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Posts: 19,967
01:29 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL is looking great, I want Snooker Squad to beat Pro's as then it becomes set up brilliantly (though that fixture is in the last set so it's going down to the wire anyway). I think though that pro's will just about edge them out of it and it'll put pro's on top with SS 3rd. If snooks win then there's no telling what the top 3 positions will be.

Super League is where SS reign surpreme. Pro's will give them a go as will Uprising but I have to go for them to win it again. Ultras and Pro's B seem the stronger side out of their respective clans so I'd back those two to complete the top three. I think UItra's will earn redemption in a head to head between the two in the semi's, thought that they'd done enough to beat pro's B in the league but one result at the end swung it, and I think the Ultra's will be the hungrier of the two sides if they meet again.

FBL i'd say is difficult to choose, especially because of the current games being played. Some have 2 some have 4, it will take a while for things to come into perspective. I think Uprising are the underdogs in all 3 leagues, but I consider them a contender still so I'm going for them. Think the head to heads might decide this one and I don't know how it'll pan out.
Posts: 19,967
01:39 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Particularly in FCL, but also in the other leagues to a lesser extent I see the top three being far and above the rest of the pack.

Way I see it theres 3 division of teams. Uprising, SS and Pro's are the top. These 3 look likely to end this current FCL set with about 180 frames out of 240 won which is unheard of.

Unbeatables and Phoenix Storm are just ahead of Eagles and Dynamos but I would seperate these four as a middle ground group who may pose a threat to the above 3 in head to head games but over the season don't have enough to finish above them.

Then Top Guns, Mousey misfits, Ballbreakers and Underdogs are the clans below the rest. Full of new players and the like, they do have players who can cause an upset but they're not likely to cause any worry to the top 3, but the middle 4 can't take any of these 4 for granted as any of these can have their day. Though I don't know enough about these to really comment much more. Underdogs have done well to stick around and will earn respect for doing so, and i'm sure the others are just as hardy. I'm saying none of these will fold, though if a new clan pops up next season then they may need to be weary about poaching.
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09:50 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Particularly in FCL, but also in the other leagues to a lesser extent I see the top three being far and above the rest of the pack.

Way I see it theres 3 division of teams. Uprising, SS and Pro's are the top. These 3 look likely to end this current FCL set with about 180 frames out of 240 won which is unheard of.

Unbeatables and Phoenix Storm are just ahead of Eagles and Dynamos but I would seperate these four as a middle ground group who may pose a threat to the above 3 in head to head games but over the season don't have enough to finish above them.

Then Top Guns, Mousey misfits, Ballbreakers and Underdogs are the clans below the rest. Full of new players and the like, they do have players who can cause an upset but they're not likely to cause any worry to the top 3, but the middle 4 can't take any of these 4 for granted as any of these can have their day. Though I don't know enough about these to really comment much more. Underdogs have done well to stick around and will earn respect for doing so, and i'm sure the others are just as hardy. I'm saying none of these will fold, though if a new clan pops up next season then they may need to be weary about poaching.

Can't argue with any of that, spot on summary
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09:51 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Particularly in FCL, but also in the other leagues to a lesser extent I see the top three being far and above the rest of the pack.

Way I see it theres 3 division of teams. Uprising, SS and Pro's are the top. These 3 look likely to end this current FCL set with about 180 frames out of 240 won which is unheard of.

Unbeatables and Phoenix Storm are just ahead of Eagles and Dynamos but I would seperate these four as a middle ground group who may pose a threat to the above 3 in head to head games but over the season don't have enough to finish above them.

Then Top Guns, Mousey misfits, Ballbreakers and Underdogs are the clans below the rest. Full of new players and the like, they do have players who can cause an upset but they're not likely to cause any worry to the top 3, but the middle 4 can't take any of these 4 for granted as any of these can have their day. Though I don't know enough about these to really comment much more. Underdogs have done well to stick around and will earn respect for doing so, and i'm sure the others are just as hardy. I'm saying none of these will fold, though if a new clan pops up next season then they may need to be weary about poaching.

Can't argue with any of that, spot on summary except eagles are gonna be right in there for fourth too, looking strong
Posts: 19,967
14:19 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think they have the potential to be, but are coming up short versus unbeatables so I think they'll need to work hard to battle for 4th
Posts: 9,926
21:53 Mon 11 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Winner - The Professionals
Runner up - Snooker Squad
3rd place - Uprising

Super league
Winner - The Professionals A
Runner up - Snooker Squad
3rd place - Uprising Ultras

Winner - Snooker Squad
Runner up - The Professionals
3rd place - Uprising

Think FCL in the longer format, the professionals are too strong. It could be SS or Uprising as runner up as i dont see much between them.

In super league again slightly longer format so i would think either professionals or SS. The fact SS have only one team in it should make them favourites as far easier and more players to pick from. With pros and uprising slightly hampered by having 2 teams. Just got a feeling that SS domination will end this year but would not be surprised if I am wrong.

FBL i would expect SS to win but i think that every year as short format and having Straight, the snooker game in it really means that they should clean up but as previous years have shown it has not been the case. I just hope that we do not have a situation like last season when an unbeaten side does not win the league.
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13:11 Tue 24 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
End of Season League Predictions FCL

1. Uprising
2. Pros
3. Snooker Squad
4. Phoenix Storm/Unbeatables
5. Unbeatables/Phoenix Storm
6. Fighting Eagles
7. Pocket Dynamos
8. Top Guns
9. Mousey Misfits
10. Underdogs
11. Ballbreakers

I really think it's Uprisings time, they have a very strong team including back up players should they be required. I think it will go down to the last fixtures to be honest and Uprising will just win it.

Snooker Squad have a great side too, just a few inconsistencies atm. They will be back and be Numero Uno again soon.

I've put Phoenix Storm 4th as that's the target I would like us to reach, we have never said we are the best, just the next best thing. I believe the team is strong enough to finish either 4th or 5th. Only competition will be between Unbeatables, so they feel they must weaken us in order to catch us and the Fighting Eagles who are ones to watch out for, capable of making a move at any time.

My opinion, not asking people to agree.

I get where you're coming from, Uprising have really strengthened their squad, only time will tell if it is strong enough. We have beaten them already though........ So they have to make up 8 points.

Not too far off we got 5th lol, cphaynes your prediction spot on, nice one mate.
Posts: 19,967
02:33 Wed 25 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
so far i've been closer then him , we both said the same for FCL

For Super League he put a pro's team in the final, I put an uprising team in - both against SS
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06:26 Wed 25 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't realise SS got to choose their opponents though. But FBL will be a tight one.
Posts: 3,610
00:09 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
i predict......... the_priest will win todays day medal and maybe the next 100..... any thoughts???................... i got bored of that along time ago
Posts: 1,714
14:09 Sat 4 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
A riot
Posts: 6,417
18:23 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Winner - The Professionals
Runner up - Snooker Squad
3rd place - Uprising

Super league
Winner - The Professionals A
Runner up - Snooker Squad
3rd place - Uprising Ultras

Winner - Snooker Squad
Runner up - The Professionals
3rd place - Uprising

Think FCL in the longer format, the professionals are too strong. It could be SS or Uprising as runner up as i dont see much between them.

In super league again slightly longer format so i would think either professionals or SS. The fact SS have only one team in it should make them favourites as far easier and more players to pick from. With pros and uprising slightly hampered by having 2 teams. Just got a feeling that SS domination will end this year but would not be surprised if I am wrong.

FBL i would expect SS to win but i think that every year as short format and having Straight, the snooker game in it really means that they should clean up but as previous years have shown it has not been the case. I just hope that we do not have a situation like last season when an unbeaten side does not win the league.

haha u were right about the FBL
Posts: 6,417
21:34 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
ill make my predictions for next season


Winner- Professionals
Runner up- Uprising
3rd place- Unbeatables

Super league
Winner - Professionals
Runner up- Uprising
3rd place- The Firing Squad

Winner- Uprising
Runner up - Professionals
3rd place The Firing Squad

Top Fcl player- cgibson92
Top FBLplayer- whocares8x8 (if he decides to still play in a clan)
Top Sl player- cgibson92

Two teams to fold- dont think any clan will fold

Two players to be banned: ill make sure i get banned this season so me and faust
Posts: 19,967
22:19 Fri 31 Jan 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think it's best to wait until season starts and make a new thread to avoid trawling through to find the right season plus with the SS happenings it's impossible to say right now I feel

I think Stu is winning that race
Posts: 2,463
23:29 Sat 1 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Winner - Snooker Squad
Runner up - The Professionals
3rd place - Uprising

FBL i would expect SS to win but i think that every year as short format and having Straight, the snooker game in it really means that they should clean up but as previous years have shown it has not been the case. I just hope that we do not have a situation like last season when an unbeaten side does not win the league.

haha u were right about the FBL

The FBL scored frames won ( and a bonus for team match wins). When you count frames, noone goes "unbeaten". More accurate that way too, more reflective of what actually happened. Thing is, a team fixture isn't a game, it's a whole bunch of games. When you dumb down the numbers, and just look a team matches, you lose accuracy (When a top player plays an average player in a race to 2, the average player has a chance, in a race to 20 he doesn't= accuracy in numbers).
Posts: 2,463
23:37 Sat 1 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll predict pro's win FCL, I think the other 2 leagues are too unpredictable, the scoring systems aren't accurate enough, any of the top teams could win.
Posts: 11,059
12:41 Sun 2 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
(When a top player plays an average player in a race to 2, the average player has a chance, in a race to 20 he doesn't= accuracy in numbers).
Some would say boredom in numbers!
Posts: 9,926
13:03 Sun 2 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  

Winner - Snooker Squad
Runner up - The Professionals
3rd place - Uprising

FBL i would expect SS to win but i think that every year as short format and having Straight, the snooker game in it really means that they should clean up but as previous years have shown it has not been the case. I just hope that we do not have a situation like last season when an unbeaten side does not win the league.

haha u were right about the FBL

The FBL scored frames won ( and a bonus for team match wins). When you count frames, noone goes "unbeaten". More accurate that way too, more reflective of what actually happened. Thing is, a team fixture isn't a game, it's a whole bunch of games. When you dumb down the numbers, and just look a team matches, you lose accuracy (When a top player plays an average player in a race to 2, the average player has a chance, in a race to 20 he doesn't= accuracy in numbers).

You can call it accuracy in numbers but for anyone who has played a team game in any league they would disagree.

Uprising should have been the rightful winners of the FBL this season and Snooker Squad the season before, it is just the poor format that has meant pros are the undeserved winners.
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14:06 Sun 2 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
Surely the overall winners should be:

1. Unbeaten
2. Most Frames Won For That Team
3. IF these are the same then go by the points secured HEAD to HEAD

Is that not what happens? I'm only asking as this season we are aiming to be up there near the top.
Posts: 3,610
14:29 Sun 2 Feb 14 (GMT)  [Link]  
who the hell is bothered...
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