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Uprising V - Uber Alles

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Posts: 22,512
12 years ago  [Link]  
Joe - I think we all clashed due to personalities which we have all got used to. Ant, Emma and myself never spoke for a good two months or so but when i joined Uprising we got on and started talking again and any past was swept under the carpet.

Same time though, can't expect a player(s) to play along side someone they don't like. Players who have been here a while have expressed the same thing. I don't know the whole story with Ant and Emma so this part is about me - I never held anyone to ransom, its an online game and people can come and go as they please as you know pal. I simply said i would not play along side him.

I never wanted to bring this to the thread though so ill stop here, Joe me and you get on now or at least have some kind of mutual respect for each other and that is all i need really. Your a sound guy
Posts: 9,926
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well done to uprising for an excellent final, to go down to the last format is a fitting way for a final to be won/lost.

Hopefully you can sort out the bickering as you have been the third best clan by a long way all season and with a couple of signings (like tyler!!! etc) i am sure you could be pushing for 1st place next season.

Thanks all, until next season
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Well it's obv all my fault, not like anyone else had issues with the idiot..... O wait... They did!!

Well just to make life easy, I'd toddle along to another clan as I ain't playing along side that imbecile! Hope everyone can be happy now LOOL!!!!

Isnt that what i posted that wether it be an indivisual or a collective group, even though its a team game, its virtual which means we dont come across each other , i personally have no idea who the lad is, all i know is what he did supposedly wrong last season, which is an arguement that has 2 sides, arguements aside from the past between us or anyone else, evryone that played 4 us last season were good players, and we proved its possible to play in a team together after an arguement i cant see why that couldnt be adopted in this situation
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Joe - I think we all clashed due to personalities which we have all got used to. Ant, Emma and myself never spoke for a good two months or so but when i joined Uprising we got on and started talking again and any past was swept under the carpet.

Same time though, can't expect a player(s) to play along side someone they don't like. Players who have been here a while have expressed the same thing. I don't know the whole story with Ant and Emma so this part is about me - I never held anyone to ransom, its an online game and people can come and go as they please as you know pal. I simply said i would not play along side him.

I never wanted to bring this to the thread though so ill stop here, Joe me and you get on now or at least have some kind of mutual respect for each other and that is all i need really. Your a sound guy

i dint see this b4 i posted last comment, i couldnt agree more with this post
Posts: 22,512
12 years ago  [Link]  
You agree your sound? Ego much!
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12 years ago  [Link]  
I agree with jay I said I wouldn't play along side the lil twerp (was nicest thing I could think of) so I think it's best I leave as some obv want it here
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
You agree your sound? Ego much!

lol, i agree more with the other comments, i hate myself today
Posts: 22,512
12 years ago  [Link]  
I bought a suit today for my interview tomorrow! Ashamed much
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Seriously though regarding this new player i have no idea who he is or what hes done, and im not so sure skunky has either or at least hes not letting on much to me anyway, which is a good thing, cos hes obviously respecting your privacy, when i read that emma and ant had gone to uts , after reading yesterdays comment i figured that he might have been held to ransom
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12 years ago  [Link]  
No nothing of the sort. As I said I won't play with the idiot therefore I believe for the teams sake its better I go as I won't be in the same team as him.

Me making the choice so stu and eri don't have to!!
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(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Joe, just grow up, it's our decision whether or not to play alongside someone in a clan, it's got nothing to do with a ransom, it's to do with principles and abuse received previously.

The guy has let down every clan he's been in whether its deactivating half way through a clan game, swapping clans half way through the season, disappearing for weeks on end, what ever it may be, the list is rather long.

We have our reasons for not wanting to play alongside someone, atleast have the respect to respect our decisions regarding this.

Like I said, it's nothing to do with Stu being "held to ransom".
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12 years ago  [Link]  
That is my last post on this thread regarding that matter.

Thanks again Stu for a crackin season playing alongside you and most of the team, it's been a pleasure and a rather good laugh, best of luck to you and Uprising next season
Posts: 6,417
12 years ago  [Link]  
Next Season Team

Until this situation gets sorted we have only 13 players on our team
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Joe, just grow up, it's our decision whether or not to play alongside someone in a clan, it's got nothing to do with a ransom, it's to do with principles and abuse received previously.

The guy has let down every clan he's been in whether its deactivating half way through a clan game, swapping clans half way through the season, disappearing for weeks on end, what ever it may be, the list is rather long.

We have our reasons for not wanting to play alongside someone, atleast have the respect to respect our decisions regarding this.

Like I said, it's nothing to do with Stu being "held to ransom".

Joe just grow up, i really cant see as any comment ive made today is immature in anyway , all ive done is offer a tried and tested logical solotion to the current problem
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Making sly comments about Stu being held at ransom, no body has said its him or us, its simply been "we are NOT playing alongside him"

How about stay out of it completely instead of "offering a tried and tested logic" I have no idea who the hell you think you are trying to act like the bigger man, everyone knows you're just out for an argument. It's been the same on threads in the past, a few other people are the same on this site, but atleast they can back up their cockiness.

You wont be getting another response here so don't waste your energy in typing anything my way
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Making sly comments about Stu being held at ransom, no body has said its him or us, its simply been "we are NOT playing alongside him"

How about stay out of it completely instead of "offering a tried and tested logic" I have no idea who the hell you think you are trying to act like the bigger man, everyone knows you're just out for an argument. It's been the same on threads in the past, a few other people are the same on this site, but atleast they can back up their cockiness.

You wont be getting another response here so don't waste your energy in typing anything my way

How would anyone know who can or cant back up there cockiness,l and id never go as low as to say id back what i type on a forum with violence, all i was doing was saying we fell out b4 and played in same team, so it was possible to do it again, u wont last long at any team u play 4,you even manage to sound arrogant behind a laptop, god only knows what ure like in real life, if uve gone then good riddance, no need to argue, good luck and i hope any arguements can be settled with the virtuial cue in future , now were on oppsosing teams
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12 years ago  [Link]  
Hahahaha I've settled all my arguments on this site by hammering my opponents.

I never mentioned violence to back up there cockiness, so don't put words in my mouth lmao. I wont last long at any team I'm with? Hmmm interesting, I was captain at the same clan for 9 out of 10 seasons I was there, vc in another 2 since and have always seen the season through. This is the first clan that I've been involved with where I've had issues with players who have been signed. Any clan would be better without inconsistent results, but it's a good job I've backed up my words with my results.

I really don't care if you find me arrogant behind a laptop, its all opinions, everyones entitled to one. It's not like I'll lose sleep over a little petty comment like that. Just like I don't expect you to whine about the fact I think low of you

Grow up, don't reply, and as you said, "arguments can be settled with the virtual cue in future" instead of feeling the need to moan.
Posts: 13,570
12 years ago  [Link]  
Uprising for best soap opera thread!!!!!

chisisidovev..........when will yer actual last post be then?????

lol keep er lit xxx
Posts: 13,570
12 years ago  [Link]  
After speaking to Stu the other night i made my intentions very clear on the matter and what i personally would do myself. I'm not going to bring any arguments or insults to the thread though as it gets no one anywhere in the long run.

I might be going back on the transfer market, but that is down to me personally and will be my decision at the end of the day. Have gave a lot to Uprising in the season i have been here and i think my results and time i have put in here has proved that.

.......................I smell a potion brewing from the dark side
Posts: 3,846
12 years ago  [Link]  
Hahahaha I've settled all my arguments on this site by hammering my opponents.
I never mentioned violence to back up there cockiness, so don't put words in my mouth lmao. I wont last long at any team I'm with? Hmmm interesting, I was captain at the same clan for 9 out of 10 seasons I was there, vc in another 2 since and have always seen the season through. This is the first clan that I've been involved with where I've had issues with players who have been signed. Any clan would be better without inconsistent results, but it's a good job I've backed up my words with my results.
I really don't care if you find me arrogant behind a laptop, its all opinions, everyones entitled to one. It's not like I'll lose sleep over a little petty comment like that. Just like I don't expect you to whine about the fact I think low of you

Grow up, don't reply, and as you said, "arguments can be settled with the virtual cue in future" instead of feeling the need to moan.

1) you werent going to reply (last post) lol
2) I actaually respect you as a player, to say uve hammered everyone uve ever argued with must be an exxageration, and i dont think you would hammer me
3) the fact that only team , u can say uve been loyal to for a number of seasons is the one u captained, ants way or no way?
4) several players from different clans have told me you have been problematic at every clan u have played for
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Uprising V - Uber Alles

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