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Posts: 1,696
23:18 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
This is a post letting those who haven't seen that if there's enough interest, I'll be doing straight this time around in the Knockout Cup. If you have already put your name down, but fancy playing straight instead, then just let me know and I'll move you over. If straight doesn't happen then your place in the original type you were down for will still be available to you. Still only one type per person though
Posts: 4,557
23:43 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

Elite Force (48) v (42) Fighting Eagles

w_hoolahan (6) v (9)_niall_
huts24 v the__priest
silent_hill (7) v (8) _marc_
2pac_rulez (6) v (9) its_me
dessie_22 v kingdadcool
dntbmad__ (10) v (5) destroyer_16
shadwell17 (6) v (9) breksis
2andygorams (13) v (2) blueberry

5 frames of each 8ball , 9ball , 8uk

please can u message all opponants to arrange day/time to play.
Posts: 4,557
23:43 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

The Professionals (28) v (26) Elite Force

beenjammin (5) v (3) huts24
_pool_beast_ (6) v (2) silent_hill

onevisit (5) v (3) 2andygorams
scott7a (3) v (5) 2pac_rulez

jimmy_efc v dntbmad__
mr_magic (2) v (6) shadwell17

dvz (5) v (2) w_hoolahan
mattywellie v ritcho

The Professionals (2) v (5) Elite Force

format: 7 frames of your type, 3 If straight.
Deadline: 7/7/13

good luck guys !


Elite Force (16) v (30) Fighting Eagles

huts24 (0) v (8) kingdadcool
2andygorams (5) v (3) the__priest

roxbury_100 v _funkypool
walktall (3) v (5) eaglestrike
w_hoolahan (3) v (5) its_me
shadwell17 (5) v (3) breksis

silent_hill (0) v (6)_niall_
2pac_rulez v _marc_

Elite Force (0) v (0) Fighting Eagles

format: 7 frames of your type, 3 If straight .
Deadline: 7/7/13

good luck guys !
Posts: 4,557
23:44 Wed 3 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Pocket Dynamos (29) v (61) Elite Force

123jason (7) v (8) 2pac_rulez.
lfc12 (2) v (13) dessie_22
bigcjl2 v walktall
dazzler33 (4) v (11) dntbmad__
ang3l (0) v (15) w_hoolahan
cleensheet (9) v (6) roxbury_100
jame2010s v shadwell17
marksmith (7) v (8) silent_hill

5 frames of each 8ball , 9ball , 8uk

please can u message all opponants to arrange day/time to play.

good luck guys !

Deadline: Sunday 7th july @ midnight
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00:00 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
dntbmad__ isn't online yet mate and I'm off at 10pm whether it's played or half-played or not at all. I've given everyone my times, I can't be anymore flexible. Have you anyone online at the moment? If not then it will go to default
Posts: 4,557
00:06 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
dntbmad__ isn't online yet mate and I'm off at 10pm whether it's played or half-played or not at all. I've given everyone my times, I can't be anymore flexible. Have you anyone online at the moment? If not then it will go to default

ive subbed dntbmad into your game if she doesnt come on tonight and you cant play after tonight then pros will need a sub as dntbmad will get this game played before deadline either against you i hope or against a sub .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:07 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If my team subs me out of this fixture I will quit the clan I've already told them of this
Deleted User
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00:09 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I won't be subbing jimmy either he has been online every day of this fixture.
Posts: 4,557
00:10 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If my team subs me out of this fixture I will quit the clan I've already told them of this

tbh mate u need to be available for the whole time up till deadline not 3 days short of deadline . As i say i hope she comes on and plays u but if she dont then a sub will be needed as ive made a sub and u cant play after tonight u say .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:11 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I can't make 4 days out of 14 because I have a life outside of Funky, that's no reason for us to lose a default. You however kept a player in who was off 11 days, then subbed another player in, who full well knew my times and still hasn't showed. I'm not trying to cause an argument huts I'm just stating the obvious. I can only play tonight, you can either help us or let it go to default, up to you. You can either swap dntbmad__ for ritcho, and sub ritcho out for walktall anything like that?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:12 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
If my team subs me out of this fixture I will quit the clan I've already told them of this

tbh mate u need to be available for the whole time up till deadline not 3 days short of deadline . As i say i hope she comes on and plays u but if she dont then a sub will be needed as ive made a sub and u cant play after tonight u say .

Stupidest thing I've ever heard, you expect me to not sleep for 14 days??? Not go to work??? Not move from the computer???
Deleted User
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00:16 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
In fact, is there a league runner to check this? If I'm wrong and I HAVE to be available the WHOLE 14 days of a deadline then I quit clans right now. If I'm right then can I please have a sub made before 9.30pm tonight otherwise it's in our favour on the default panel
Posts: 4,557
00:17 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont be subbing out my sub against u jimmy as ive told u in my offline message . dntbmad will get this played against u or not .. if for any reason she doesnt show tonight then matty will either sub a player in which will get the game played or go to default and lose points for refuseing to sub .
Posts: 38,097
00:18 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is a former runner okay or you need Jay to confirm?
Deleted User
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00:18 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Is a former runner okay or you need Jay to confirm?

You'll do for me kid
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:20 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont be subbing out my sub against u jimmy as ive told u in my offline message . dntbmad will get this played against u or not .. if for any reason she doesnt show tonight then matty will either sub a player in which will get the game played or go to default and lose points for refuseing to sub .

How about refusing to sub a player that was offline 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 days before you finally gave in to EVERYONE's demands. How about ignoring 5 of my posts just querying the matter? They also go into perspective mate. I'm not getting snippy but we have more ammo than you do lol. Just make the sub, make my day, and make life easy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:20 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
dessie_22 vs kingdadcool

8us 2 - 3
9us 3 - 2
8uk 3 - 2

8 - 7

ggs kingdadcool
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:21 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I may lose point for refusing to sub but why should I sub a player that has been active every single day :-/ seems silly to me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:22 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  

What times can you usually get on?
Sent a day ago

all the time :)

u will find me if u want to play
Sent a day ago

Bold statement...
Posts: 4,557
00:24 Thu 4 Jul 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont be saying anymore to this subject jimmy , i made a sub dntbmad , if your not avaliable after tonight which is 3 days before deadline then your captain will need to make a sub or not .
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Elite force - Live the dream !

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