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23:14 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 7,974
23:17 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
jay i thought youd answered the question posed
age dosnt make a jot tbh
think this conversation ended a while back now youve made ur comments and like i said fine so thats enough cheers

on the subject of pms id already said that was my mistake and i also know how to avoid getting them too

but ive never been pmd during a clan game before ive never felt the need.

however i will stick to my oppinion it is an all time low

now i hope thats an end to this, ive understood your comments clearly infact very clearly
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23:18 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
lost 8 7 to dbno was 7-1 down due to bad lag and silly fouls so to lose 8 7 feels like a win sorry guys
Posts: 7,974
23:22 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm sorry about the bad wording BTW

again this conversation is over

god forbid anything has happened to gordo, but maybe you should ask the person who told you this information in the first place, because afterall you already knew the answer, so why ask me.

im also sure funkypool is not the place to be talking about such things

this my last post on this topic
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23:38 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This stuff about Gordo is gonna stop here me a nd Gordo are very good friends,and yes he may very well be dead as i have sent him several e-mails with no replys.and this is not the time are place to even be talking about him,he has been in bad heath for years now,and had 1 open heart surgery and maybe 2 by if you claim to be his friend please drop it now.If i hear anything good about his health ill be the 1st to post it and he will also be back with Eagles as soon as he would be able.thx Mikee
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23:42 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Any other time that above happens players always just deduct the frames and go by the first four or how ever many it is, that is accepted so why the need to try and change the way here unless they both agree to start over but i don't see Paul Shaw doing that as he won and i would expect Paul (King) would not do it if he won.

I'll not argue with whatever ruling is, but worth pointing out that we both started match stating it was 7 frames and agreed it.
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23:44 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
shadwell17 v its_me 8US

tratter wins 3-1.... was a close match

Great win Tratter!
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23:47 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Cup Quater Final
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Elite Force 15 v 15 Fighting Eagles

huts24 v kingdadcool
w_hoolahan v _marc_
2pac_rulez (7) v (8) _niall_
shadwell17 (8) v (7) the_priest
dntbmad_ v _pool_beast_
skiller10 v breksis

Deadline: 11th August 2013
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23:49 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Craig, that's a decent result all told, he's another v good player.
Thanks for support too mate.
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23:52 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Snooker Squad 0 vs 0 Fighting Eagles
. 8US crazy_greg v _marc_
8US davey_1985 v _pool_beast_
9US lethal_lures v _niall_

9US thegame26 v eaglestrike
8UK one_for_all v willz147
8UK dgeneratio v cityfan84
Straight r1p0m4n v its_me
Straight jose_enrique v kingdadcool
Killer Snooker Squad v Fighting Eagles
7 racks of either 8ball , 9ball , or 8uk .3 games str

Please message your opponants to arrange your games .

good luck guys !

Elite Force 6 vs 4 Fighting Eagles
.Quater Cup Finals
8US, 9US and 8UK for the cup are four frames, plus one point for winner.
str 2 frames plus 1 point for winner

shadwell17 (1) v (4) its_me 8US
huts24 v _pool_beast_ 8US
2pac_rulez v eaglestrike 9US
paulshaw7 v kingdadcool 9US
skiller10 v willz147 8UK
dntbmad__ v breksis 8UK
w_hoolahan v _marc_ Straight
ritcho (5) v(0) _niall_ Straight

Edited at 21:30 Tue 30/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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23:55 Tue 30 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 4
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Fighting Eagles 11 v 4 Snooker Squad

its_me v whocares8x8
vegas v crazy_greg
eaglestrike v davey_1985
kingdadcool v jose_enrique
cityfan86 v lethal_lures
_marc_ (11) v (4)one_for_all
_niall_ v r1p0m4n
_pool_beast_ v thegame26

Pocket Dynamos 11 v 4 Fighting Eagles

123jason v breksis
bigcjl2 v destroyer_16
cuester v _marc_
jasonb (11) v (4) blueberry
lfc12 v the_priest
punkpoet v willz147
marksmith v its_me
dazzler33 v vegas
Deadline: 11th August 2013

Edited at 21:02 Tue 30/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
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00:00 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL substitution
conch212 out, _marc_ in
cuester vs _marc_
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00:08 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
its_me (Vice Captain)
kingdadcool (Captain)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
conch212 (Ken)
_pool_beast_ (touluca)
blueberry (Colin)
the__priest (Father)

Edited at 21:34 Tue 30/07/13 (BST)
Posts: 22,512
00:27 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL substitution
conch212 out, _marc_ in
cuester vs _marc_

Has Zac agreed to this, new rule was posted to everyones thread mate.
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03:15 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I must have been brain dead when i thought 147_balls would be a good addition to the Eagles.but he is for from a team player.I truley dont think any clan would tolirate him very appolges to all Mikee
Posts: 3,846
14:32 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Has owt changed ?
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14:40 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I must have been brain dead when i thought 147_balls would be a good addition to the Eagles.but he is for from a team player.I truley dont think any clan would tolirate him very appolges to all Mikee

How quickly you turn on your players, I'm sure there's absolutely no need to slam him just because he's decided to leave, he has his reasons as a wannabe Captain(me, before you misinterpret) I'd respect them.
Posts: 6,262
17:36 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, your captaining skills is improving every day pal, as is my sarcasm

Rick/Scott/John or whoever you are, best of luck but I still think you should stay..

Fat Craig and hard working trats, you did ok in your games

Lewie, you and me are in the bin now

Derik, thanks for your valued input..
Deleted User
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17:59 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash,how many times have i ask you to stay off are thread unless you have games with us.and why dont you put balls on your team.he his nothing short of a legend in his on mind,will not answer pms.will not allow you to watch 1 of his games not even clan related.has already made enimies with 1 of are players.
I went tru a lot a trouble to get him im these games and he posts he is leaving. So add him to Black Majic LOL.(and stay off are thread,dont need as you call it just advice)
Posts: 3,610
18:32 Wed 31 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ash, your captaining skills is improving every day pal, as is my sarcasm

Rick/Scott/John or whoever you are, best of luck but I still think you should stay..

Fat Craig and hard working trats, you did ok in your games

Lewie, you and me are in the bin now

Derik, thanks for your valued input..

lol pal.... subs bench for u my little monkey
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