The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)
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13:45 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
TCL The Killer League
All Remaining Fixtures are as follows...
Fixture 5 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 4/5/13)
Snooker Squad v The Underdogs
Fixture 6 (Default deadline 22:00 (UK) 4/5/13)
The Underdogs v The Vipers
Fixture 7 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 5/5/13)
The Underdogs v The Unbeatables
Games may be played at any time from now until the stated deadline.
Killer Cup Quarter Finals
Underdogs 0 vs 0 Fighting Eagles
All Remaining Fixtures are as follows...
Fixture 5 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 4/5/13)
Snooker Squad v The Underdogs
Fixture 6 (Default deadline 22:00 (UK) 4/5/13)
The Underdogs v The Vipers
Fixture 7 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 5/5/13)
The Underdogs v The Unbeatables
Games may be played at any time from now until the stated deadline.
Killer Cup Quarter Finals
Underdogs 0 vs 0 Fighting Eagles
13:46 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
Fcl Final Fixture
the uprising 72 v 15 Underdogs
irish_ninja v anoneeemouse
chisisidovev 11 v 4 jig_saw
slimeball 14 v 1 kathleen_b
(s)faust 12 v 3 tartanrox
mich 11 v 4 chris(s)
emmajane v welshie
bluenose1872 14 v 1 hardy202(s)
derik_dalton 10 v 5 ronald_faja
Games left to be played with Uprising
irish_ninja v anoneeemouse
emmajane v welshie
Deadline 28/4/13 @ midnight!
the uprising 72 v 15 Underdogs
irish_ninja v anoneeemouse
chisisidovev 11 v 4 jig_saw
slimeball 14 v 1 kathleen_b
(s)faust 12 v 3 tartanrox
mich 11 v 4 chris(s)
emmajane v welshie
bluenose1872 14 v 1 hardy202(s)
derik_dalton 10 v 5 ronald_faja
Games left to be played with Uprising
irish_ninja v anoneeemouse
emmajane v welshie
Deadline 28/4/13 @ midnight!
13:48 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
come on underdogs 7 fbl matchs 5 fbl cup matchs fcl 2 matchs 4 days till deadline come on lets get games played if no contact has been made or time arranged to play game subs will be made
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21:59 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
Underdogs v Vipers
9ball ronald_faja 2-2 therev ..
9ball ronald_faja 2-2 therev ..
22:11 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
Fbl Cup Quarter Finals
Underdogs 4 vs 12 Vipers
kathleen_b 1 v 3 emmajackson
red_devil87 v the_saint
kopiteking01 v lfc12
ronald_faja 2 v 2 therev
tartanrox v thegreatone7
jig_saw 1 v 3 fry06
welshie v blackcabman7
anoneeemouse 0 v 4 gravytrain
Games left to be played against Vipers
8US red_devil87 v the_saint
9US kopiteking01 v lfc12
8UK tartanrox v thegreatone7
Straight welshie v blackcabman7
Deadline Both Games 28th April 2013
Underdogs 4 vs 12 Vipers
kathleen_b 1 v 3 emmajackson
red_devil87 v the_saint
kopiteking01 v lfc12
ronald_faja 2 v 2 therev
tartanrox v thegreatone7
jig_saw 1 v 3 fry06
welshie v blackcabman7
anoneeemouse 0 v 4 gravytrain
Games left to be played against Vipers
8US red_devil87 v the_saint
9US kopiteking01 v lfc12
8UK tartanrox v thegreatone7
Straight welshie v blackcabman7
Deadline Both Games 28th April 2013
22:12 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
nice result ronald keep it going mate
Underdogs v Vipers
9ball ronald_faja 2-2 therev ..
9ball ronald_faja 2-2 therev ..
23:10 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
Underdogs vs Unbeatables
brooksy vs blackhorse
is now
the_9_ball vs brooksy1986
Underdogs vs Unbeatables
brooksy vs blackhorse
is now
the_9_ball vs brooksy1986
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23:44 Thu 25 Apr 13 (BST)
arranged to complete games with irish_ninja tonight @ 7pmish , he hasnt been online yet, but am sure we will get them done
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
FBL cup
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
00:22 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
cheers for update and gl
arranged to complete games with irish_ninja tonight @ 7pmish , he hasnt been online yet, but am sure we will get them done
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
FBL cup
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
cheers for update and gl
00:23 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
Underdogs 3 v 21 Unbeatables
kathleen_b 0 v 6 turtle1560
brooksy1986 v the_9_ball(s)
(s)chris v pixie_dust
foul_ball 2 v 4run_outt
welshie 1 v 5poolbiird
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
jig_saw 0 v 6 im_crap_adam
anoneeemouse v im_bad(s)
Games left to be played with Unbeatables
brooksy1986 v the_9_ball
chris v pixie_dust
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
anoneeemouse v im_bad
Underdogs 3 v 21 Unbeatables
kathleen_b 0 v 6 turtle1560
brooksy1986 v the_9_ball(s)
(s)chris v pixie_dust
foul_ball 2 v 4run_outt
welshie 1 v 5poolbiird
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
jig_saw 0 v 6 im_crap_adam
anoneeemouse v im_bad(s)
Games left to be played with Unbeatables
brooksy1986 v the_9_ball
chris v pixie_dust
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
anoneeemouse v im_bad
00:28 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
cheers for update and gl
str8 games count as 2 points each anoneeemouse
arranged to complete games with irish_ninja tonight @ 7pmish , he hasnt been online yet, but am sure we will get them done
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
playing im_bad saturday
cup results need changing , should be :
FBL cup
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
anoneeemouse 2 v 0 gravytrain
cheers for update and gl
str8 games count as 2 points each anoneeemouse
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01:01 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
I have just replayed Scirocco in FBL FIXTURE 5 9US
Result was foul_ball 2 Scirocco 4
Great games & a stunning golden break in frame 6 for scirocco
Result was foul_ball 2 Scirocco 4
Great games & a stunning golden break in frame 6 for scirocco
04:04 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
k cheers for replaying
I have just replayed Scirocco in FBL FIXTURE 5 9US
Result was foul_ball 2 Scirocco 4
Great games & a stunning golden break in frame 6 for scirocco
Result was foul_ball 2 Scirocco 4
Great games & a stunning golden break in frame 6 for scirocco
k cheers for replaying
04:09 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
Fbl Fixture 5
Fighting Eagles 29 v 7 Underdogs
time_bandit v kathleen_b
sensibleshow 5 v 1 brooksy1986
blueberry 4 v 2chris(s)
scirocco 4 v 2 foul_ball
squeezy 4 v 2 welshie
pat_groves07 v tartanrox
its_me 6 v 0 jig_saw
(s)kingdadcool 6 v 0anoneeemouse
Games left to be played with Fighting Eagles
time_bandit v kathleen_b
pat_groves07 v tartanrox
Fbl Fixture 5
Fighting Eagles 29 v 7 Underdogs
time_bandit v kathleen_b
sensibleshow 5 v 1 brooksy1986
blueberry 4 v 2chris(s)
scirocco 4 v 2 foul_ball
squeezy 4 v 2 welshie
pat_groves07 v tartanrox
its_me 6 v 0 jig_saw
(s)kingdadcool 6 v 0anoneeemouse
Games left to be played with Fighting Eagles
time_bandit v kathleen_b
pat_groves07 v tartanrox
13:41 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
clan match against the_9_ball to be played sunday day time!!
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14:27 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
FBL Announcement
(28th April 2013 - 12th May 2013)
Hello Clanners,
I need teamsheets for the upcoming fixture, but as before due to the folding of some teams there are some BYE's
The League games for set five are...
Unbeatables vs Fighting Eagles
Snooker Squad vs Pocket Dynamos
Elite Force vs Underdogs
The Professionals vs Vipers
I also need the following teamsheets for the Cup Games (even though some of you might get knocked out)...
The Professionals (Q)
Uprising (?)
Snooker Squad (?)
Unbeatables (?)
Fighting Eagles (?)
Underdogs (?)
Vipers (?)
Can all teamsheets please be sent to me by Saturday @ Midnight (UK time).
Any clans who have not submitted a teamsheet will have their lists chosen at random.
Killer Cup Semi Finals will be released shortly.
Cheers lovelies
Jema - FBL League Runner
(28th April 2013 - 12th May 2013)
Hello Clanners,
I need teamsheets for the upcoming fixture, but as before due to the folding of some teams there are some BYE's
The League games for set five are...
Unbeatables vs Fighting Eagles
Snooker Squad vs Pocket Dynamos
Elite Force vs Underdogs
The Professionals vs Vipers
I also need the following teamsheets for the Cup Games (even though some of you might get knocked out)...
The Professionals (Q)
Uprising (?)
Snooker Squad (?)
Unbeatables (?)
Fighting Eagles (?)
Underdogs (?)
Vipers (?)
Can all teamsheets please be sent to me by Saturday @ Midnight (UK time).
Any clans who have not submitted a teamsheet will have their lists chosen at random.
Killer Cup Semi Finals will be released shortly.
Cheers lovelies
Jema - FBL League Runner
15:23 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
18:35 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
the_9_ball 5-1 brooksy1986
good games. hopefully he wont mind me saying this but i was very unlucky not to get a better result than 5-1. he deserved win though. well played
good games. hopefully he wont mind me saying this but i was very unlucky not to get a better result than 5-1. he deserved win though. well played
19:34 Fri 26 Apr 13 (BST)
Underdogs 3 v 21 Unbeatables
kathleen_b 0 v 6 turtle1560
brooksy1986 1 v 5 the_9_ball (s)
(s)chris v pixie_dust
foul_ball 2 v 4run_outt
welshie 1 v 5poolbiird
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
jig_saw 0 v 6 im_crap_adam
anoneeemouse v im_bad(s)
Games left to be played with Unbeatables
chris v pixie_dust
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
anoneeemouse v im_bad
Underdogs 3 v 21 Unbeatables
kathleen_b 0 v 6 turtle1560
brooksy1986 1 v 5 the_9_ball (s)
(s)chris v pixie_dust
foul_ball 2 v 4run_outt
welshie 1 v 5poolbiird
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
jig_saw 0 v 6 im_crap_adam
anoneeemouse v im_bad(s)
Games left to be played with Unbeatables
chris v pixie_dust
tartanrox v mr_pink_eyes
anoneeemouse v im_bad
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The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)
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