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The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)

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Posts: 11,489
13:39 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
TCL The Killer League

All Remaining Fixtures are as follows...

Fixture 5 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 4/5/13)

Snooker Squad v The Underdogs

Fixture 6 (Default deadline 22:00 (UK) 4/5/13)

The Underdogs v The Vipers

Fixture 7 (Default deadline 20:30 (UK) 5/5/13)

The Underdogs v The Unbeatables

Games may be played at any time from now until the stated deadline.
Posts: 11,489
13:40 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
come on underdogs 2 fcl matchs 2 fbl matchs 2 days till deadline come on lets get games played if no contact has been made or time arranged to play game subs will be made
Posts: 444
14:04 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
5 games played so far

score atm emmajackson 5 - the_novice 0
just waiting for the_novice to be online at same time as me to play the last game :)

Fbl Fixture 4

Underdogs 7 vs 29 Vipers

the_novice v emmajackson 8US

foul_ball 0 v 6 the_saint 8US

welshie v lfc12 9US

ronald_faja 1 v 5 therev 9US

kopiteking01 0 v 6 zantetsukenz 8UK

hardy202 0 v 6 fry06 8UK

anoneeemouse 6 v 0 blackcabman7 Straight

jig_saw 0 v 6 gravytrain Straight
Games left to be played against Vipers
the_novice v emmajackson 8US
welshie v lfc12 9US

Deadline 14th April

Edited at 12:37 Fri 12/04/13 (BST)

game v lfc12 is set for 10pm tonight, bit late but nothing i can do
Posts: 11,489
14:50 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
5 games played so far

score atm emmajackson 5 - the_novice 0
just waiting for the_novice to be online at same time as me to play the last game :)

Fbl Fixture 4

Underdogs 7 vs 29 Vipers

the_novice v emmajackson 8US

foul_ball 0 v 6 the_saint 8US

welshie v lfc12 9US

ronald_faja 1 v 5 therev 9US

kopiteking01 0 v 6 zantetsukenz 8UK

hardy202 0 v 6 fry06 8UK

anoneeemouse 6 v 0 blackcabman7 Straight

jig_saw 0 v 6 gravytrain Straight
Games left to be played against Vipers
the_novice v emmajackson 8US
welshie v lfc12 9US

Deadline 14th April

Edited at 12:37 Fri 12/04/13 (BST)

game v lfc12 is set for 10pm tonight, bit late but nothing i can do

np cheers for letting me know m8
Posts: 22,512
17:30 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Website

Due to the reasons stated by pixie_dust both sites are now seperate. The new link to the FCL website will be below. Not had the time to check and move everything into all the right places but will do it tonight/tomorrow.

Thank you
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(IP Logged)
20:25 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i should be announcing a couple more new names over the weekend, i'll keep you posted guys
Posts: 11,489
21:59 Sat 13 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
i should be announcing a couple more new names over the weekend, i'll keep you posted guys

k look forward to hearing last members going in to new season
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00:02 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
the will he, wont he saga is over !!!!!! at last please welcome krazyash_07 to the underdogs for next season, im pleased to have captured this guy, he's a top lad and a very good friend of mine, gonna be a pleasure working with you Ash, welcome my friend !!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:10 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you for the offer, I hope to play my best and represent this team to the best of my ability. Not only am I going to be a player on this team I will be a friend too. I can learn a lot from the players on this team and I look forward to improving my game at the same time.

Glad to be aboard, this new project excites me and thank you for having me. Greenie1983 you have always been a great mate and nice to be on same team as you, will always strive to do my best, as you already know.

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(IP Logged)
00:35 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Glad to be aboard

Welcome mate
Posts: 11,489
00:41 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you for the offer, I hope to play my best and represent this team to the best of my ability. Not only am I going to be a player on this team I will be a friend too. I can learn a lot from the players on this team and I look forward to improving my game at the same time.

Glad to be aboard, this new project excites me and thank you for having me. Greenie1983 you have always been a great mate and nice to be on same team as you, will always strive to do my best, as you already know.


u said u wanted to play for the underdogs ur finally here welcome to the underdogs
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(IP Logged)
00:42 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you, cke1982 and the_saint, much appreciated.
Posts: 6,417
00:43 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you for the offer, I hope to play my best and represent this team to the best of my ability. Not only am I going to be a player on this team I will be a friend too. I can learn a lot from the players on this team and I look forward to improving my game at the same time.

Glad to be aboard, this new project excites me and thank you for having me. Greenie1983 you have always been a great mate and nice to be on same team as you, will always strive to do my best, as you already know.


GL ash m8. hope all the best for you in underdogs m8
Posts: 11,489
00:43 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
underdogs next season team list

2. hardy202 vice captain
3. greenie1983 vice captain
4. welshie
5. the_novice
6. kathleen_b.
7. the_beast
8. 2pac_rulez
9. foulball
11. brooksy1986
12. the_saint
13. wisky007
14. ronald_faja
16. Vacant

1 place free for next season please contact greenie 1983 if u want to be considered for underdogs next season
Deleted User
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00:43 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers erigert, thank you for your dedi the other day too.
Posts: 470
02:20 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
welcome krazyash_07 to the clan. look forward to playing along side you!
Posts: 3,846
02:25 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you for the offer, I hope to play my best and represent this team to the best of my ability. Not only am I going to be a player on this team I will be a friend too. I can learn a lot from the players on this team and I look forward to improving my game at the same time.

Glad to be aboard, this new project excites me and thank you for having me. Greenie1983 you have always been a great mate and nice to be on same team as you, will always strive to do my best, as you already know.


best of luck pal, imo u are one of the most commited team players on this site, u never moan, ur a decent player, and seem avery nice lad
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:26 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers derik, really nice words and yeah I'm always committed to the cause.
Posts: 11,489
14:52 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fcl Fixture 4

Pocket Dynamos 71 v 34 Underdogs

(swap)rynocov 10 v 5 anoneeemouse

mfc_ss 8 v 7 jig_saw

(s)jack_86 8 v 7 kathleen_b

cuester v kopiteking01

silent_hill 13 v 2 ronald_faja

(s)punkpoet 7 v 8 chris(s)

(swap)ang3l 11 v 4 the_novice

my2cjms 14 v 1 hardy202(s)
Games left to be played with Pocket Dynamos
cuester v kopiteking01

Deadline 14th April
Posts: 11,489
14:52 Sun 14 Apr 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fbl Fixture 4

Underdogs 7 vs 29 Vipers

the_novice v emmajackson 8US

foul_ball 0 v 6 the_saint 8US

welshie v lfc12 9US

ronald_faja 1 v 5 therev 9US

kopiteking01 0 v 6 zantetsukenz 8UK

hardy202 0 v 6 fry06 8UK

anoneeemouse 6 v 0 blackcabman7 Straight

jig_saw 0 v 6 gravytrain Straight
Games left to be played against Vipers
the_novice v emmajackson 8US
welshie v lfc12 9US

Deadline 14th April
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17 18 100
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The Underdogs (Lets Keep Winning Games)

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