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Deleted User
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14:53 Wed 16 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This game needs more players!, every time I go on these days there are hardly any available games to play..
No hateful comments please, i'm just expressing my view..
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:37 Fri 25 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I've been around for years off & on and the count is definitely down. One dissapointing thing is that the site doesn't seem to even come up in a Google search of "Online pool games".
Have msgd Nick about some possible SEO efforts
Still thinks it's the best pool game going but if nobody knows about it it's not worth much
Posts: 1,170
20:01 Fri 25 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
site has gone downhill alot since when i used to play, personally knew this would happen after all the changes, yes some were due and others wasn't needed but now that there's not really any competition on here these days its rare i even log in to check the forums, most game types are now 790 for top 50, when years back it used to be 820+ for a top 50 rating.

Shame to see the site start to fade but with nick taking on a new job and admitting this will be his side view unfortunately i can only see it going further and further down the pan.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:54 Fri 25 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I remember when I last played on here 6 years ago. There used to be so many matches being played in nearly every pool format and so many players online, most instances especially weekend one chat room would always be full at least.
Not sure why the decline to be honest, quite surprised because it is a good site.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:24 Sat 26 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Also, the ages on this website of people are mixed. But the majority of people who used to play were in their teens, they have probably all grown up now etc. Need to target youngsters and also spread the word to friends etc. Advertise on pool forums etc possibly increase numbers.
Posts: 38,097
01:33 Sat 26 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Facebook, Twitter etc can also increase interest.

It would be good if someone who is good with Trailers can produce a 30 Sec to 1 Min Video showing this site in action (In Game, Forums etc).
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:46 Sat 26 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Old saying unfortunately 'No point trying to flog a dead horse', this site has had it's hay-day. Only way this site will improve is a total revamp, the game engines are the best out there but other things need to change, games available, tournaments (maybe should only take place when a specific number of players have joined?) Tournapoints are a waste of time, you can win 3 majors in 1 24 hour day but still lose out to someone who decided to win all the micros, where's the fairness in that?

Change comes with time and unfortunately this site has been left behind in my opinion, it's all well and good getting new players and members but there's nothing here to sustain the 'already here' players. Losing to the same player(s) day in day out can and will only deter new people.

I enjoy this site, not as much as i used too tbh, for several reasons but it would be good to reinvigorate the site and it's personnel. I think if a few changes or even modifications on top of what is already available then this site could 'reach new heights and soar'.
Posts: 1,170
07:25 Sat 26 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
completely agree with everything everyone has said, but like i said now nick has got a new abition/job to focus on hes admitted this will be his second thought meaning nothing will get done here, its had its day like you said ash.

Was fun while it lasted but i cant see it continuing even if it does so, not to much more then it already is
Posts: 1,405
08:52 Sat 26 Oct 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't write Nick off too soon, I reckon he will be teaching someone of Admin to carry on the good work
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:49 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Facebook, Twitter etc can also increase interest.

It would be good if someone who is good with Trailers can produce a 30 Sec to 1 Min Video showing this site in action (In Game, Forums etc).
This is a brilliant idea!! Put it up on youtube, and post & share on facebook
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:24 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
def needs advertising as its 12 noon on a sunday afternoon and only 29 members online i remember the days whe that numbers was in hundreds and had trouble getting in chat room.

nick need to think of advertising funky it will bring a new wave.
Posts: 26
16:53 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
def needs advertising as its 12 noon on a sunday afternoon and only 29 members online i remember the days whe that numbers was in hundreds and had trouble getting in chat room.

nick need to think of advertising funky it will bring a new wave.

He can advertise all he likes but because all you people are playing your clan games, newbies can't get a game or find more or less empty tournies so they don't bother sticking around.

All well suggesting fixes, but everyone above with a clan pic beside their name are the problems not the solution.

Edited at 14:58 Sun 27/10/13 (GMT)
Posts: 10,109
17:20 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
def needs advertising as its 12 noon on a sunday afternoon and only 29 members online i remember the days whe that numbers was in hundreds and had trouble getting in chat room.

nick need to think of advertising funky it will bring a new wave.

He can advertise all he likes but because all you people are playing your clan games, newbies can't get a game or find more or less empty tournies so they don't bother sticking around.

All well suggesting fixes, but everyone above with a clan pic beside their name are the problems not the solution.

Myself and at least 5 others I speak to would've quit this site years ago if it wasn't for the clan leagues. The majority of people in clans play in non clan games too, and in almost every 10 man killer game, the majority of people are in clans.
Posts: 26
18:03 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not saying clan players don't play the other games, I'm just saying that at any one time a big percentage of them are playing games and posting on forums that won't attract newcomers, because activity on the mainstream falls off to near-on nothing.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:41 Sun 27 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not true... just the fact that some new players get on, and might not be so good i think, dont get the flow of things and jus decide not to come back.

They probably do NOT check the forum to see all the different subjects and great things about it is a shame, but until people make a new account and just stay with it, and not go off for months at a time, or forget about the game it wont change.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:20 Mon 28 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
too many game formats and tournaments...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:04 Tue 29 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not saying clan players don't play the other games, I'm just saying that at any one time a big percentage of them are playing games and posting on forums that won't attract newcomers, because activity on the mainstream falls off to near-on nothing.

we play clan cause rank points aren't worth playing for since half points of none tourney matches, and tournapoints are only worth playing for if yr willing to play 12 hours a day.

nothing to do with clan......look at tournies in play, 75%+ are clan players. But no1 will play many ranked normal games whiles ranking system like it is
Posts: 4,775
02:41 Tue 29 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm not saying clan players don't play the other games, I'm just saying that at any one time a big percentage of them are playing games and posting on forums that won't attract newcomers, because activity on the mainstream falls off to near-on nothing.

we play clan cause rank points aren't worth playing for since half points of none tourney matches, and tournapoints are only worth playing for if yr willing to play 12 hours a day.

nothing to do with clan......look at tournies in play, 75%+ are clan players. But no1 will play many ranked normal games whiles ranking system like it is

I agree with both of you.

A lot of people only play clan games and tournaments these days (me being one of them) which means there isn't many games available for newbies to play...... but like redherring said, no one wants to play ranked games when you can get more points playing tournaments.

As much as I enjoy clans though, I do think they are a big problem when it comes to new members. It's a case of if your not involved with clans (unless you've been around a while) then no one really wants to know you / talk to you. And how do you think new members feel when they come into the chat room for the first time and people are going on about clan games? It's got to be off putting not being able to join in.
Posts: 1,714
03:37 Tue 29 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I always thought clans to be a bad thing rather when it was general people running it. Lets face it sometimes idiots have been in charge. I always thought it would be better ran by the admin/mods of the site as it would be less biased.

For me the way tournapoints are its ruined the site, all these micros have, arcade games have, and general evolution of technology. This would be much better if you could play on your i pad or kindle devices and i bet a lot more numbers would pop up. Also im sure nick could let someone else help run/maintain the site and continue the plans he has if he has any.

This site can be saved but it's not going to be anytime soon if ever and it seems to me like nick himself and admin dont really care.
Posts: 1,405
03:58 Tue 29 Oct 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

Chewbacca has spoken
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