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Snooker Squad VIII- We don't post stupid pictures because we're at work

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Posts: 11,062
00:11 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice results greg!
If we end up winning against Uprising, it will at least be an improvement over last season...
Posts: 11,062
00:12 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Clan League
Play 4 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK.

Snooker Squad 116 vs 48 The Reliable Ones
crazy_greg 15 vs 5 wisky007
davey_1985 12 vs 8 tartanrox
jose_enrique 18 vs 2 jig_saw
lethal_lures 17 vs 4 mark82
pirate_steve 13 vs 8 bri1974
sarny_lad 19 vs 2 free_one
the__tornado 10 vs 10 pete_c
thegame26 12 vs 9 anoneeemouse

Chips n Gravy 41 vs 62 Snooker Squad

mich 11 vs 10 jose_enrique
foxy147 8 vs 12 pirate_steve
liam__scfc 12 vs 8 onevisit
andyw1 2 vs 19 whocares8x8
greyhound vs lethal_lures
rapid_pot vs sarny_lad
badger2 vs slatty
pubby 8 vs 13 r1p0m4n

Deadline: Sunday, March 3rd


Cup Quarterfinals
Play 1 frame of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK, Straight, 9-Arc, 8-Arc

Fighting Eagles 12 vs 12 Snooker Squad

vegas vs jose_enrique
gordo 3 vs 3 thegame26
funky_dave vs sarny_lad
kingdadcool vs slatty
destroyer_16 2 vs 4 onevisit
ladysapphire vs crazy_greg
pat_groves07 2 vs 4 lethal_lures
seriousblack 5 vs 1 davey_1985

Deadline: March 10th

Edited at 22:59 Wed 27/02/13 (GMT)
Posts: 11,062
00:13 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
5 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK

Snooker Squad 41 vs 34 Uprising

whocares8x8 8 vs 7 chisisidovev
the__tornado 6 vs 9 bluenose1872
crazy_greg 8 vs 7 angry_bacon
slatty vs emmajane
jose_enrique 7 vs 8 erigert
r1p0m4n vs irish_ninja
onevisit 12 vs 3 i_am_beast
pirate_steve vs zantetsukenz

Snooker Squad 60 vs 15 Vipers

onevisit 12 vs 3 fry06
r1p0m4n 12 vs 3 thegreatone7
slatty vs 2pac_rulez
thegame26 vs the_saint
whocares8x8 15 vs 0 lfc12
crazy_greg 11 vs 4 pot9ball
davey_1985 10 vs 5 blackcabman7
jose_enrique vs emmajackson

Deadline: March 10th


Player's Championship (optional!!)
Play 3 frames of 8US, 9-Ball, 8UK. +1 for announcements.

davey_1985 vs destroyer_16
the__tornado vs kippaxkid
thegame26 vs huts24
rubber_duck vs kirk
sarny_lad vs kingpooluk20

Everyone else has a bye.

Play your games if you want to get into the next round. If your opponent is inactive, post on the appropriate thread or you will be defaulted out.

Edited at 01:21 Thu 28/02/13 (GMT)
Posts: 11,062
00:14 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Play 6 frames of your game type; 3 of straight

Snooker Squad 16 vs 8 Underdogs

crazy_greg 5 vs 1 hardy202
onevisit 6 vs 0 kopiteking01
slatty vs matthew95_8
thegame26 2 vs 4 xxx
davey1985 3 vs 3 ronald_faja
r1p0m4n vs james007
pirate_steve vs welshie
lethal_lures vs 0utlaw

Snooker Squad 19 vs 5 Fighting Eagles

jose_enrique vs gordo
davey1985 4 vs 2 funky_dave
lethal_lures 6 vs 0 aces_back
onevisit 3 vs 3 pat_groves07
slatty vs squeezy
the__tornado vs kingdadcool
pirate_steve vs ladysapphire
whocares8x8 3 vs 0 seriousblack

Deadline: March 10th
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:29 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
To try and respond to pirate_steve and Seb's points In order...

1) There is nothing that indicates 100% of the effort was made by SS in both fixtures. Indeed in one there is a post on your thread from their player asking to play. However they score zero as nothing was provided at all by them.

2) Were both classed as no 'effort' during 50% of fixture period ie Week 1 therefore 50% of points awarded.

3) You are right. No point sending messages when they are unanswered. One unanswered message where an opponent doesnt log in. Maybe two if player does log in but doesnt reply? Maybe not. (Either way it wouldnt make a difference particularly). That leads on to posts on threads explaining the situation. However its done, the key points would be that its done throughout the full period, is visible and that its sent to us if a game isnt played.

4) Absolutely not

followed by...

1) There is no evidence of this '40 hours' quoted. Its not something that we can see or check unless of course at the time a default is calculated the players involved are still offline which can be compared back to the time a message was sent, post made etc. Otherwise it just becomes anecdotal evidence as mentioned. Of course if someone wanted to screenshot players profiles showing them offline then of course that could be then considered evidence. Neither is there evidence that the game could not have been played early on. All that was evidenced to us was that there was no attempt to play in the first week. Although pirate_steve says there were messages to previous opponents.

2) Already agreed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:33 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

8US 2 - 3
9BALL 3 - 3
8UK 6 - 1

pirate_steve 11 - 7
Posts: 11,062
00:40 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
1) There is no evidence of this '40 hours' quoted.
Check your messages. I've detailed the evidence, some of which can still be seen now (skiller10 has not logged in since he was subbed in, so he couldn't have "played earlier in the fixture" as you guys said). The first guy was off 7 days, we all knew this and that's why they subbed. Their sub then deactivated after 40 hours.
Posts: 11,062
00:58 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
pirate, your game went

8US: pirate 2 vs 2 bri (= 3-3)
9-Ball: pirate 2 vs 2 bri (= 3-3)
8UK: pirate 3 vs 1 bri (plus runout = 6-1)

Equals 13-8 with 1 bonus each.
Posts: 7,940
01:02 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
^^^^ Seb beat me to it

Well done Snooker Squad, good luck for the rest of the season
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01:14 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah type on the 2 - 3 but yeah good games with him
Posts: 409
02:09 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
based on what chris said at the top, i've messaged my fbl opponent twice already and he hasn't been online at all james007.. I'm not gonna bombard him with messages so i just thought i'd just say it out here!!! Hopefully, the necessary subs can be made..
Thanks for clarification, i guess!!
Posts: 11,062
02:19 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL mate, not FBL!
FBL you can continue with the normal amount haha.
Posts: 409
02:21 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL mate, not FBL!
FBL you can continue with the normal amount haha.

Posts: 409
03:20 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
thegreatone7 (3) vs (12) r1p0m4n
8us - (2) v (3) worst games i've ever played, some shambolic misses from both of us!! Really scrappy frames..
9us - (1) v (4) Easiest miss ever from me to give that frame.. some bad luck for beth!!
8uk - (0) v (5) Played some smashing stuff plus a GB!!

ggs beth!! gl for season
Posts: 409
04:08 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
irish_ninja (4) vs (11) r1p0m4n
8us - (3) vs (2) Nice runout by him to take the decider!
9us - (0) vs (5) Luck was totally against him.. Nothing more to say!!
8uk - (1) vs (4) Think my uk game has improved so much, shoulda been 5 - 0 but underhit a red by a long way..

ggs m8!! enjoyed them
Posts: 11,062
04:26 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
woah some results!
Posts: 11,062
04:28 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL games against Chips and Gravy are due Sunday!
Let's make sure we don't get defaults again- we know how those turn out.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:50 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Do I not get a game??
mate, you only really come here maybe once in a week at most. You had to be subbed out of your snooker game in your last fixture there (I was involved in doing that default). I don't think you're active enough to play in a clan right now.

To be honest, I will only be active when I have games. The snooker one was just at the start of my workload for the week. As the week ends, its easier for me to play.

So, let me in a couple of games, and lets see.

Posts: 11,489
19:57 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
fbl sub

snooker squad v the underdogs

slatty v matthew95_8 9US
slatty v the_9_ball 9US
Posts: 529
23:07 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
ladysapphire 9 days and counting
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Snooker Squad VIII- We don't post stupid pictures because we're at work

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