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14:00 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
With 2 or 3 subs allowed per fixture, would it make more sense to reduce maximum clan sizes? This would be the time to consider it as few are currently running at the level of having 16 active members.

Clans are struggling with 16 people at the moment we speak, so reducing them wouldnt be a good idea. There are 3 leagues in which u have to alternate your players. If there was only one league than reducing the number would be a good option but not at the moment.
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14:01 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
It keeps getting brought up about reducing clan numbers but there never seems to be many in favour of it. It's also unlikely that eri or faust will want to remove lethal from the team either
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14:54 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
^^^ lethal is long removed already!!

Thats fine, if everyone wants to keep it at 16.

IF there is to be a limit of, say, three subs per fixture then all clans will have to seriously understand two main issues...

1) That before any team lists are provided clans' responsibility lies in making sure as far as possible that the 8 named players are going to be active and available during that period and;

2) Any subs made by the opposition can be made for whatever reason they wish and at whatever time they wish. They can be purely tactical to match one player with another or in response to particular current score as well as simply to replace an unavailable player. They can be made early or they can be left to the last minute. If you arent happy with any sub made there are two choices - get on with it and play the game or dont play the game and let the score be decided by others.

Edited at 12:07 Fri 03/10/14 (BST)
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15:33 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Exactly how it should be...hallelujah!!! Subs are to encourage a fixture to be completed, if that has an adverse affect to the opposition or overall result so be it. Save your wild card player till the end they still represent your team, just try win as many points before gets to that player so have an insurmountable lead.

IF Captains Strategize properly this could be fun.
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15:35 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Tactical subs are a joke ... if this is the way the clans are going to end up i.e purposely tactical im not too sure how long i want to be in these leagues for. If you haven't got faith in all your players then you shouldn't put them in the fixture in the first place.
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15:46 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Tactical subs are a joke ... if this is the way the clans are going to end up i.e purposely tactical im not too sure how long i want to be in these leagues for. If you haven't got faith in all your players then you shouldn't put them in the fixture in the first place.

What are you whining about matty? You have constructed by far the best and strongest team. Over the past seasons you've been strong, happen to think this current one is the strongest. You don't need to make any tactical subs But if there is that option then the so called lesser teams should be able to carry out whatever they can to try and achieve a positive result.

Agree all players should be capable to win on their own merit but all teams ain't like Pros or Upbringing. This will make other teams that little bit more effective, give them a push to believe after a few fixtures a match is and still possible to achieve a good result.

At the moment ALL rules cater for the so called BIGGER teams and that's highly unfair on others. So try see it from their perspective and not just through your Pro Kaleidoscopic eyes. At the moment the bigger teams twist and things fall in to place, instead of seeing the bigger picture for All. (my kaleidoscope analogy )
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15:48 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Tactical subs are a joke ... if this is the way the clans are going to end up i.e purposely tactical im not too sure how long i want to be in these leagues for. If you haven't got faith in all your players then you shouldn't put them in the fixture in the first place.

Tactical subs are a way of life now. The only way you can stop them is to have no subs at all and you dont like that either.
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15:51 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh mate shut your noise ... the rules currently cater for everyone not the so called smaller teams, but all that seems to be happening is all the rules are going to favour smaller teams .. it won't make any difference to who wins the leagues to be honest it will still be the same teams, my argument is this game is about sending your team lists in players vs players in the order you put them in at Not for terrible captains to manipulate the rules to keep it close that was never the intention it was for everyone to put the teams in blind and for that way they are random matches, i do not tactical sub.

If the only way people can beat the so called bigger teams is with the terrible tactical subbing .. it doesn't make a good captain being able to use that, In fact it makes u a far worse captain ... im sure i will not last as a captain too long if this comes in where tactical subbing is encouraged rather than frowned upon .. im sure pros will stay around but me myself will not want to be a part of it.
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15:53 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Tactical subs are a joke ... if this is the way the clans are going to end up i.e purposely tactical im not too sure how long i want to be in these leagues for. If you haven't got faith in all your players then you shouldn't put them in the fixture in the first place.

Tactical subs are a way of life now. The only way you can stop them is to have no subs at all and you dont like that either.

I never tactical sub Chris we only ever sub so that the games are done. So you can speak for other teams with that tactical subbing malarky but not pros.
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15:54 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair as long as you put your strongest lineup out I don't think it matters what the opposition does. Phoenix tried it against our strongest lineup on many occasions and failed everytime so it makes no difference imo
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15:56 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Chris it is not the only way at all ... if you use the point i used yesterday where a player that is subbed out of a match cannot sub back in until deadline day, That will mean teams who put out their strongest team against say team a if they have to sub out a stronger play he is ineligible until deadline day.
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15:56 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
To be fair as long as you put your strongest lineup out I don't think it matters what the opposition does. Phoenix tried it against our strongest lineup on many occasions and failed everytime so it makes no difference imo

Until finally this season they got it and used the rules to their advantage to beat uprising.
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15:58 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They did m8, but they've always failed against our strongest team

Did they still make tactical subs then as well? Lol
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16:02 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
They did m8, but they've always failed against our strongest team

Did they still make tactical subs then as well? Lol

This season was far the worst ... this season they actually picked their own opponents.
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16:10 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
I was against tactical subs but I thought well as long as you pick your strongest lineup what does it matter who they sub in, take it as a compliment more than anything else when they need to make make changes to stand any chance of winning.

It must be pretty annoying for the player tho when there captain doesn't have faith in them standing a chance against anyone
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16:10 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol, Phoenix Storm not around atm yet still being discussed. A legacy and impact in such a short space of time...wicked.

That's an accomplishment lol

And we would have played your strongest if they made more of an effort to arrange their matches. So only have yourselves to blame, we waited ages for a sub for lethal_lures and watched that little glimmer of hope fade away when the days increased one by one offline. But alas you have FULL belief in ALL your players so stop your whining too lol

What does it matter who played OR is that some wise guy trying type before thinking. Admit it, you don't have full belief in all your players, if you did you wouldn't be sitting there whining about a result you lost twice I hasten to add in FCL and FBL.

Edited at 13:15 Fri 03/10/14 (BST)
Deleted User
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16:21 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Nah I've never been on the losing end of a fixture vs ur team so what you going on about?

We are talking about tactical subs and your clan was the only clan that's needed to do it so I couldn't mention anyone else as an example, wake up ash

I'm not captain or vice by the way, but all uprising players play against every team so I guess that speaks for itself, doesn't mean you can't have a strongest lineup tho does it, lethal lures was clearly our best player, does that mean we don't have faith in every other player.....

Edited at 13:28 Fri 03/10/14 (BST)
Posts: 6,417
16:26 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol, Phoenix Storm not around atm yet still being discussed. A legacy and impact in such a short space of time...wicked.

That's an accomplishment lol

And we would have played your strongest if they made more of an effort to arrange their matches. So only have yourselves to blame, we waited ages for a sub for lethal_lures and watched that little glimmer of hope fade away when the days increased one by one offline. But alas you have FULL belief in ALL your players so stop your whining too lol

What does it matter who played OR is that some wise guy trying type before thinking. Admit it, you don't have full belief in all your players, if you did you wouldn't be sitting there whining about a result you lost twice I hasten to add in FCL and FBL.

Edited at 13:15 Fri 03/10/14 (BST)

Lmao i thought u folded ur clan cause of your health issues and didnt want to include yourself in arguments. On the last two days only u have posted on the forums lol. Actually you post on your thread more than your captain lmao
Deleted User
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16:26 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
He tried tactical subbing against pros .. how did that one go down for you ?

on top of that you say legacy ... we say crashed and burned .. how fitting for a phoenix to do that aye ;)
Deleted User
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16:27 Fri 3 Oct 14 (BST)  [Link]  
Matty, you cannot stop tactical subs without stopping subs full stop.

In your example, I simply put in three of my weaker players and leave three of my best players as sub. I then sub them in wherever I want and I dont care that the three I take out are then ineligible to be subed back in subsequently. I have tactically subbed within your proposed rule amendment.

You cannot have any rules in clan leagues that are unenforcable. And allowing subs but no tactical subs would be such a rule.
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