans had never been allowed to get a foothold on FP it'd wouldn't have gone into long term stagnation.

I agree with what you have said but for someone to solely blame CLANS fro the sites demise is unfair, other sites have simply taken away those once interested plus hardly any modifications. Nothing to lose entice new members but also nothing to try maintain interest neither apart from clans.

No one will enjoy joining a clan when they will more than likely lose fixtures in fixture out. That doesn't help.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:51 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Site would be dead n burried if wasn't for CLANS so ppl need to be grateful and appreciative to them more. Yes true there isn't much to cater for non clan members and that could be improved upon but CLANS bring the site a purpose and a definite new dimension.

Why should they have to pay? What a stupid statement to make.

deluded statement. and equally as stupid

and open your eyes, it is dead and burried

Edited at 15:55 Sun 22/06/14 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:03 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It's not dead just dormant at the moment.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:27 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Its on a downward spiral and has been for years and will continue to do so!//!. Members have themselves to blame, making threads complaining about this and that, ( and its always the same people ) *not the majority*, and when it gets changed they still complain. The ranking system and tournaments should never have been changed IMO.

And now i see micro tournapoints have gone aswell, giving weaker players absolutely no chance of winning a medal

We are killing this game
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:42 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They stand no chance as the same players enter EVERY tournament, should introduce a limit how many can enter on any one day. Newbies should not be allowed to enter until played sufficient amount of frames/racks. Hopefully eliminate new accounts for players who fancy an easier route to ranking points and may reduce resets too.

Oh well, nothing will be changed so pointless posting tbh.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:58 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They stand no chance as the same players enter EVERY tournament, should introduce a limit how many can enter on any one day. Newbies should not be allowed to enter until played sufficient amount of frames/racks. Hopefully eliminate new accounts for players who fancy an easier route to ranking points and may reduce resets too.

Oh well, nothing will be changed so pointless posting tbh.

Out of the people who reset the most or make new names the most, the majority of them are above 675 anyway, usually above 700-750 too so how can you say that resetting is an easier route? surely if your 765 and reset or make a new name you have to play a load of games again in order to get back to that rank and then some more again to get to your desired rank... when if you just went on the same win streak on your current name you would probably get it quicker...
Posts: 785
20:36 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
People still commenting on this?!

Jeez I've slept since then. Comments won't get anyone anywhere. The sites dead not only through the night time, but it would seem through the day time too. Its rare to get a ranked game, tournaments are to easy to win, an what bugs me the most... More an more players over the past 3 months banned are just returning to the game again a day later.

Tinie offline 3 months, came back as master_pot_ banned in an instant, then came back less then 24 hours later under banned_user_.. Who knows how many more accounts he has made.

Also tactics is another one. That person is online under a new account every night despite being banned every night.

The games just full of multi-using, cheats with no manners what so ever. Making this game unbearable to play.
Posts: 7,297
21:05 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
agree with the above post by phil .

i firmly believe we should have a right to play in more tournaments and maybe bring back micros more .

As the other night no ranked games were being played and if you do find the odd game they are normally low ranked so wouldnt be worth your time .

i hope they bring back more tournaments / micros as i loved when i could log in and get a game straight away.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:32 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
More micros?


The ones we have now are struggling to get the maximum of 8 players half the time. Out of the main tournaments over the past 13 hours (inc the one playing now) there has been a maximum of 19 people, then 16 in one 15 in another and the rest all had 10 or lower participants.

There is no point adding more tournaments if the ones now are getting less than 20 entrants.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:20 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
People still commenting on this?!

Jeez I've slept since then. Comments won't get anyone anywhere. The sites dead not only through the night time, but it would seem through the day time too. Its rare to get a ranked game, tournaments are to easy to win, an what bugs me the most... More an more players over the past 3 months banned are just returning to the game again a day later.

Tinie offline 3 months, came back as master_pot_ banned in an instant, then came back less then 24 hours later under banned_user_.. Who knows how many more accounts he has made.

Also tactics is another one. That person is online under a new account every night despite being banned every night.

The games just full of multi-using, cheats with no manners what so ever. Making this game unbearable to play.

Hahahaha. This guy complaining about manners. Next joke.
Posts: 785
23:29 Sun 22 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
People still commenting on this?!

Jeez I've slept since then. Comments won't get anyone anywhere. The sites dead not only through the night time, but it would seem through the day time too. Its rare to get a ranked game, tournaments are to easy to win, an what bugs me the most... More an more players over the past 3 months banned are just returning to the game again a day later.

Tinie offline 3 months, came back as master_pot_ banned in an instant, then came back less then 24 hours later under banned_user_.. Who knows how many more accounts he has made.

Also tactics is another one. That person is online under a new account every night despite being banned every night.

The games just full of multi-using, cheats with no manners what so ever. Making this game unbearable to play.

Hahahaha. This guy complaining about manners. Next joke.

Who even mentioned your name? No wait thats it.. I can see why you felt the need to post on here again slating my comment.

Its because i mentioned your beloved mike. How is he by the way?

Your all talk sam, no bottle!
Posts: 9,456
01:30 Mon 23 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I think the site can only continue from the support of the members! I'm going to change the title, I have been on here for years like many and we moan about how good it used to be! Remember thou

1. Facebook wasn't about then
2. People didn't have mobiles and devices too use twitter etc
3. You can only make ie better from supporting the game
4. People get jobs and move on

I'm not going too list loads but let's change thus thread from let's moan about what is wrong too how can it be improved! At the end of the day half of you nagging have been on here years and don't leave

Clans have always been here in all my time! Yes more popular these days but how do up you keep interest in just tournaments and rank! I won my 140+ wins and took me years! I personally like to see tournaments back to where it was hard to win! I've seen a new player in weeks gain more! Anyway the reason for the name change I want to see you / us members list positive and constructive posts helping rather than moan!

List what you think will improve the game (outside of nick admin can help)


1. No guests in game
2. Limited tournaments per day
3. Clans to be owned and run from staff

All of the above are ideas etc

Let's post and be more positive I'm sick to death of logging in to blah blah blah!

Posts: 785
01:56 Mon 23 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
1. Bring back the old ranking system
2. Advertise the site in more ways then one

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:36 Mon 23 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
1. Bring back the old ranking system
2. Advertise the site in more ways then one

Posts: 3,072
02:43 Mon 23 Jun 14 (BST)  [Link]  
i think we sould have naked thursdays
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