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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:50 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
All this talk that "newbies" cant get a game is stupid, newbies can enter plenty of tournaments and micro tournaments like they currently do. I have 2 theory's why the site isn't as BIG as it was like 3/4 years ago.

1: people deactivating and making new names just to see how well they can do on a new account.

2: ranking system since the micro tournaments and rank tournaments were introduced is very poor, I remember years ago people would play first to 100 in ranked games and you would see people reach virtuoso, now people don't stand a chance to get there again unless it straight or killer.

I think if micros were removed and possibly a block on people deleting to make new names then the site would increase a bit but I do think the ranking system needs work so people can come back and play first to 50/100 or whatever in rank, people can earn "virtuoso" status
Posts: 1,714
14:40 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah now it's near impossible to get to virtuoso it made me not bother about rank at all. That will be a big factor why people dislike the site. There are more cons than pros on this site now imo. But again nothing will be done anytime soon so it's like it or lump it so people have left or reduced the amount they come on drastically. The site will be as good as the person looking after it and that says it all tbh.
Posts: 19,819
14:50 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah now it's near impossible to get to virtuoso it made me not bother about rank at all. That will be a big factor why people dislike the site. There are more cons than pros on this site now imo. But again nothing will be done anytime soon so it's like it or lump it so people have left or reduced the amount they come on drastically. The site will be as good as the person looking after it and that says it all tbh.

Yeah got to agree with that tbh.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:57 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah now it's near impossible to get to virtuoso it made me not bother about rank at all. That will be a big factor why people dislike the site. There are more cons than pros on this site now imo. But again nothing will be done anytime soon so it's like it or lump it so people have left or reduced the amount they come on drastically. The site will be as good as the person looking after it and that says it all tbh.

Yeah got to agree with that tbh.

Yeah got to agree with that tbh.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
What a load of rubbish, people should be grateful this site even exists. Nick created it as a hobby not a lifetime job, we are fortunate the site is as good as it is. IF people don't like it then no ones making them stay. There will always be new interested traffic, whether they stay or not is also down to the existing players and their attitudes. Would you want to stay somewhere where constant negativity exists? I wouldn't!

Either put up or shut up I say, there are little changes happening which is good, less is more so anything's better than nothing. Show a but more appreciation and respect to Nick and his team and maybe more might be on the horizon.

Deactivations and creating new accounts is a problem but there is no way to stop this. People get bored and want a change, just like the reason for this thread.
Posts: 1,714
15:27 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Erm ok, the site is fine then :S

I'm one of the longest players on the site now and the site is nowhere near as busy as it was in its heyday. So blatantly there is a problem and people are leaving because they don't like it. Your comment doesn't really make sense tbh. If it was so perfect then why isn't it as busy. Why have people like me quit playing. Your entitled to your opinion but I don't think mine is rubbish as you so kindly put.

Edited at 13:32 Wed 27/11/13 (GMT)
Posts: 2,094
15:29 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's good to see you do still care kirk!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:41 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
We need face facts this site wont probably ever be as busy as it were, them days are gone, we have to make do and survive with what we have. Technological advances with game play, graphics, interaction, multi-player free online games exist now and are sweeping all other sites of their players and members.

Hopefully when they get bored with them and in time we may see a steady incline to the traffic, been good to see over the past few days players from the past make a return, davybaumers back, i saw lmc_shark 2 nights ago, onua0767 good to have them all back.

You're entitled to your opinion and so am I i rescind calling yours 'rubbish', sorry kirk.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:16 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1: people deactivating and making new names just to see how well they can do on a new account.

2: ranking system since the micro tournaments and rank tournaments were introduced is very poor, I remember years ago people would play first to 100 in ranked games and you would see people reach virtuoso, now people don't stand a chance to get there again unless it straight or killer.

I think if micros were removed and possibly a block on people deleting to make new names then the site would increase a bit but I do think the ranking system needs work so people can come back and play first to 50/100 or whatever in rank, people can earn "virtuoso" status

Point 1 - This was always the same as it is now. (If there was a difference, it was only that there was no deactivation option - only a deletion option)

Point 2 - The 'ranking' system is a fairer one now than it was before. Now everybody has to compete to the same playing conditions which was not the case under the previous method.

Granted, in an ideal situation and with the benefit of hind sight, it would have been better to lock down all the previous high score tables for the record and for reference and then reset everybody's rank score to scratch (675 or whatever) and start again under the new system - as happened on Snooker a few years back. I doubt that can happen this far down the line but there is no reason why it couldn't be done. In that case players trying to achieve high scores as quickly as possible in terms of games or time would be as valid now as it ever was and all scores on the all time tables would have been achieved under the same system.

The fact that ranking scores across the board are lower than previously is a reflection of the increased difficulty. However ultimately the score itself means nothing other than a means of differentiating between players. If it's the titles (Virtuoso, Professional, Intermediate etc) and the difficulty in attaining them under the current system that is a concern then I am sure those could be recalibrated.

As for any other ridiculous comments that have been easily tossed about, if there is any evidence to back them up please bring it to my attention in what ever way is seen fit.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:21 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Chris I respect what you've said but my comment about newbies was a response to people saying its harder for newbies to play games when infact its just as easy to play games weather your a newbie or a professional and also you never know who are "real" newbies these days.

About ranking points if its a lot fairer now why is it no-one is around virtuoso mark yet in 8ball billiards 9ball billiards or uk 8ball? and also having the highest rank there is completely pointless because no one will ever break into the top 10
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:44 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to ensure there's no misunderstanding, my 'ridiculous comments' reference was not in response to anything you posted.

'Real' or 'Fake' newbies has been a point of issue on here since I joined (and I know you have been around longer than me so I assume even longer than that). People used to get just as upset losing to them in Friendly tournaments as they do now.

As I said above, the reason the scores are generally lower is because it is harder under the 'new' system. You cannot cherry pick who you play like it used to be for some. That means that everyone is on a level playing field. Having minimal control over who you play means everyone will play good players, bad players, lucky players, hit & hopers, fake newbies, genuine newbies et al. Lower average scores takes nothing away from the players in the Top 50 Ranking tables and they are far more reflective of ability now than they ever were before.

People have broken into the Top 10 on occasions under the 'new' system but I agree it would have been far better overall to have started again from scratch when the 'new' system was brought in rather than have some players maintain their impregnable all time ranking positions based on a different system to what exists now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:50 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fair comment, but would it be easy to implement by reseting all players rank to 675 (only rank not 7ballings etc) and reset all highest scorers aswell and maybe have a hall of fame page with highest scores of all time from when it was reset?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:54 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Certainly that would have been straight forward at the time - and happened on Snooker when major changes were made.

Now though some achieved what they did under the system as it is now (onua, dvz, rubber_duck to name a few but I know there's more). It would be harsh to wipe those achievements unless there was a way of recognising them, or them agreeing to losing those records.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:00 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Surely would make more sense as players have something to aim for? I know I certainly wouldn't make top 50 again in the main games but if highest scores were to be reset then I would stand a better chance.

but I really do think a hall of fame page on rankings page like you have overall scorers etc have a hall of fame page at bottom of it stating the top 50 highest scores in 8ball 9ball and uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:02 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Personally it would have got my vote then and, all things considered, probably still would.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:11 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
would someone put it forward to nick? or if he doesn't have the time due to work and stuff maybe spinner would help out?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:01 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I see nick online maybe he can share his view?
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