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Deleted User
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21:13 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
There wasnt any multiple accounts he deactivated on the 22nd when _i_ was created, then deactivated _i_ and came back ok im_bad so I don't see a problem at all.
Deleted User
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21:16 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
There wasnt any multiple accounts he deactivated on the 22nd when _i_ was created, then deactivated _i_ and came back ok im_bad so I don't see a problem at all.

I obviously have no clue who _i_ was, i was deactivated while he was an active member, but obviously, any multiple account accusations can by all means be reported to admin, i'm sure they'll clear things up for you Craig

Now i'm going to leave this thread, i have a feeling i'm not wanted
Deleted User
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21:37 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Then go away bad dream,back to Beatables,i could care less who he is are was.he did say he was gonna start another account lol.
Deleted User
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21:39 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 21 vs 47 The Professionals
Deadline: 28th July 2013-( FBL Games)
8US _pool_beast_ (2) v (6) cphaynes
8US kingdadcool (3) v (5) fuunky
9US vegas(1) v(7) techno

9US _funkypool (6) v (2) mr_magic
8UK breksis (2) v (6) _redherring_
8UK its_me (6) v (2) scott7a
Straight _marc_ (0) v (7) dvz
Straight _niall_ (0) v (7) beenjammin
Killer Fighting Eagles (2) v (5) The Pro's

Edited at 20:54 Sat 27/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:44 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 3
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Fighting Eagles 42 v 78 Professionals

its_me (5) v (10) _redherring_
_pool_beast_ (4) v (11) scott7a
breksis (5) v (10) cphaynes
_niall_ (5) v (10) mattywellie
_marc_ (5) v (10) beenjammin
destroyer_16 (4) v (11) onevisit
eaglestrike (7) v (8) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (8) fuunky

Uprising 60 v 45 Fighting Eagles

2andygorams (8) v (7) kingdadcool
cgibson92 (8) v (7) _pool_beast_
pirate_steve (12) v (3) conch212
derik_dalton (8) v (7) its_me
zantetsukenz (10) v (5) willz147
irish_ninja v blueberry
_nerdzz_ (8) v (7) _niall_
angry_bacon (6) v (9) _marc_

Deadline: 28th July 2013

Edited at 20:34 Sat 27/07/13 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:45 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
its_me (Vice Captain)
kingdadcool (Captain)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
conch212 (Ken)
_pool_beast_ (touluca)
blueberry (Colin)
the__priest (Father)
147_balls (John)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:31 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

mattywellie v vegas

is now

techno vs vegas
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:35 Sat 27 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok Colin, if you can win 15-0 we'll tie the match
Posts: 6,417
00:28 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
anyone knows when blueberry is usually on?
i might sub in for irish_ninja if i see him online
Posts: 6,417
00:38 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
derik_dalton (8) - (7) its_me
Posts: 6,417
01:29 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
irish_ninja v blueberry
is now
erigert vs blueberry
Posts: 6,262
02:48 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blueberry 4 - 11 erigert - FCL

Bothed played a few nice shots but more crap ones and blacks popping in half way through game

Hes a good player, and nice guy with manners, thats the important thing
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:51 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture 3
(5 frames each of 8us/9us/8uk)

Fighting Eagles 42 v 78 Professionals

its_me (5) v (10) _redherring_
_pool_beast_ (4) v (11) scott7a
breksis (5) v (10) cphaynes
_niall_ (5) v (10) mattywellie
_marc_ (5) v (10) beenjammin
destroyer_16 (4) v (11) onevisit
eaglestrike (7) v (8) dvz
kingdadcool (7) v (8) fuunky

Uprising 71 v 49 Fighting Eagles

2andygorams (8) v (7) kingdadcool
cgibson92 (8) v (7) _pool_beast_
pirate_steve (12) v (3) conch212
derik_dalton (8) v (7) its_me
zantetsukenz (10) v (5) willz147
erigert (11) v (4) blueberry
_nerdzz_ (8) v (7) _niall_
angry_bacon (6) v (9) _marc_

Deadline: 28th July 2013
Posts: 3,846
02:51 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
blueberry 4 - 11 erigert - FCL

Bothed played a few nice shots but more crap ones and blacks popping in half way through game

Hes a good player, and nice guy with manners, thats the important thing

hes actually quite rude, he just gwts away with it cos hes an Albanian with broken English
Posts: 6,262
03:02 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I guess you also come from there then
Deleted User
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03:04 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

I have now done a cup schedule for the upcoming set, although the deadline has passed for team lists for the league games, I am willing to accept changes to any cup lists as I was delayed in getting this sorted. I am at work all day tomorrow so you have until I get home at 8PM to submit any changes.

Schedule can be found...

And thanks from my lurrrrvely assistant, emmajane, for picking the random numbers for the cup draw

Cheers dears!
Jema xx
Posts: 3,846
03:11 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I guess you also come from there then

im from the democratic republic of south Yorkshire, we eat beef and we drink beer
Posts: 22,512
05:28 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL League Table Update

First of all would like to thank all teams for again completing a set with no defaults at all, this is the second time out of three sets this season. Nice work!

League table has now been fully updated to the end of fixture set three, as usual please note that some teams have played less games but all teams will have played the same amount at the end of the season. You can find the league table here -

Thank you!
Posts: 22,512
06:08 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixture Release & Cup

Due to set three being completed before the deadline i have decided to release these games early.

League games can be found on this link -

Cup games can be found on this link -

New Rule Takes Affect

As stated a few days ago a new rule has been implemented for substitutions/swaps and is now effective imediately, the link to the official posting of this rule is here -

It is urged that captains and vice captains take note of this rule!

Deadline for these games is 11/8/13 Midnight!

Thank you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:58 Sun 28 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
eaglestrike Offline since
10 days ago

i know its early in fixture but just making you aware mikee.
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