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The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)

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Posts: 444
19:04 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How fast do you eye lids travel when you blink ?
Posts: 11,489
19:19 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How fast do you eye lids travel when you blink ?

to complicated for me lol
Posts: 11,489
19:19 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
anybody interested to be vice captain of underdogs pm me

duties will be
make subs and post them on the right threads update fixtures and post missing results help out new members with being new to a clan
Posts: 444
19:21 Thu 28 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
How fast do you eye lids travel when you blink ?

to complicated for me lol

me too thas why i asked
Deleted User
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02:05 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Underdogs v The Reliableones
I just played jigsaw in some really enjoyable games, the scores were as follows:-
jiggy 2 v 2 foul_ball 8uk
jiggy 2 v 2 foul_ball 9ball
jiggy 4 v 0 foul_ball 8us

thanks for the good games jigsaw
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:00 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi cke1982 can you give me a time that is good for you to play our game mate as the deadline is this weekend
Posts: 22,512
13:29 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Announcement

Can all captains please send bluenose1872 their team list for the league games that start again on Sunday please. If you don't know who you have then the schedule link is here -

Clan Cup
Can all captains please send bluenose1872 a team list of SIX players for the Clan Cup Quarter Finals please. If you would like to see who you have then the schedule link for the cup is here -

I would like to remind everyone that the transfer window closes on Sunday. Anyone signed to a team before Sunday midnight will be eligible for that team in the games above and any games after that aslong as their accounts meets the mimimum account age of two months. If at any time you wish to change the team selection you have please just send me a message.

Deadline to hand in lists is Saturday 30th March @ Midnight!

Thank you
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:17 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi cke1982 can you give me a time that is good for you to play our game mate as the deadline is this weekend

Posts: 11,489
16:44 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Underdogs Team List

1 cke1982 captain
2 welshie
3 hardy202 vice captain
4 ronald_faja
5 kopiteking01
6 gemma22
7 foul_ball
8 the_novice
9 the_showstopper
10 chris
11 jig_saw
12 kathleen_b
13 brooksy1986
14 sioned1
15 anoneemouse
16 Vacant
16 Vacant

please welcome anoneemouse to the underdogs
Posts: 1,524
18:47 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
welcome anoneemouse hope you have a enjoyable time with us
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:01 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Annoncement

Hello Clanners,

That time has come again where I need teamsheets for the upcoming fixture, but due to the folding of some teams there are less games at the moment so more clans will be receiving BYE's

The League games for set four are...

Fixture Set 4
(31st March 2013 - 14th April 2013)

Underdogs v Vipers
The Professionals v Snooker Squad
Fighting Eagles v Uprising
Elite Force v BYE
Unbeatables v Pocket Dynamos

Snooker Squad v BYE
Vipers v Fighting Eagles
BYE v The Professionals
Uprising v Unbeatables
Pocket Dynamos v Elite Force
BYE v Underdogs

Also the FBL Cup starts this fixture and the games are...

Cup Round 1
(31st March 2013 - 14th April 2013)

Elite Force v Pocket Dynamos

Can all teamsheets please be sent to me by Saturday @ Midnight (UK time).

Any clans who have not submitted a teamsheet will have their lists chosen at random.

Cheers lovelies
Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 5,702
02:39 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dude, i don't thing gemma22 is with you guys anymore?? could be roomers... any subs for the game - ritcho vs gemma22?
Posts: 11,489
02:57 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dude, i don't thing gemma22 is with you guys anymore?? could be roomers... any subs for the game - ritcho vs gemma22?

she quit on us with out playing her games and weve got no subs so nothing i can do
Posts: 22,512
04:34 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dude, i don't thing gemma22 is with you guys anymore?? could be roomers... any subs for the game - ritcho vs gemma22?

she quit on us with out playing her games and weve got no subs so nothing i can do

She was removed by Eagles, dont know if Jema will let her play here still though due to move. She was never removed from FCL unless you want her to be
Posts: 5,702
05:44 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dude, i don't thing gemma22 is with you guys anymore?? could be roomers... any subs for the game - ritcho vs gemma22?

she quit on us with out playing her games and weve got no subs so nothing i can do

No problemo
Posts: 444
10:19 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think there should be a rule, "NO MID SEASON MOVES" it really messes up some clans
Posts: 11,489
12:40 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dude, i don't thing gemma22 is with you guys anymore?? could be roomers... any subs for the game - ritcho vs gemma22?

she quit on us with out playing her games and weve got no subs so nothing i can do

She was removed by Eagles, dont know if Jema will let her play here still though due to move. She was never removed from FCL unless you want her to be

she obviously doesnt wanna play for us when she quit with out finishing games or telling us so u might as well remove her mate
Posts: 11,489
12:42 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i think there should be a rule, "NO MID SEASON MOVES" it really messes up some clans

i think a rule should be u can only move when incompleted fixtures have been finished as if uve got no subs ur in trouble and people just leave not bothered go to there new clan and leave another clan struggling after u give them a chance

games etc they stab u in the back if people finished games and left id maybe have them back but when they quit with out having the decency to tell u or finish there games ill never have them back or going offline for ages with out telling u never will they be back at the underdogs

luckily and thankfully weve got a few new players and reliable ones have been great to join us a few of there players to help us out of this situation but we shouldnt be in this situation
Posts: 22,512
14:08 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
If their was no mid season moving this season in the FCL then Underdogs would more than likely been removed from the league and maybe some others as player numbers where so though. Mid season window has brought in at least four players which really helps the clan.

You can not move when there is a partial game played either as that would result in that person being out the rest of the season. Every has been thought off
Posts: 11,489
19:30 Sat 30 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
If their was no mid season moving this season in the FCL then Underdogs would more than likely been removed from the league and maybe some others as player numbers where so though. Mid season window has brought in at least four players which really helps the clan.

You can not move when there is a partial game played either as that would result in that person being out the rest of the season. Every has been thought off

i dont mean partial games i mean guys have games to play and leave with out playing there games what i think games should all be played before they leave as they leave teams short on numbers in trouble but its the way it is with smaller clans
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The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)

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