Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)
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18:45 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
FBL fixture 1
Chips N Gravy 13 vs 11 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us liam__scfc v cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich v fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight pubby v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 13:43 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Chips N Gravy 13 vs 11 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us liam__scfc v cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich v fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight pubby v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 13:43 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
18:46 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
FCL fixture 1
Uprising 65 v 40 P. Dynamos
spin_doctor 9 v 6 mat_123
zantetsukenz 7 v 8 marksmith
erigert 8 v 7 silent_hill
chisisidovev 11 v 4 punkpoet
bluenose1872 14 v 1 ang3l
derik_dalton 7 v 8 earthling
angry_bacon 9 v 6 cuester
walktall v destroyer_16
Snooker Squad 44 v 31 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty v destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n v chimou
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:18 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 16:44 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Uprising 65 v 40 P. Dynamos
spin_doctor 9 v 6 mat_123
zantetsukenz 7 v 8 marksmith
erigert 8 v 7 silent_hill
chisisidovev 11 v 4 punkpoet
bluenose1872 14 v 1 ang3l
derik_dalton 7 v 8 earthling
angry_bacon 9 v 6 cuester
walktall v destroyer_16
Snooker Squad 44 v 31 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty v destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n v chimou
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:18 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 16:44 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
18:47 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
TCL fixture 2
Pocket Dynamos 71 v 72 Elite Force
earthling 15 v 5 krazyash
fastboysam v man_up
silent_hill 14 v 7 mikeybboy
jack_86 12 v 8 baghera
mat_123 14 v 6 lost
mfc_ss 3 v 18 w_hoolahan
punkpoet 10 v 10 shadwell17
marksmith 3 v 18 2awesome2win
Pocket Dynamos 50 v 92 The Sinners
punkpoet 10 v 10 bradonforest
mfc_ss 5 v 15 _pool_beast_
chimouv 4 v 16 king8ball1
nick79theman v the_priest
silent_hill 11 v 9 its_me
earthling 6v 16 jgo3000
marksmith 6 v 14 james2010
mat_123 8 v 12 dbno
format 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk.
2 bonus points if you win in a certain type EG 3-1 in 9ball
1 bonus point if its a draw in a certain type EG 2-2 in 8buk
1 bonus point for an 'event' EG run out or golden break
1 bonus point for playing
Deadline 17th Feb
Edited at 15:01 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Pocket Dynamos 71 v 72 Elite Force
earthling 15 v 5 krazyash
fastboysam v man_up
silent_hill 14 v 7 mikeybboy
jack_86 12 v 8 baghera
mat_123 14 v 6 lost
mfc_ss 3 v 18 w_hoolahan
punkpoet 10 v 10 shadwell17
marksmith 3 v 18 2awesome2win
Pocket Dynamos 50 v 92 The Sinners
punkpoet 10 v 10 bradonforest
mfc_ss 5 v 15 _pool_beast_
chimouv 4 v 16 king8ball1
nick79theman v the_priest
silent_hill 11 v 9 its_me
earthling 6v 16 jgo3000
marksmith 6 v 14 james2010
mat_123 8 v 12 dbno
format 4 racks of 8b 9b 8buk.
2 bonus points if you win in a certain type EG 3-1 in 9ball
1 bonus point if its a draw in a certain type EG 2-2 in 8buk
1 bonus point for an 'event' EG run out or golden break
1 bonus point for playing
Deadline 17th Feb
Edited at 15:01 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
21:05 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
zac i agreed with nick that id be back on at 5-30 m8
so we could finish can u message him please cos im going off in a bit
so we could finish can u message him please cos im going off in a bit
22:32 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
i wasnt online when you put that, but i will message him now.
22:34 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
he will be on in 5 minutes,
I sent the ninjas after him
zac i agreed with nick that id be back on at 5-30 m8
so we could finish can u message him please cos im going off in a bit
so we could finish can u message him please cos im going off in a bit
he will be on in 5 minutes,
I sent the ninjas after him
22:35 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
im in uk torno zac
in semi final, let him no about 25 mins m8
, so he dosnt waste time
in semi final, let him no about 25 mins m8
, so he dosnt waste time
23:41 Sat 16 Feb 13 (GMT)
Pocket Dynamos 60 v 102 The Sinners
punkpoet 10 v 10 bradonforest
mfc_ss 5 v 15 _pool_beast_
chimouv 4 v 16 king8ball1
nick79theman 10 v 10 the_priest
silent_hill 11 v 9 its_me
earthling 6v 16 jgo3000
marksmith 6 v 14 james2010
mat_123 8 v 12 dbno
thanks nick for subbing in and thanks all for completing
punkpoet 10 v 10 bradonforest
mfc_ss 5 v 15 _pool_beast_
chimouv 4 v 16 king8ball1
nick79theman 10 v 10 the_priest
silent_hill 11 v 9 its_me
earthling 6v 16 jgo3000
marksmith 6 v 14 james2010
mat_123 8 v 12 dbno
thanks nick for subbing in and thanks all for completing
14:07 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
TCL fixture 2
Pocket Dynamos 71 v 72 Elite Force
earthling 15 v 5 krazyash
fastboysam v man_up
silent_hill 14 v 7 mikeybboy
jack_86 12 v 8 baghera
mat_123 14 v 6 lost
mfc_ss 3 v 18 w_hoolahan
punkpoet 10 v 10 shadwell17
marksmith 3 v 18 2awesome2win
Pocket Dynamos 71 v 72 Elite Force
earthling 15 v 5 krazyash
fastboysam v man_up
silent_hill 14 v 7 mikeybboy
jack_86 12 v 8 baghera
mat_123 14 v 6 lost
mfc_ss 3 v 18 w_hoolahan
punkpoet 10 v 10 shadwell17
marksmith 3 v 18 2awesome2win
14:09 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
FCL fixture 1
Uprising 70 v 50 P. Dynamos
spin_doctor 9 v 6 mat_123
zantetsukenz 7 v 8 marksmith
erigert 8 v 7 silent_hill
chisisidovev 11 v 4 punkpoet
bluenose1872 14 v 1 ang3l
derik_dalton 7 v 8 earthling
angry_bacon 9 v 6 cuester
walktall 5 v 10 destroyer_16
___Completed __________________________________
Snooker Squad 44 v 31 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty v destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n v chimou
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:44 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 12:55 Sun 17/02/13 (GMT)
Uprising 70 v 50 P. Dynamos
spin_doctor 9 v 6 mat_123
zantetsukenz 7 v 8 marksmith
erigert 8 v 7 silent_hill
chisisidovev 11 v 4 punkpoet
bluenose1872 14 v 1 ang3l
derik_dalton 7 v 8 earthling
angry_bacon 9 v 6 cuester
walktall 5 v 10 destroyer_16
___Completed __________________________________
Snooker Squad 44 v 31 P. Dynamos
davey_1985 6 v 9 silent_hill
crazy_greg 5 v 10 marksmith
onevisit 10 v 5 mfc_ss
slatty v destroyer_16
the__tornado 13 v 2 jack_86
whocares8x8 10 v 5 fastboysam
thegame26 v earthling
r1p0m4n v chimou
5 racks of 8ball 9ball and 8buk
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 16:44 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Edited at 12:55 Sun 17/02/13 (GMT)
14:10 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
FBL fixture 1
Chips N Gravy 13 vs 11 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us liam__scfc v cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich v fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight pubby v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 13:43 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
Chips N Gravy 13 vs 11 Pocket Dynamos
8ball us sarny_lad 5 v 1 mat_123
8ball us liam__scfc v cuester
9ball red4eva 1 v 5 silent_hill
9ball mich v fastboysam
8buk andyw1 4 v 2 jack_86
8buk foxy147 3 v 3 ang3l
straight hippesville v marksmith
straight pubby v earthling
6 racks of 8ball, 9ball or 8buk, or 3 racks of straight
deadline 24th feb
Edited at 13:43 Sat 16/02/13 (GMT)
15:02 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
Good points destroyer ... Thanks for playing ...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
15:49 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
The Clan League - Fixture Set 3
All games have now been released as per...
Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 3rd March.
Deadline for Fixture Set 2 is Midnight tonight.
All games have now been released as per...
Deadline for these games is Midnight (UK) Sunday 3rd March.
Deadline for Fixture Set 2 is Midnight tonight.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
16:04 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
Thanks Chris
Opponents messaged and added as a friend, even before the fixtures have come out onto the thread
Opponents messaged and added as a friend, even before the fixtures have come out onto the thread
16:53 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
Lol Phil gold star.
Im on ps3 so will put them up later
Im on ps3 so will put them up later
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
17:03 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)
Theres 1 half of them Zac Mate.
Set 3.
Unbeatables (0) vs (0) Pocket Dynamo's
mr_pink_eyes vs silent_hill
serious_game vs marksmith
ritcho vs mat_123
katiex21 vs earthling
turtle1560 vs jack_86
blackhorse vs punkpoet
9ballsniper_ vs fastboysam
doubler vs cuester
Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd March.
Set 3.
Unbeatables (0) vs (0) Pocket Dynamo's
mr_pink_eyes vs silent_hill
serious_game vs marksmith
ritcho vs mat_123
katiex21 vs earthling
turtle1560 vs jack_86
blackhorse vs punkpoet
9ballsniper_ vs fastboysam
doubler vs cuester
Good Luck Everyone - Deadline is Sunday 3rd March.
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Pocket Dynamos - (Formerly Known As Mouseketeers)
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