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Posts: 10,109
15:01 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It comes with playing in clans Stu, and notice that i never mentioned anything about Scope as it was Jason that left in the first place, for whatever reason. Ang3l we can presume because he did exactly that and then spent 3 - 4 days offline.

We already have slimeball for one - three log ins do we really need another player

James stop getting involved in stuff that has no concern of yours. You don't need to post it either as i would never punish something that was mutually agreed on...

It's not an issue at all having 2 semi active players when we're a really active clan, as we can make subs and have 6 eager people wanting to sub in at any one time. Slimey has never let us down, and messaged on the thread when he'll be away. The issue here is that we can't make a sub, and the blame is entirely on the other player.

Works both ways faust in every clan ..

What works both ways? I agree 100% that if our player had quit during the fixture - we should be heavily punished. And I don't mean all the frames being conceded. I'd like to see the guilty party executed by stoning, and their remaining family being skinned and salted. I intend to pass on my ideas to the League Discussion thread when I have time!
Posts: 3,846
15:02 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
It comes with playing in clans Stu, and notice that i never mentioned anything about Scope as it was Jason that left in the first place, for whatever reason. Ang3l we can presume because he did exactly that and then spent 3 - 4 days offline.

We already have slimeball for one - three log ins do we really need another player

James stop getting involved in stuff that has no concern of yours. You don't need to post it either as i would never punish something that was mutually agreed on...

It's not an issue at all having 2 semi active players when we're a really active clan, as we can make subs and have 6 eager people wanting to sub in at any one time. Slimey has never let us down, and messaged on the thread when he'll be away. The issue here is that we can't make a sub, and the blame is entirely on the other player.

Works both ways faust in every clan ..

What works both ways? I agree 100% that if our player had quit during the fixture - we should be heavily punished. And I don't mean all the frames being conceded. I'd like to see the guilty party executed by stoning, and their remaining family being skinned and salted. I intend to pass on my ideas to the League Discussion thread when I have time!

Posts: 22,512
15:02 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I intend not to listen to them if they are that graphic!
Posts: 10,109
15:03 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I intend not to listen to them if they are that graphic!

Damn! I was just working on some sketched diagrams to go accompany my ideas!
Posts: 38,097
15:04 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
how about they are declared as a Witch/Wizard and they are burned on a stick
Posts: 19,967
15:05 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I think they should be forced to play damee in straight in a race to 50 . If they don't quit again they can continue.
Posts: 3,846
15:05 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just boot them dynamo mice out jay, nowt but trouble
Posts: 22,512
15:05 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Funny that, i have a dream every night about doing that to you James

If damee was active that would be a good one Zante
Posts: 8,315
15:06 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Its an online game there can not be rules for every single little thing... find this funny coming from a player and vice who sat and spoke to an FBL Runner and questioned her about non month old accounts playing in the Pre Season asking if she was sure, she is the head of that league of course she is sure

I think its annoying to that we can not sub Stu but as you said was down to them not us.

Yeah Jason has been on since, so was Scope in that 3 - 4 day period that Jason was offline. Works both ways you know and i will speak to Jason (possibly not take any action at all as it is Pre Season)

Both teams are through but if those two do end up playing then great Jason has never gave a reason for leaving either i don't think so i have to assume it was an important matter he had to attend to or he just left simple as.

Jason has spoke to zac for his reason to why , so take that up with zac , also i dont think it has anything to do with you , when i spoke to a fbl runner do you?.. So plz butt out on that one Jay .. i asked a simple question about if scope will be on , i get a lecture .. I do know jason left game ., he has spoke to his captain , and been on to try get it played not blaming noone either ...
Posts: 19,967
15:08 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Dreaming of James every night? does your wife know :O
Posts: 22,512
15:08 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I am an admin of the FBL league so has everything to do with me exactly, why else do you think i know about it You and Zac have asked constantly and we said maybe at the weekend. He never came on but there is still 5 - 6 days to go in the games and in that time i think Scope will come on and see the message from Jason.
Posts: 3,846
15:09 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Its an online game there can not be rules for every single little thing... find this funny coming from a player and vice who sat and spoke to an FBL Runner and questioned her about non month old accounts playing in the Pre Season asking if she was sure, she is the head of that league of course she is sure

I think its annoying to that we can not sub Stu but as you said was down to them not us.

Yeah Jason has been on since, so was Scope in that 3 - 4 day period that Jason was offline. Works both ways you know and i will speak to Jason (possibly not take any action at all as it is Pre Season)

Both teams are through but if those two do end up playing then great Jason has never gave a reason for leaving either i don't think so i have to assume it was an important matter he had to attend to or he just left simple as.

Jason has spoke to zac for his reason to why , so take that up with zac , also i dont think it has anything to do with you , when i spoke to a fbl runner do you?.. So plz butt out on that one Jay .. i asked a simple question about if scope will be on , i get a lecture .. I do know jason left game ., he has spoke to his captain , and been on to try get it played not blaming noone either ...

boot em! boot em!
Posts: 22,512
15:09 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
She does now Zante she just read it haha
Posts: 38,097
15:10 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
haha, nice of you to think of me Jay
Posts: 22,512
15:10 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
haha, nice of you to think of me Jay

Someone has to
Posts: 19,967
15:11 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
it's part of the fun if they have to organise it too Jay

It's all fine talking to your captain, but leaving the opposing player/clan in the dark doesn't seem right if there was a genuine reason. If it was a personal matter, all that needed to be said was something has come up and I have to go now (or saying the same when you're back online).

Think Stu said kaleidoscope will be on at the end of the fixture, so that's the answer
Deleted User
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15:25 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Its an online game there can not be rules for every single little thing... find this funny coming from a player and vice who sat and spoke to an FBL Runner and questioned her about non month old accounts playing in the Pre Season asking if she was sure, she is the head of that league of course she is sure

I think its annoying to that we can not sub Stu but as you said was down to them not us.

Yeah Jason has been on since, so was Scope in that 3 - 4 day period that Jason was offline. Works both ways you know and i will speak to Jason (possibly not take any action at all as it is Pre Season)

Both teams are through but if those two do end up playing then great Jason has never gave a reason for leaving either i don't think so i have to assume it was an important matter he had to attend to or he just left simple as.

Jason has spoke to zac for his reason to why , so take that up with zac , also i dont think it has anything to do with you , when i spoke to a fbl runner do you?.. So plz butt out on that one Jay .. i asked a simple question about if scope will be on , i get a lecture .. I do know jason left game ., he has spoke to his captain , and been on to try get it played not blaming noone either ...

boot em! boot em!

lol at boot em hahahaha
Posts: 19,967
15:26 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
you've not met Joe then, he's a bit of a wind up merchant but he'll grow on you
Posts: 8,315
16:29 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I am an admin of the FBL league so has everything to do with me exactly, why else do you think i know about it You and Zac have asked constantly and we said maybe at the weekend. He never came on but there is still 5 - 6 days to go in the games and in that time i think Scope will come on and see the message from Jason.

Exactly ..
Posts: 3,846
16:59 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I am an admin of the FBL league so has everything to do with me exactly, why else do you think i know about it You and Zac have asked constantly and we said maybe at the weekend. He never came on but there is still 5 - 6 days to go in the games and in that time i think Scope will come on and see the message from Jason.

Exactly ..

Boot em,
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