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17:32 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
we getting this killer sorted?
Posts: 6,417
17:36 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
hahaha none of them is online
Deleted User
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17:40 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Grandpa still in bed :p
Posts: 6,417
17:50 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Grandpa still in bed :p

it seems all his team is apart from you
Posts: 7,324
17:50 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I did say sometime FROM 3pm which, you know, means sometime about 3 or shortly after. That being said. be on in about 10-15 minutes
Posts: 7,324
17:54 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm dealing with both an ill girlfriend and a very sick puppy just now, the game slipped my mind completely I apologize...not sure I'll be able to play my remaining games this week guys, sorry.
If you do have the time- jose_enrique mentioned he'd have some time saturday night around 10 or later?

gl with your other things!

Won't be on at all tomorrow unfortunately. I will however be on most of today and Sunday if there's anyone I could look out for as a sub if jose doesn't come on?
Posts: 492
18:07 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I did say sometime FROM 3pm which, you know, means sometime about 3 or shortly after. That being said. be on in about 10-15 minutes

Relax.... some people can't comprehend such difficult things niall
Posts: 3,610
19:02 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Uprising (6) - (1) Fighting Eagles

Finish order

1) erigert
2) cgibson92
3) its_me
4) slimeball
5) _marc_
6) _niall_
Posts: 7,324
19:15 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ vs jose_enrique

8 ball us: 1-4
9 ball us: 1-4
8 ball uk: 3-2

Overall: 5-10

Sorry guys, much like killer my head wasn't really there and a combination of bad luck, worse play and jose doing what he needed to well meant I had no chance and he fully deserved the win. ggs dude
Deleted User
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20:04 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Not a problem,atleast games are played and you do have alot to contend with atm.wanna thank all for getting 1 killer match played.
Deleted User
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20:09 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 16 vs 30 Elite Force FBL Games
.Deadline is 25th August 2013

_marc_ (6) v sharpey_boii (2) 8US
_niall_ v dessie_22 8US
eaglestrike (5) v huts24 (3) 9US
vegas v paulshaw7 9US

breksis (2) v (6) shadwell17 8UK
willz147 (3) v 5) skiller10 8UK
its_me (0) v (7) w_hoolahan Straight
_pool_beast_ (0) v (7) ritcho Straight
Fighting Eagles v Elite Force Killer
Uprising 34 vs 20 Fighting Eagles

8US slimeball (2) v (6) _marc_
8US erigert (7) v (1) ronalddw
9US zantetsukenz (6) v (2) eaglestrike
9US derik_dalton v vegas
8UK faust (2) v (6) its_me
8UK cgibson92 (6) v (2) breksis
Straight pirate_steve v _niall_
Straight _nerdzz_ (5) v (2) _pool_beast_
Killer (6) v Eagles (1)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:25 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League
Fighting Eagles 38 vs 22 Black Magic

_marc_ v berzerk
_niall_ (8) v (7) gb_stu
its_me (9) v (6) ooo_u_tap_2
destroyer_16 v solskjaer20
breksis v pixie_dust
vegas (9) v (6) krazyash_07
willz147 v thegreatone7
kingdadcool (12) v (3) jack_86

Deadline: 25th August 2013
Format: 5 frames of 8US,9US and 8UK

FCL Cup Semifinal:
Play 5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Snooker Squad 31 vs 14 Fighting Eagles

crazy_greg vs _marc_
jose_enrique (10) vs 95) _niall_
lethal_lures vs its_me
whocares8x8 (13) vs (2) breksis
thegame26 vs kingdadcool
davey_1985 (8) vs (7) vegas

Deadline: 25th August

Edited at 18:31 Fri 23/08/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:44 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
its_me (Vice Captain)
kingdadcool (Captain)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
_pool_beast_ (touluca)
_pro__frog_ FBL only
Posts: 11,063
22:38 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi guys, is there a sub for kingdadcool? thegame26 is online in case there's one on now.
Deleted User
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22:48 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Been asked to post this:

Can you please post this on FCL Jay will shiit if i do it.
_niall_ vs jose_enrique

8 ball us: 1-4
9 ball us: 1-4
8 ball uk: 3-2

Overall: 5-10

gb_stu (7) vs(8) _niall_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:50 Fri 23 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi King,

I have been on at 7.30 to play Paulshaw7, as arranged, but he has not been on

Sorry but I gtg out tonight and will wait another 30 mins but if he doesn't show its not through me not trying. We can always play tomorrow?

Hopefully he will - fingers crossed

Posts: 22,512
00:08 Sat 24 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sory jay but no 1 on to post new player.but
skorpion123 in with Eagles

No one on or not have said countless times that this needs to be posted on the team changes by Paul or Tratter.

Vegas - He has been a nightmare most of this season but is busy most of the time, he has a game to finish with our player to as he left during it and hes been online once since then.
Posts: 22,512
00:09 Sat 24 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Been asked to post this:

Can you please post this on FCL Jay will .... if i do it.
_niall_ vs jose_enrique

8 ball us: 1-4
9 ball us: 1-4
8 ball uk: 3-2

Overall: 5-10

gb_stu (7) vs(8) _niall_

I don't get this post at all? I welcome players posting their own results, saves me alot of time have to search for them
Deleted User
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00:15 Sat 24 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It was suppose to have been posted on FCLresults thread not here.Vegas made a mistake.
Posts: 22,512
00:17 Sat 24 Aug 13 (BST)  [Link]  
That is not what the post implies, it implies that i would go mental for that specific player posting it and that is the reason i don't understand it mate as i would rather players or a team mate posted them instead of me having to find them days later after they been played. No big deal just didn't understand.
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