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Phoenix Storm - 'We WILL Rise & You WILL Fall!'

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17:52 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Don't want to clog up other teams threads anymore so will put it on here as i've seen a lot of posts by faust on threads today about how he would never poach blah blah blah.

elite force actually did fold because you 'poached' their vice-captain and other top player whilst their captain was banned.
Total crap that w_hoolahan was a free agent when you went for him mate so lay off with the preaching speeches and attacking Ash eh

Wrong I'm afraid! Harry approached us initially signalling his intent to leave as their captain was banned, and the clan was not carrying on. And we recruited shadwell after this point also. Neither player was approached when Elite's was still intending to carry on. I will have both players provide you with full accounts of what actually happened to put your mind at ease!

Also, I never, ever said I would never poach players, my point is that I wouldn't poach players from small clans.

Edited at 15:44 Tue 19/11/13 (GMT)

As my clan was mentioned I can confirm harry approched uprising with my blessin but faust u did poach 1 of my players 2andygorum so that's abit incorrect matey.

Thanks for backing up my correct account of what happened! With regards to 2andy's, Eri signed him - but I thought he approached Eri?
Posts: 4,971
18:00 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well I can say now, that fausts right but also with the fact I may have been leaving even if elite force was to continue, but with how it was I felt uprising was the place. And it was when I was looking to return, and just before the captain went for his time. So it wasn't as the captain went it was also a bit before when the interest came in. But it wasn't til the end of the season more, where I came to a final choice, as I had my clans on my agender where I chose which one I went to.
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18:03 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's all the same thing mate, doesn't matter who asks the question a player only leaves who wants to leave, trying to improve your team is the name of the game.
As for not taking from smaller teams
uprising in the top 3 teams
Phoenix in the group below
Top Guns in the next group

Most common transfers are teams taking from the groups directly below, it flows downhill and the bottom group brings a newcomer to clans in.
That's the most common way things go so why Ash has to put up with a mountain of crap for doing what is the natural order of things I don't know.
He has bought in plenty of new players to clans too.
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18:05 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who cares, at the end of the day some teams want to compete and some just want to make up the numbers in the Leagues. Each to their own, too easy to criticize others.

IF all those who have nothing better to do than criticize others then they live a tepid and shallow life. IF they applied the same amount of fervor in to their own teams as they do with others then they'd be the best team on here.

Being disrespectful is not on (by deeming all other teams apart from the top 2 as smaller). you started from the bottom and have done very well to be where you are. I aspire to get this team up to that standard but not to copy your disgusting attitude.
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18:07 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm - As it stands

1. C - krazyash_07
2. VC - cue_ball (FBL)
3. VC - thanatos (FCL/SL)

4. ooo_u_tap_2
5. poolh8r
6. _sachibub
7. breakdown
8. darren9030
9. friendyboy
10. samba2
11. ghoulish (SL/FBL)
12. linc717 ? (SL only)
13. raymond123 (temporarily OUT)
14. iam_me
15. dwaz61
16. supernova
17. pix_up_trix (FCL/SL for now)
18. snoball
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18:10 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL - Fixtures 3: Deadline: 01/12/2013

** Please message your opponents straight away, thanks **

Phoenix Storm (10) v (6) Mousey Misfits

8us: dwaz61 v the_incal
8us: cue_ball v kingy

9us: iam_me (3) v (5) todd2000
9us: krazyash_07 v gollom

8uk: linc717 v the_priest (pix_up_trix res)
8uk: friendyboy (7) v (1) woodwizard

str: ooo_u_tap_2 v vespa_dave

Phoenix Storm v Professionals

8us: thanatos v cphaynes
8us: breakdown v ritcho

9us: _sachibub v mattywellie
9us: poolh8r v _nerdzz_

8uk: ooo_u_tap_2 v _redherring_
8uk: supernova v scott7a

str: cue_ball v dvz

8 Frames of designated game type, 4 of Straight.

Good luck Team, some nice looking fixtures, let's show them what we can do!
Posts: 2,717
18:10 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Poaching is against the LAW.. u need a licence to hunt smaller prey..

They are wild majestic little creatures living a peaceful life until the poaching season starts.

Please poach carefully as you will endanger the young and the old.

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18:12 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Ashes vs Phoenix Lightning

Elimination Play Offs

_sachibub vs ghoulish
breakdown vs ooo_u_tap_2
poolh8r vs supernova
krazyash_07 vs cue_ball
thanatos vs friendyboy

Deadline: 27/11/2013

Let the fun begin...good luck to all.

* sub made
Posts: 1,029
20:19 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash, well done on getting our new recruits. As tapp and a few others have stated, it takes someone that wants to move, that is somewhat unhappy in the team they are in to leave. Nothing wrong in asking a question. It is a bleeping transfer window, so not being funny, but how the hell is Ash being secretive about a transfer........some people amaze me.

It will take a lot to take our players, as we all respect Ash, we have a quality team, AND we are all on the same persoanlity level.

I trust Ash's reasoning for selecting and enquiring for new squad members, blame the people leaving your clans, or more likely, the way you run your clan.

Now everybody return to your own threads unless you have wise words. I have seen the support from the few clan leaders, and they talk a lot of sense. It is clear who the morons are on this site, just by the stuff they spray!!
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20:23 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ash, well done on getting our new recruits. As tapp and a few others have stated, it takes someone that wants to move, that is somewhat unhappy in the team they are in to leave. Nothing wrong in asking a question. It is a bleeping transfer window, so not being funny, but how the hell is Ash being secretive about a transfer........some people amaze me.

It will take a lot to take our players, as we all respect Ash, we have a quality team, AND we are all on the same persoanlity level.

I trust Ash's reasoning for selecting and enquiring for new squad members, blame the people leaving your clans, or more likely, the way you run your clan.

Now everybody return to your own threads unless you have wise words. I have seen the support from the few clan leaders, and they talk a lot of sense. It is clear who the morons are on this site, just by the stuff they spray!!

Thanks mate, much appreciated. I'm playing cue_ball very shortly. (fun time lol - for him) Re-scheduled to Weds 8:30pm.

Edited at 18:57 Tue 19/11/13 (GMT)
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20:33 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm - As it stands

1. C - krazyash_07
2. VC - cue_ball (FBL)
3. VC - thanatos (FCL/SL)

4. ooo_u_tap_2
5. poolh8r
6. _sachibub
7. breakdown
8. darren9030
9. friendyboy
10. samba2
11. ghoulish (SL/FBL)
12. iam_me
13. dwaz61
14. supernova
15. pix_up_trix (FCL/SL for now)
16. snoball
Posts: 13,570
21:04 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm please welcome _eggs_ to our team

Poached of course!!! lmao sorry couldn't resist :s
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21:06 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm please welcome _eggs_ to our team

Poached of course!!! lmao sorry couldn't resist :s

egg'cellent - thanks Gaz - remind me to book your comedy for Easter time next year.
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21:06 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lmao this poaching stuff is really starting to snoball
Posts: 13,570
21:07 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phoenix Storm please welcome _eggs_ to our team

Poached of course!!! lmao sorry couldn't resist :s

egg'cellent - thanks Gaz - remind me to book your comedy for Easter time next year.

juss tryin to egg-sterminate the keek m8

keep er lit!!

.....and I'm not joining by the way
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21:09 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Need sign a player called: _R1ff_R4ff_ I reckon.

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21:16 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Edited at 19:21 Tue 19/11/13 (GMT)
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21:27 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posted Image

Edited at 19:21 Tue 19/11/13 (GMT)

What a lovely table, didn't have this one is Argos when I last looked?

MASSSIVE well done to ALL, 3rd that's INCREDIBLE, let's keep it going and who knows how high we can get. You'll be KRAZY to leave us now!!!

Edited at 19:30 Tue 19/11/13 (GMT)
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21:28 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol it's flat packed from ikea mate
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21:29 Tue 19 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol it's flat packed from ikea mate

Ahh that's why,
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Phoenix Storm - 'We WILL Rise & You WILL Fall!'

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