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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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01:14 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Fixture3
Pocket Dynamos (28) v (14 ) The Underdogs

silent_hill15 v 6 welshie
punkpoet v mardu0o
marksmith v xxx
cuester v matthew95_8
mat_123v hardy202
mfc_ss 13 v 8 ronald_faja
nick79theman v redalert124
jack_86v the_9_ball

Goodluck all ... Deadline Sunday 3rd march
Posts: 19,819
01:14 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice result davie :D
Posts: 4,557
01:15 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
if fastboysam is not available then can i have a sub , im online until deadline so can get it played ty
Posts: 8,315
01:15 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Evening all .. Well played davie good result ...
Deleted User
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01:16 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL fixture 1

Chips N Gravy 13 vs 11 Pocket Dynamos

8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us liam__scfc v cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich v fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight pubby v earthling

6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Posts: 22,512
01:16 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
if fastboysam is not available then can i have a sub , im online until deadline so can get it played ty

That is some bad tactics you trying to use there...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:18 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL fixture 1

Snooker Squad 44 v 31 P. Dynamos

davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty v destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n v chimou

5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Posts: 19,819
01:18 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
if fastboysam is not available then can i have a sub , im online until deadline so can get it played ty

That is some bad tactics you trying to use there...

Thanks jay :)
and nope as you waited till sam came offline thinking you'd get the default win disgusting tactics i will be having a word with the league runners.
Yes no more messages from you please.
Posts: 4,557
01:18 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i see ang3l is online can sub her in if like ? i would like to get this game played so no defaults ty
Posts: 19,819
01:21 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i see ang3l is online can sub her in if like ? i would like to get this game played so no defaults ty

If so why wait for an hour to message? no will wait for sam to come back on as we have no eligable subs as you know
Posts: 4,557
01:21 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i did mention to you zac that i would get the game played even if i had to sub myself in .. man _up normally comes on this sort time so gave him a chance to get it played , unfortunality hes unable to so ive subbed myself in with time to get it played , not tactics at all .
Posts: 19,819
01:23 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
8.9.5 Timing of substitutions
While using the option of a substitution is positive, doing it very close to the fixture deadline is not, since this leaves little or no time for the opposing player to arrange a time to play. Failure to properly notify the opponents of the making of a substitution may count negatively in any default decision.

Just a little something i've reading and will be sending to the league runners.
You give clans a bad name and hopefully other clans see your dirty tactics.
Posts: 4,557
01:26 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1 hour to get it played is enough time . i always come on at 10pm as every player knows . if this goes to default it will show u have players online available and your not choseing to get it played . im here online and waiting .
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:28 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
huts24 is subbing in for man_up, you appear to have some of your players online, could you sort out a sub please matey and we can get this fixture completed which is in the best interest for both teams?

Cheers matey. I've been looking and waiting for man_up to come on, he usually does on a Sunday so it's a surprise he hasn't to me.

We wanted to give him as much time as possible to play but unfortunately a sub has had to be made.

Apologies for the lateness of this but like you do, we like to give ALL our players as much time to play their fixtures.
Posts: 19,819
01:31 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have no eligable players online so i can't do anything, I tried to message ang3l who was BROWSING but she is now offline.
If she reappears i will message, with sam reappears i shall message but due tou huts tactics i have no time to get players online. I told you sam would be online at 9ish, he was on at 9.30 he played mich and waited.
So its out of my hands.
The above rule is in use i beleive as this is nothing but tactics by you 2
Posts: 4,557
01:34 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have no eligable players online so i can't do anything, I tried to message ang3l who was BROWSING but she is now offline.
If she reappears i will message, with sam reappears i shall message but due tou huts tactics i have no time to get players online. I told you sam would be online at 9ish, he was on at 9.30 he played mich and waited.
So its out of my hands.
The above rule is in use i beleive as this is nothing but tactics by you 2

ang3l saw my message so not sure why shes been told to go offline hmm now only 1 team playing for a default and it is not mine . ive made a sub 30mins ago and would like to get this played . i have recieved no messages about sam being online at 9 ect .
Posts: 22,512
01:40 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I think you are pushing it now Lee, claiming they are going for a default win? Maybe she actually logged off because she had something to do.

Sam was online and waiting while you where on and you failed to respond to anything until he went offline you magically started posting about a sub. Maybe you had something to do like ang3l did so can Zac accuse you of playing for a default to?
Posts: 4,557
01:40 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
i see ang3l is online can sub her in if like ? i would like to get this game played so no defaults ty

If so why wait for an hour to message? no will wait for sam to come back on as we have no eligable subs as you know

if u read your message above it shows you clearly haveing a avaliable player online who can be subbed in , but u worte "no will wait for sam to come back on" , which makes no sense as hes offline .
Posts: 19,819
01:40 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have no eligable players online so i can't do anything, I tried to message ang3l who was BROWSING but she is now offline.
If she reappears i will message, with sam reappears i shall message but due tou huts tactics i have no time to get players online. I told you sam would be online at 9ish, he was on at 9.30 he played mich and waited.
So its out of my hands.
The above rule is in use i beleive as this is nothing but tactics by you 2

ang3l saw my message so not sure why shes been told to go offline hmm now only 1 team playing for a default and it is not mine . ive made a sub 30mins ago and would like to get this played . i have recieved no messages about sam being online at 9 ect .

what you mean she saw your message?
and the message on your clan thread that hoolahan replied to earlier. Obviously doesnt read clan threads.
Posts: 4,557
01:46 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lets not keep chatting lets get it played , been chatting 45 mins now . can i have a sub please .
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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)

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