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Deleted User
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15:56 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just an opinion,

Snooker Squad got weaker when onevisit and pirate_steve left but only bought in hi_im_gary, pros got stronger with signing sixty_plus, uprising strengthened the most with 3 new quality additions; shadwell17, w_hoolahan and fuunky.

That's where I base my opinion on. Not asking anyone to agree, each to their own.

Pride comes before a fall, watch this space.
Posts: 10,109
17:30 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just an opinion,

Snooker Squad got weaker when onevisit and pirate_steve left but only bought in hi_im_gary, pros got stronger with signing sixty_plus, uprising strengthened the most with 3 new quality additions; shadwell17, w_hoolahan and fuunky.

That's where I base my opinion on. Not asking anyone to agree, each to their own.

Pride comes before a fall, watch this space.

we lost _nerdzz_ to Pro's, who is quality, and you missed us getting franer_!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:40 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just an opinion,

Snooker Squad got weaker when onevisit and pirate_steve left but only bought in hi_im_gary, pros got stronger with signing sixty_plus, uprising strengthened the most with 3 new quality additions; shadwell17, w_hoolahan and fuunky.

That's where I base my opinion on. Not asking anyone to agree, each to their own.

Pride comes before a fall, watch this space.

we lost _nerdzz_ to Pro's, who is quality, and you missed us getting franer_!

Very true franer_ too, quality addition. So that amplifies my prediction more so.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:46 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your right, we only brought in Davey_1985,sixty_plus,_nerdzz_ and tinie so I mean we didn't really strengthen we probably got weaker ;-)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:59 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just an opinion,

Snooker Squad got weaker when onevisit and pirate_steve left but only bought in hi_im_gary, pros got stronger with signing sixty_plus, uprising strengthened the most with 3 new quality additions; shadwell17, w_hoolahan and fuunky.

That's where I base my opinion on. Not asking anyone to agree, each to their own.

Pride comes before a fall, watch this space.

we lost _nerdzz_ to Pro's, who is quality, and you missed us getting franer_!

Very true franer_ too, quality addition. So that amplifies my prediction more so.

Snooker squad brought in 4 players.

and myself.

All of whom could have if they wanted probably joined any team. (I know at least 2 of them got offers from pros, and can't remember if Matty asked me but we all know he'd have me... he can't resist me.)

^^ I remember dvz horse and been asking me
Posts: 3,072
21:22 Tue 5 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Deleted User
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04:10 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Top fcl player - cphaynes

Top fbl player - seb

Top tcl player - lethal_lures

Wahaayyyyyy, someone finally mentioned my name. Enough of a success to me...... I won't be top FCL player though, I'm not playing enough in that league. 1 game out of 2 most of the time isn't enough, plus the 1 game is normally against top opposition. SL is on the cards though. Who knows.

Top fcl player - Seb

Top fbl player - Seb

Top tcl player - Pete (lethal)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:14 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
End of Season League Predictions FCL

1. Uprising
2. Pros
3. Snooker Squad
4. Phoenix Storm/Unbeatables
5. Unbeatables/Phoenix Storm
6. Fighting Eagles
7. Pocket Dynamos
8. Top Guns
9. Mousey Misfits
10. Underdogs
11. Ballbreakers

I really think it's Uprisings time, they have a very strong team including back up players should they be required. I think it will go down to the last fixtures to be honest and Uprising will just win it.

Snooker Squad have a great side too, just a few inconsistencies atm. They will be back and be Numero Uno again soon.

I've put Phoenix Storm 4th as that's the target I would like us to reach, we have never said we are the best, just the next best thing. I believe the team is strong enough to finish either 4th or 5th. Only competition will be between Unbeatables, so they feel they must weaken us in order to catch us and the Fighting Eagles who are ones to watch out for, capable of making a move at any time.

My opinion, not asking people to agree.

I get where you're coming from, Uprising have really strengthened their squad, only time will tell if it is strong enough. We have beaten them already though........ So they have to make up 8 points.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:22 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've decided to change mine, see I even argue with myself lol.

Winner- Uprising
Runner up- Pros
3rd place- Snooker Squad

Super League
Winner: Pros
Runner up- Snooker Squad
3rd place- Uprising

Winner- Snooker Squad
Runner up - Pros
3rd place - Uprising

Top Fcl player- lethal_lures
Top SL player- sharky89
Top FBL player- whocares8x8

Two teams to fold- Underdogs Only

Two players to be banned - No-one, me if I don't shut up!!!
"I'll BAN myself lol"

Edited at 02:42 Wed 06/11/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:26 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You think Pro's will go a season without anything? You really are challenging us lmao! We have proved to be the best team in the league, since our clans birth. I'm hoping it will stay like that for a while yet.
Posts: 2,717
04:29 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Use will win FCL ..

FBL will be tough one,

SL is urs or SS..

how i see it.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:31 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll do my predictions now, and I'll eat my words at the end of the season when we fail.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:34 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You think Pro's will go a season without anything? You really are challenging us lmao! We have proved to be the best team in the league, since our clans birth. I'm hoping it will stay like that for a while yet.

Oh no that's wrong lol,
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:42 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Winner - Professions
Runner up - Uprising
3rd place - Snooker Squad

Top FCL Player - whocares8x8

Super League

Winner - Snooker Squad (Group 2)
Runner up - Professionals B (Group 1)
3rd place - Uprising (Best of the rest)

Top Super League Player - lethal_lures

Winner - Snooker Squad
Runner up - Professionals
3rd place - Uprising

Top FBL Player - whocares8x8

I've chosen Snooker Squad over us in SL, due to the fact Professionals A have been beaten already. Professions B will meet Snooker Squad in the final.....

No clan will fold...... Hopefully.

I'm sure a lot of you would agree, it's not easy running a lower level clan. Try to keep players is hard enough, and if they keep getting beat 10-5 or worse, it can be a kick in the moral. So fair play to all of the clan members who don't aren't the best, but keep this league running..... It would be boring if it were a 5 clan league.

Newcomer of the season award will go to........?

Edited at 03:50 Wed 06/11/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:57 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Intermediate or the_incal i would say for newcomer award.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:20 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_incal has had some quality results this season....he'll move onto a 'bigger' team (no offense meant underdogs or cke) for next season I reckon.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:36 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_incal has had some quality results this season....he'll move onto a 'bigger' team (no offense meant underdogs or cke) for next season I reckon.
I agree the_incal has had some great results this season , i doubt cke or underdogs would mind him going to a bigger team tho considering he's in MM
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:40 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_incal has had some quality results this season....he'll move onto a 'bigger' team (no offense meant underdogs or cke) for next season I reckon.
I agree the_incal has had some great results this season , i doubt cke or underdogs would mind him going to a bigger team tho considering he's in MM

Ooooh my bad...then no offense meant to you or the mouseys Hope you can keep hold of him
Posts: 292
15:24 Wed 6 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
the_incal has had some quality results this season....he'll move onto a 'bigger' team (no offense meant underdogs or cke) for next season I reckon.
I agree the_incal has had some great results this season , i doubt cke or underdogs would mind him going to a bigger team tho considering he's in MM

Ooooh my bad...then no offense meant to you or the mouseys Hope you can keep hold of him

I thought he was a complete unknown i would therefore have an easy game and now you're all telling me this?! CHEERS GUYS
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:54 Thu 7 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with chris, can't see any teams folding which is a good thing
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