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Posts: 3,846
13:16 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
She has been offline 1 day hardly reason for panic stations? Im sure she will be online soon. I wouldnt send her a 3rd message.

i will inform you when we have players online
if your online great if not the games will go to default so is life
if you feel the need to continue to post feel free

thankyou for your informed remarks

but i will say one thing continue the silly un-needed comments and they will be met with the same

i can only apologise that people are offline and have lives off funkypool

but there is also just under a week to play a few games


The words of clan killer craig, just has sinners breathed there last breath.
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18:39 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Joe,this is absolutley none of your bussness so go back to uprising and leave this to King.Craig is just trying to get games played.
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18:40 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Pre-Season

Snooker Squad 54 v 36 Fighting Eagles

whocares8x8 (10) v (5) kingdadcool
degeneratio (3) v (12) it's_me
crazy_greg (11) v (4) vegas
davey1985 (8) v (7) one_for_all
jose_enrique (12) v (3) blueberry
r1p0m4n (10) v (5) the_priest
sarny_lad v scirocco
thegame26 v turkish_dan

Unbeatables 52 v 37 Fighting Eagles

hacker (8) v (6) one_for_all
turtle1560 (10) v (5) blueberry
poolbiird (9) v (6) pat_groves07
serious_game (5) v (10) kingdadcool
rynocov (9) v (6) turkish_dan
im_bad (10) v (5) its_me
hippesville (11) v (4) destroyer_16
dbno v the_priest

FCL Format

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so Paul can update scores and the fcl league thread

Deadline: 2/6/13 @ Midnight! GL And keep it Friendly
Deleted User
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18:42 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Well,hows ever 1 today.Team looking Good poor scirocco having same pc issues fired_up_cue had.cant keep the curser in plave it keeps jumping around.any 1 have any ideas.

Edited at 15:46 Tue 28/05/13 (BST)
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18:43 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles 5 vs 9 Black Magic
GL to All and keep it friendly
FBL games are now 7 frames per 8US, 9US & 8UK game, Straight remains as 3 worth double points
vegas v pixie_dust 8US
_marc_ v davybaumers 8US
destroyer_16 v fry06 9US
kingdadcool (4) v (3) krazyash_07 9US
the__priest v thegreatone7 8UK
blueberry (1) v (6) berzerk 8UK
its_me v emmajackson Straight
im_n0_g00d v mooksterman Straight
Fighting Eagles v Black Magic Killer

Edited at 19:08 Tue 28/05/13 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
18:46 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Joe,this is absolutley none of your bussness so go back to uprising and leave this to King.Craig is just trying to get games played.

I thought craig were captain
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18:48 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team
fattmikee (vice Captain)
gordo (Vice Captain
kingdadcool ( Captain)
im_n0_g00d (Shady)
destroyer_16 (Mark)
vegas (Dave)
sensibleshow (Ciaran)
blueberry (Colin)
its_me (Tratter)
Posts: 3,610
18:49 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Joe,this is absolutley none of your bussness so go back to uprising and leave this to King.Craig is just trying to get games played.

I thought craig were captain

same old rubbish from derik.... mods must be on his back bye now
Posts: 3,846
18:51 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Joe,this is absolutley none of your bussness so go back to uprising and leave this to King.Craig is just trying to get games played.

I thought craig were captain

same old rubbish from derik.... mods must be on his back bye now

no seriously craig told me he were new captain er turkeys
Posts: 3,610
18:52 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Joe,this is absolutley none of your bussness so go back to uprising and leave this to King.Craig is just trying to get games played.

I thought craig were captain

same old rubbish from derik.... mods must be on his back bye now

no seriously craig told me he were new captain er turkeys

u replied very fast then lad.. u must have a very busy day ahead
Posts: 3,846
18:54 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
no not really trotter, had day off, busy next half hour, then I ca torment u and ur walker all day
Posts: 3,610
19:02 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
no not really trotter, had day off, busy next half hour, then I ca torment u and ur walker all day

i hope u live on ure own cause they wont be happy u being on here all day pal have a nice day
Posts: 3,846
19:31 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
no not really trotter, had day off, busy next half hour, then I ca torment u and ur walker all day

i hope u live on ure own cause they wont be happy u being on here all day pal have a nice day

Our lass is happy now, that's why I needed half hour
Deleted User
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19:57 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub for steventait88 please? Offline 4 days, our player is online if that helps?
Posts: 3,846
20:16 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we have a sub for steventait88 please? Offline 4 days, our player is online if that helps?

msg craig pal
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:18 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Sub: Fighting Eagles vs Black Magic (preseason) FBL

was: its_me vs emmajackson
is now: its_me vs the_saint
Posts: 3,250
23:51 Tue 28 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL sub: UB's vs Eagles

dbno vs the__priest
is now
mad_matt vs the__priest
Posts: 7,974
01:07 Wed 29 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
me v mad_matt

2-3 8 ball
2-3 9 ball
4-1 uk

8-7 win to me
i played shocking in the first 10 frames
and at least showed the quality i can at times to pull a narrow win

thanks matt was a total pleasure m8 as ever
look forward for real nxt time
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:42 Wed 29 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
some interesting games there craig, much entertainment...... some for the right reasons lol
thanks for getting it played though, and quality 8uk!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:44 Wed 29 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Pre-Season

Snooker Squad 54 v 36 Fighting Eagles

whocares8x8 (10) v (5) kingdadcool
degeneratio (3) v (12) it's_me
crazy_greg (11) v (4) vegas
davey1985 (8) v (7) one_for_all
jose_enrique (12) v (3) blueberry
r1p0m4n (10) v (5) the_priest
sarny_lad v scirocco
thegame26 v turkish_dan

Unbeatables 59 v 45 Fighting Eagles

hacker (8) v (6) one_for_all
turtle1560 (10) v (5) blueberry
poolbiird (9) v (6) pat_groves07
serious_game (5) v (10) kingdadcool
rynocov (9) v (6) turkish_dan
im_bad (10) v (5) its_me
hippesville (11) v (4) destroyer_16
mad_matt (7) v (8) the_priest

FCL Format

5 games each of 8us, 9us and 8uk

please message opponents on when u both can play games and please post result after match on here if u win or lose so Paul can update scores and the fcl league thread

Deadline: 2/6/13 @ Midnight! GL And keep it Friendly
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