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15:22 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Jericho is there to put talent over now aint he, thats the job Cena should be doing aswell but he wont let them beat him cos he as got to win everything
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15:34 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Cena needs to turn heel, Is it me or are WWE teasing it ?
Cena is desperate to beat The Rock, Maybe he will cheat to win the title at Mania
Then cut a promo saying he got tired of the fans reaction when all he tries to do is do his best for the WWE and its all about him now
Cena is desperate to beat The Rock, Maybe he will cheat to win the title at Mania
Then cut a promo saying he got tired of the fans reaction when all he tries to do is do his best for the WWE and its all about him now
15:40 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
I'd like that actually.
Kind of like when stone cold turned heel cheating to beat the rock hmmmmm.
Cena needs to turn heel, Is it me or are WWE teasing it ?
Cena is desperate to beat The Rock, Maybe he will cheat to win the title at Mania
Then cut a promo saying he got tired of the fans reaction when all he tries to do is do his best for the WWE and its all about him now
Cena is desperate to beat The Rock, Maybe he will cheat to win the title at Mania
Then cut a promo saying he got tired of the fans reaction when all he tries to do is do his best for the WWE and its all about him now
I'd like that actually.
Kind of like when stone cold turned heel cheating to beat the rock hmmmmm.
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15:45 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Yeah, He could cut a promo on the Raw after.
So whats going to be the pre mania suprise ??
A Orton heel turn i reckon.
So whats going to be the pre mania suprise ??
A Orton heel turn i reckon.
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16:20 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Already been one with Big Show turning face
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16:25 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Aye true
But they always have something on the Raw after Mana
But they always have something on the Raw after Mana
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19:36 Wed 27 Mar 13 (GMT)
Cena is 35 now, will be 36 after WM29
No matter if Cena turns heel or stays a babyface i wont take him seriously and he will no doubt end up boring me to death when he starts talking
Cena aint at that age yet though is he?
Cena is 35 now, will be 36 after WM29
No matter if Cena turns heel or stays a babyface i wont take him seriously and he will no doubt end up boring me to death when he starts talking
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14:30 Fri 29 Mar 13 (GMT)
Come on guys grow up, its all staged anyway. More to life than watching greased up men grapple with each other.
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17:41 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
yep its midnight, ive heard a rumour that the last hour will be free on wwe.com but ive also heard a rumour that the last hour will show some of the HoF ceremony.
I doubt the latter is correct as there is 8/9 matches and the 3 main matches will be 30mins or longer
yep its midnight, ive heard a rumour that the last hour will be free on wwe.com but ive also heard a rumour that the last hour will show some of the HoF ceremony.
I doubt the latter is correct as there is 8/9 matches and the 3 main matches will be 30mins or longer
19:46 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
I know there doing a post wrestlmania thing this year dan, as the pres show is free im assuming the post show would be as well .
Oh yeah I think swagger will win the title but will drop it to ziggler a minute latter igniting there feud.
Oh yeah I think swagger will win the title but will drop it to ziggler a minute latter igniting there feud.
Deleted User
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20:23 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
I cant see Jack Swagger winning Zac as WWE still have to get him for the DUI n been caught in possession of drugs, i think that will be owt upto a month suspension as its 2 charges against him
20:42 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
Maybe have him beat Del Rio and like Zac says Ziggler cashes in and wins thanks to an assist by Big E also As that contract is nearly ran out hasnt it.
I cant see Jack Swagger winning Zac as WWE still have to get him for the DUI n been caught in possession of drugs, i think that will be owt upto a month suspension as its 2 charges against him
Maybe have him beat Del Rio and like Zac says Ziggler cashes in and wins thanks to an assist by Big E also As that contract is nearly ran out hasnt it.
20:43 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
yep its midnight, ive heard a rumour that the last hour will be free on wwe.com but ive also heard a rumour that the last hour will show some of the HoF ceremony.
I doubt the latter is correct as there is 8/9 matches and the 3 main matches will be 30mins or longer
Think Taker and HHH match will be the longer ones.
yep its midnight, ive heard a rumour that the last hour will be free on wwe.com but ive also heard a rumour that the last hour will show some of the HoF ceremony.
I doubt the latter is correct as there is 8/9 matches and the 3 main matches will be 30mins or longer
Think Taker and HHH match will be the longer ones.
Deleted User
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20:50 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
Agreed there about the HHH vs Brock Lesnar match and about the MITB i think still has a while on it due to him winning it at MITB PPV which was Just before SS or just after?
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21:52 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
I cant see him cashing in tonight at all.
This feud between Swagger and Del Rio as been all about making Del Rio the top Hispanic Wrestler as little Rey's career is virtually over so the WWE need another top Hispanic babyface and that person will be Del Rio
This feud between Swagger and Del Rio as been all about making Del Rio the top Hispanic Wrestler as little Rey's career is virtually over so the WWE need another top Hispanic babyface and that person will be Del Rio
Deleted User
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23:34 Sun 7 Apr 13 (BST)
Any idea when HOF will be shown in UK this year?
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02:09 Mon 8 Apr 13 (BST)
22.95 euros to order..
damn kid loves loves wrestling
oops me too gotta have a live viewing lol
damn kid loves loves wrestling
oops me too gotta have a live viewing lol
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