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Uprising V - Uber Alles

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Posts: 3,846
00:40 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
And the fifth point i was going to make b4 i ran out of text was, when u say last post no need to reply , what makes u think u can speak to anyone in whatever way u want, without getting a reply,ive no idea play arrogant, or u really think u are above people and there opinions, your not talking to your pet dog]
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00:50 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hahahahaha you are highly hilarious, ill speak to who ever i want, how ever way i want to

And lmao hipped ur a legend, i have no bad word to say about u, we have always got along :)

My way with clans obviously worked seeing as we was successful and was around for longer than uve probably been on the site

You comment about pet dog, no your right, im not talking to my pet dog, i have more respect for him therefore i wouldn't speak to him like somethin i trod in

Take care uprising ;) and good luck, you shall probably need it considering

Edited at 21:57 Tue 07/05/13 (BST)
Posts: 3,846
00:58 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Hahahahaha you are highly hilarious, ill speak to who ever i want, how ever way i want to

And lmao hipped ur a legend, i have no bad word to say about u, we have always got along :)

My way with clans obviously worked seeing as we was successful and was around for longer than uve probably been on the site

You comment about pet dog, no your right, in not talking to my pet dog, i have more respect for him

Take care uprising ;) and good luck, you shall probably need it considering

The way you come across, i think you probably have no respect for anyone other than yourself,i dont see how we will need good luck, we like to win games, but its not be all and end all,one man is certainly not bigger than the team, especially considering when the 1 man is you, and with regards to dogs, less said the better
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00:59 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus everyone just shut up, by the time we get to the start of the season the team will end up being me, blessed, faust, gerti and greenie at this rate!

I don't see what all the fuss is about, so you don't like him, don't talk to him ? ignore his comments? your giving him want he wants. I dot know what he did, but its a virtual site, its not hard to avoid someone, i really don't see the need to go as far to leave because someone you don't get on with is in the same clan as you. What if he deactivated, made a new account and joined untouchables and didn't tell anybody who he was? You'd be none the wiser, yet you'd play alongside him then.

I do not see what he could've done is so bad it has you two running scared, what did he do, try hunt you down irl or something?
Posts: 3,846
01:01 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus everyone just shut up, by the time we get to the start of the season the team will end up being me, blessed, faust, gerti and greenie at this rate!

I don't see what all the fuss is about, so you don't like him, don't talk to him ? ignore his comments? your giving him want he wants. I dot know what he did, but its a virtual site, its not hard to avoid someone, i really don't see the need to go as far to leave because someone you don't get on with is in the same clan as you. What if he deactivated, made a new account and joined untouchables and didn't tell anybody who he was? You'd be none the wiser, yet you'd play alongside him then.

I do not see what he could've done is so bad it has you two running scared, what did he do, try hunt you down irl or something?

ill not be going anywhere pal, the points i was making are the same as you are now, they just fell on deaf ears
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01:03 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao 1 man is me, considering my results i reckon ive contributed alot to uprising finishing 3rd.

No, i have respect, but i treat people the way they treat me.

Haha nice comment about the dogs, hilarious.

Nah, winnin is not be all n end all, but u was the first to mouth off when someone was losing haha ur such a hypocrite
Posts: 3,846
01:10 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
like i said , arguements aside im not small minded enough to fail to recognise ur a decent player, weve all played a part in finishing third, and only time id ever mention a plyer losing is when i knew he had no interest in playing, point which were proved, he then preceeded to harras me, lost the argument, then lost the resulting game between ourselves, then got banned, while going via chips n gravy, all in one night, cant remember ever saying anything to anyone else concerning results other than wd and ul
Posts: 19,967
01:12 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Can we take it to pm/Facebook/homing pigeon and leave it off this thread guys.

Got to agree with the captains decision on these things, if you don't you're entitle to voice your opinion in private to whoever you want (which should include the captain) but this thread isn't the place for it. If you feel the need to leave then you do have the right to do so, peacefully.

Everyone else needs to rise above it all. In respect of Stu and this clan and not in those you don't like or get on with.
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01:14 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Arguing on a clan thread? Where was my Invite.
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01:15 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
I appreciate the fact u think im decent, but there is no need at all to make comments about ransoms. There should be no questions asked as to why my and Emma left other then by our captain via offline messages.

Im seriously not gonna carry on arguin with u Joe, u now know my view on a certain player even when i had no need to tell u, just please respect the fact we have left and gone to another team.

The main reason why i left was to help another clan get together and enter the league as the number of entrants has declined over the past few seasons for what ever reason.

I genuinely wish Uprising the best of luck and i hope you all put up a strong fight next season like we all did here last.
Posts: 3,846
01:20 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im off to replay apprentice anyway, ive missed it , with all this scallops
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01:21 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to reply to 9ball, no body is running scared we just dont want to play alongside someone, that's all bud
Posts: 4,557
01:23 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im off to replay apprentice anyway, ive missed it , with all this scallops

was good . the girls lost :P
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01:23 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Take care Joe, enjoy
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01:24 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
We all have had good times and some of us will continue to have good times with uprising, there's a dispute but nothing that can't be sorted in offline messages.

I have a lot of time for uprising, they took me when I was clan less and gave me a good time lets keep the good memories we have and keep them a nice civil clan.

Play nice boys.
Posts: 3,846
01:27 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
im off to replay apprentice anyway, ive missed it , with all this scallops

was good . the girls lost :P

ive created a thread on general chat huts, if ud like to comment as the series goes on
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02:11 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to reply to 9ball, no body is running scared we just dont want to play alongside someone, that's all bud

Ok yeah, but if you think about it, its all virtual, your just contributing to the same higher power, its like saying you wouldnt vote for a political party because he is, thats how it comes across mate, im not gunna hate on anyone, but if i was captain ( which before some wise guy comes in says your not, I KNOW) but if i was, id rather keep 2 and drop one.. and im sorry to say this as its not really his fault, but one_for_all has brought high tension in this thread with two already gone, and derik_dalton is on his high horsey

Hope you can take this lightly as im trying not to offend anyone, but wanted to add a little light-hearted joke to try lighten the mood in this ever - growing black hole of a thread
Posts: 10,109
02:21 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus Christ! I get my first night of work in ages, and come back to this??? My phone was going all night with facebook alerts whilst I'm trying to remember how to work a till!

1. Thanks to zantetsukenz,the_9_ball, mich, horse10000, and anyone else that tried to pacify this ugly situation.

2. I'm sorry to anyone that feels I've let them down terribly by offering this kid a chance.

3. chisisidovev has already left us. Your contribution to Uprising was immense, and will never be forgotten.

4. It seems it's too late for me to persuade some members to stay. If anyone is on the verge of making a decision, please do it when I'm online so I can actually discuss it.

5. Uprising started as the worst team and has slowly become the 3rd best team. Any blows we take - we will come back stronger! :)

6. I'm not prepared to have another day of my life put so much stress upon me over a 2d pool game.
Deleted User
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02:24 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus Christ! I get my first night of work in ages, and come back to this??? My phone was going all night with facebook alerts whilst I'm trying to remember how to work a till!

1. Thanks to zantetsukenz,the_9_ball, mich, horse10000, and anyone else that tried to pacify this ugly situation.

2. I'm sorry to anyone that feels I've let them down terribly by offering this kid a chance.

3. chisisidovev has already left us. Your contribution to Uprising was immense, and will never be forgotten.

4. It seems it's too late for me to persuade some members to stay. If anyone is on the verge of making a decision, please do it when I'm online so I can actually discuss it.

5. Uprising started as the worst team and has slowly become the 3rd best team. Any blows we take - we will come back stronger! :)

6. I'm not prepared to have another day of my life put so much stress upon me over a 2d pool game.

Lol at that last bit.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:24 Wed 8 May 13 (BST)  [Link]  
Jesus Christ! I get my first night of work in ages, and come back to this??? My phone was going all night with facebook alerts whilst I'm trying to remember how to work a till!

1. Thanks to zantetsukenz,the_9_ball, mich, horse10000, and anyone else that tried to pacify this ugly situation.

2. I'm sorry to anyone that feels I've let them down terribly by offering this kid a chance.

3. chisisidovev has already left us. Your contribution to Uprising was immense, and will never be forgotten.

4. It seems it's too late for me to persuade some members to stay. If anyone is on the verge of making a decision, please do it when I'm online so I can actually discuss it.

5. Uprising started as the worst team and has slowly become the 3rd best team. Any blows we take - we will come back stronger! :)

6. I'm not prepared to have another day of my life put so much stress upon me over a 2d pool game.

Uprising will always be quality, and a home to anyone who has played here.

Good luck
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