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16:57 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
IF undertaker IS to lose at ANY Wrestlemania i think it is his choice and vince shouldn't have a say in it at all.
IMO i don't think the streak should end at all but ive got a feeling if he don't put over Punk and give him the respect he wants from the fans(which this win will certainly do) he will only lose to John "5 moves" Cena at Wrestlemania30.
Only way Taker should go in HoF is if The induct Paul Bearer and Taker at the same time with the inductee been Kane (Takers "brother" and Bearers "son").
The Rock and Cena shouldn't EVER happen again as that match so so utterly disappointing last year, I have to mute RAW when these two are in the ring talking as they both bore me to sleep.
I hate what they have done with the belt, they have made it a meaningless belt once again after Punk defended the belt almost everyday of that reign just for him to lose to a part time wrestler that dont even show up to the live events to defend the belt
IMO i don't think the streak should end at all but ive got a feeling if he don't put over Punk and give him the respect he wants from the fans(which this win will certainly do) he will only lose to John "5 moves" Cena at Wrestlemania30.
Only way Taker should go in HoF is if The induct Paul Bearer and Taker at the same time with the inductee been Kane (Takers "brother" and Bearers "son").
The Rock and Cena shouldn't EVER happen again as that match so so utterly disappointing last year, I have to mute RAW when these two are in the ring talking as they both bore me to sleep.
I hate what they have done with the belt, they have made it a meaningless belt once again after Punk defended the belt almost everyday of that reign just for him to lose to a part time wrestler that dont even show up to the live events to defend the belt
17:50 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
I hate the rock! The Rock is handed everything on a silver platter and does basically nothing except turn up now and then and claim he is "home".
Cena - I actually like and always have done, more so for what he does outside the ring for the company and that make a wish foundation thing.
Punk never defended nearly every single day though, a live RAW show now and then and then on Payper views. Punk was a good champion until he turned again and demanded all this rubbish like respect which he actually had from fans until he turned.
I don't think Taker will lose at all, he has been in the business for over 20 years and gave it everything, he should stay undefeated at Mania as that would be the WWE's gift to him when he eventually retires.
Cena - I actually like and always have done, more so for what he does outside the ring for the company and that make a wish foundation thing.
Punk never defended nearly every single day though, a live RAW show now and then and then on Payper views. Punk was a good champion until he turned again and demanded all this rubbish like respect which he actually had from fans until he turned.
I don't think Taker will lose at all, he has been in the business for over 20 years and gave it everything, he should stay undefeated at Mania as that would be the WWE's gift to him when he eventually retires.
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18:01 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Punk defended the belt Monday(sometimes) Thursday(not too sure), Friday Saturday n Sunday(i think there all days of the live events in america) and also the PPVs on sunday he as always been there unless he got injured.
So he as defended the belt nearly everyday of his title reign, he don't defend on Tuesdays as that is Smackdown and NXT recordings day and Wednesday is WWE Main Event not sure if that is recorded or live as ive never watched it
When they come over to Europe they wrestle every night of the week aswell so he will have defended the belt every night all over europe
Edited at 16:04 Thu 21/03/13 (GMT)
So he as defended the belt nearly everyday of his title reign, he don't defend on Tuesdays as that is Smackdown and NXT recordings day and Wednesday is WWE Main Event not sure if that is recorded or live as ive never watched it
When they come over to Europe they wrestle every night of the week aswell so he will have defended the belt every night all over europe
Edited at 16:04 Thu 21/03/13 (GMT)
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18:14 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
See i disagree with that statement, i think Paul Bearer should be inducted this year and should be inducted alone because he is one of if not the best manager of all time IMO. Also taker should be inducted alone and possibly with Kane down the line just like Flair has been (single and part of 4 horsemen)
I read somewhere that Rock is due to turn heel??? If thats true reakon will be at WM?
Only way Taker should go in HoF is if The induct Paul Bearer and Taker at the same time with the inductee been Kane (Takers "brother" and Bearers "son").
See i disagree with that statement, i think Paul Bearer should be inducted this year and should be inducted alone because he is one of if not the best manager of all time IMO. Also taker should be inducted alone and possibly with Kane down the line just like Flair has been (single and part of 4 horsemen)
I read somewhere that Rock is due to turn heel??? If thats true reakon will be at WM?
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18:21 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
See i disagree with that statement, i think Paul Bearer should be inducted this year and should be inducted alone because he is one of if not the best manager of all time IMO. Also taker should be inducted alone and possibly with Kane down the line just like Flair has been (single and part of 4 horsemen)
I read somewhere that Rock is due to turn heel??? If thats true reakon will be at WM?
1st paragraph
Too early to induct Paul Bearer IMO, next year maybe do so, IF you are going to induct Paul Bearer into the HoF Undertaker as to induct him and for Taker to step outta character he as to be retired IMHO
You could induct it like this Paul Bearer(alone), Bearer and Taker, Taker, Kane and Bearer, and Taker and Kane(alone) all three of them should have 3 Rings IMO as they have been the main stage of WWE for the last 15 or so years?(Taker and Bearer 20+)
2nd paragraph
What is the point in turning him heel when he turns up when hes got a movie to be released?
Only way Taker should go in HoF is if The induct Paul Bearer and Taker at the same time with the inductee been Kane (Takers "brother" and Bearers "son").
See i disagree with that statement, i think Paul Bearer should be inducted this year and should be inducted alone because he is one of if not the best manager of all time IMO. Also taker should be inducted alone and possibly with Kane down the line just like Flair has been (single and part of 4 horsemen)
I read somewhere that Rock is due to turn heel??? If thats true reakon will be at WM?
1st paragraph
Too early to induct Paul Bearer IMO, next year maybe do so, IF you are going to induct Paul Bearer into the HoF Undertaker as to induct him and for Taker to step outta character he as to be retired IMHO
You could induct it like this Paul Bearer(alone), Bearer and Taker, Taker, Kane and Bearer, and Taker and Kane(alone) all three of them should have 3 Rings IMO as they have been the main stage of WWE for the last 15 or so years?(Taker and Bearer 20+)
2nd paragraph
What is the point in turning him heel when he turns up when hes got a movie to be released?
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18:24 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
I personally dont think its too early and after the death of him (R.I.P) he surely has to go in this year or next year latest.... and as for Rock i dont see a point of him turning heel but thats what i read
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18:30 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
For Paul Bearer to go into HoF The Undertaker as to break character and only way for Undertaker to break away from character is to have Taker retire and then induct Bearer.
Everyone as there own opinions on the induction of Paul Bearer and there all valid points but this years HoF is stacked full of TOP stars Mr 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x WCW champ, Trish, Bruno, Foley, Backlund and Trump.
Bearer for me has to be the TOP name when hes inducted as everyone should agree he is the greatest manager of all time
Everyone as there own opinions on the induction of Paul Bearer and there all valid points but this years HoF is stacked full of TOP stars Mr 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x WCW champ, Trish, Bruno, Foley, Backlund and Trump.
Bearer for me has to be the TOP name when hes inducted as everyone should agree he is the greatest manager of all time
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18:35 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Agreed, maybe he'll be inducted next year (taker to lose at WM???)
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18:49 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
If Taker don't lose this year to Punk he will most defintely lose to John "5moves" Cena at WM30, if WWE don't do this they are missing out on one of the biggest matches of all time even tho Taker aint in the best of shapes.
Cena is the person that "never gives up" and Taker is the guy that never loses at Wrestlemaina(if he wins at WM29), so this match could possibly see the end of the streak.
Imo Cena shouldnt be the one to end the streak as he is already over with the fans, ive also gotta feeling that taker will retire this year and will wana put someone over(job of the old guys now, unless your Cena or The Rock) and that Wrestle to put over is CM Punk. Losing at WM for Punk is a no go for me as then he will have lost at the last 3 PPVs(2 of them he carried The Rock as he looked spent after the first 5mins of the matches).
If Punk loses at WM this will badly damage his character and he will need to go on a "break" to think of a new persona to come back as.
Cena is the person that "never gives up" and Taker is the guy that never loses at Wrestlemaina(if he wins at WM29), so this match could possibly see the end of the streak.
Imo Cena shouldnt be the one to end the streak as he is already over with the fans, ive also gotta feeling that taker will retire this year and will wana put someone over(job of the old guys now, unless your Cena or The Rock) and that Wrestle to put over is CM Punk. Losing at WM for Punk is a no go for me as then he will have lost at the last 3 PPVs(2 of them he carried The Rock as he looked spent after the first 5mins of the matches).
If Punk loses at WM this will badly damage his character and he will need to go on a "break" to think of a new persona to come back as.
22:15 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Not really as he claimed he would beat Rock and he never did, never changed either as he is still trying to get the respect he thinks he deserves.
I would not want Cena to end the streak at all, personally don't think it should end like i said before. People hate and love Cena as a character of course but his merchandise is still sold everywhere and a lot of it. The chant he wanted from them to build him up in the right for a fight back proves that most people are behind him and why shouldn't they be. Its not him saying oh i want to win so many championships and whatever else, he doing as he is told really. I hated Cena when he first came into it as i hated the persona he had, like him as he is now and don't mind the usual rap (if you can call it that)
I would not want Cena to end the streak at all, personally don't think it should end like i said before. People hate and love Cena as a character of course but his merchandise is still sold everywhere and a lot of it. The chant he wanted from them to build him up in the right for a fight back proves that most people are behind him and why shouldn't they be. Its not him saying oh i want to win so many championships and whatever else, he doing as he is told really. I hated Cena when he first came into it as i hated the persona he had, like him as he is now and don't mind the usual rap (if you can call it that)
22:39 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Though Paul Bearer is famus mostly for managing Undertaker and Kane he also managed mankind and Vader so he should be inducted alone as should kane and undertaker.
Punk is one of the best wwe have though i don't feel he should beat taker at wrestlemanis, don't get me wrong i'm a massive cm punk fan but dont feel its set for it yet.
I think if anyone ever does it it will be Cena (who I don't mind) or possibly Sting if he decides to wrestle, hey it nearly happened a few years ago but Sting didnt like the schedule if he was signed to a contract like rock or lesnar who knows. Though I hope its never broken and if so got to be a big name.
Lastly I think The Rock as chap is a bad move, CM Punk made the title mean something again and to go 2 raws without the wwe champion sucks. Also Rocks performances haven't been great if you look it knackered after 5 minutes, you can have all the muscles in the world but if your not in ring shape it will tell.
Who do you want taker to wrestle at wrestlmania 30.
i'd say sting (unlikely) Kurt Angle(very unlikley) chris Jericho Brock Lesnar or maybe Punk again. Possibly kane again.
Punk is one of the best wwe have though i don't feel he should beat taker at wrestlemanis, don't get me wrong i'm a massive cm punk fan but dont feel its set for it yet.
I think if anyone ever does it it will be Cena (who I don't mind) or possibly Sting if he decides to wrestle, hey it nearly happened a few years ago but Sting didnt like the schedule if he was signed to a contract like rock or lesnar who knows. Though I hope its never broken and if so got to be a big name.
Lastly I think The Rock as chap is a bad move, CM Punk made the title mean something again and to go 2 raws without the wwe champion sucks. Also Rocks performances haven't been great if you look it knackered after 5 minutes, you can have all the muscles in the world but if your not in ring shape it will tell.
Who do you want taker to wrestle at wrestlmania 30.
i'd say sting (unlikely) Kurt Angle(very unlikley) chris Jericho Brock Lesnar or maybe Punk again. Possibly kane again.
22:47 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
I think if he was to wrestle Kane then there would need to be a build up straight away and as he is not there much now i doubt it, if Lesnar beats HHH (I don't think he will) then maybe Lesnar v Taker at Mania30 but would WWE risk Taker in a match with that huge pillow head when he will be 50?
Would be great to see Shawn Micheals come back and end the streak at Mania 30 actually, doubtful but would be awesome as there match was amazing as was the one with Taker and HHH
Would be great to see Shawn Micheals come back and end the streak at Mania 30 actually, doubtful but would be awesome as there match was amazing as was the one with Taker and HHH
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22:47 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Sting and Kurt Angle wont face Undertaker due to TNA contracts. Chris Jericho is in and out at the moment due to Fozzie and he hasn't been in the greatest shapes in match wise.Brock Lesnar could potentially face him, but his performances will need to be upt'ed. possibly Dolph Ziggler if he manages to win the world title.
But all that is speculation and wont happen if he gets defeated at WM this year
But all that is speculation and wont happen if he gets defeated at WM this year
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22:50 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
Like i said in an earlier post Bearer should have 3 HoF rings alone, with Taker and with Kane. If you are going to give Flair two rings Bearer defiantly deserves 3 as he is the greatest manager of all time.
Kurt Angle could be a VERY good possibilty of a return to WWE as his career comes to an end just so he can go into the HoF, that will also be the same with Sting(for his WCW career).
If Taker goes to Wrestlemania 30 his opponent needs to be either Cena, Sting or Lesnar(Taker never beat Lesnar). Out of all them i have a feeling it will be Cena.
Kurt Angle could be a VERY good possibilty of a return to WWE as his career comes to an end just so he can go into the HoF, that will also be the same with Sting(for his WCW career).
If Taker goes to Wrestlemania 30 his opponent needs to be either Cena, Sting or Lesnar(Taker never beat Lesnar). Out of all them i have a feeling it will be Cena.
22:54 Thu 21 Mar 13 (GMT)
I agree with Danny, not sure out of the two who it would be though...
00:34 Fri 22 Mar 13 (GMT)
Yeah I mention Kurt Angle as im pretty sure his contract comes to an end soon and feel undertaker and Kurt put on a great match at No Way Out a while ago. If it happened would easily be a top match.
And yeah Jay maybe you're right Brock my injure Taker.
Don't discount jericho though hes a part timer and not in as great shape he can still put on a good match his match with daniel bryan a few months ago on raw was very good.
Dolph is a possibilty another guy I'm a fan of and I may get yelled for this and it defiantly will not happen BUT AJ Styles? waits to be heckled.
And yeah Jay maybe you're right Brock my injure Taker.
Don't discount jericho though hes a part timer and not in as great shape he can still put on a good match his match with daniel bryan a few months ago on raw was very good.
Dolph is a possibilty another guy I'm a fan of and I may get yelled for this and it defiantly will not happen BUT AJ Styles? waits to be heckled.
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01:05 Fri 22 Mar 13 (GMT)
After recent events for AJ on TNA wouldnt suprise me and Dolph i think would be a good possibility
01:10 Fri 22 Mar 13 (GMT)
AJ as been miscast in a big way, the reason i started watching TNA was the wrestlers at the time AJ being at the top of the list. AJ has been in bad storylines after another. Samao Joe is another one who should be a big time player and isn't really in a meaningful storyline. we just get Jeff hardy who has past his peak.
Though Austin Aries is brilliant !!!
Though Austin Aries is brilliant !!!
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12:48 Fri 22 Mar 13 (GMT)
Samoa Joe is in a big story line, Aces and Eights is probs the biggest thing going on TNA at the moment
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21:38 Sat 23 Mar 13 (GMT)
There are rumours that on the RAW after WM29 they are gunna tease there main event that night, i wont say the wrestlers names but if ya want to know ill tell ya the names that are rumoured for the main event at WM30
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