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01:07 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force 23 vs 13 Fighting Eagles-FBL League
Deadline for this fixture is 24th February 2013
buzzboxxuk v gordo 8US
shadwell17 (2) v (4) funky_dave US8
krazyash_07 v sensibleshow 9Ball
lost (3) v (3) destroyer_16 9 Ball
deitch (2) v (4) squeezy 8UK
2h0t2p0t (6) v (0) scirocco 8UK
w_hoolahan (4) v (2) kingdadcool
2awesome2win (6) v (0) seriousblack
Fighting Eagles 7 vs 23 The Professionals
8US eaglestrike v beenjammin
8US vegas (2) v (4) horse10000
9US funky_dave v i_am_blessed
9US time_bandit (3) v (3) ginomanx3
8UK kingdadcool (1) v (5) the_only_ego
8UK squeezy (1) v (5) _redherring_
Straight seriousblack v sean_paul
Straight ladysapphire (0) v (6) dvz
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:08 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey paul i noticed the game with time_bandit and ginomanx3 was 3-3
and both had golden breaks and you have the score as 5-1 to ginomanx3

Thanks Gordo
Deleted User
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02:53 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi kingdadcool, I've sent message after message to sensibleshow, nothing more I can do matey.

Hoping he will be online tomorrow after 8pm, so we can get this played asap.


Deleted User
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21:22 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Announcement


Can you please send me your teamsheet for fixture set 2, the deadline for these to be sent in is Saturday 23rd @ Midnight (UK time).

The games are...

Pocket Dynamos v Uprising
The Professionals v Unbeatables
Chips N Gravy v Vipers
The Sinners v Fighting Eagles
Snooker Squad v Underdogs
BYE v Elite Force

Elite Force v The Professionals
Vipers v Pocket Dynamos
Unbeatables v The Sinners
Underdogs v Chips N Gravy
Fighting Eagles v Snooker Squad
Uprising v BYE

Failure to send in your teamsheet before the deadline will result in a team being selected at random.

Please ensure that all games are completed by Sunday 24th @ midnight (UK time).

As usual, if you have any questions, please feel free to message me.

Jema - FBL League Runner
Posts: 4,557
21:47 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL- fixture set 1
Elite Force vs Fighting Eagles

sub :

8US : buzzboxxuk v gordo
is now :
solskjaer20 v gordo
Posts: 1,170
22:14 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
any chance of a sub please? lady offline for 2days and no reply to message
Deleted User
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23:16 Thu 21 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am pleased to let you all know that we are now part of The Clan League Family thanks to Chris and his amigos.

As a fully fledged clan event I thank the current participating clans and fully invite all the clans yet to join to please sign up to help make this a fun and exciting event worth winning.

The forum can now be found in The Clan League and Players Championship area of the forums.

As this shall now be run along side The Clan League I will be releasing the fixtures on sunday as well. I therefor urge all teams wishing to join to let me know by midnight uk time Saturday.

Thanks again and look forward to getting this underway.
Posts: 37
00:42 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
sensibleshow 5 krazyash_7 1

he was very unlucky at times

the score didn't reflect the shots
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:49 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mattywellie finally managed to get sean_paul online for him to appear then set up a game of 8uk as i was unaware of what we were ment to be playing we start playing and realize we were playing the wrong game should of been straight. so im at the table of 8uk with 2 shots and a easy clearance i miss on purpose so we can set up our straight game for him to very cheekily finish of the 8uk game which i found rather shocking.
we then set up our correct fixture set and i win rather convincingly for him to beg me to let him comeback after he plays another clan game as this other player was only online for a limited time. I allow this as its nice to be nice (unsure why though as i believe in treating people the way i want treated to which he had not done me any favors in the 8uk game)

I wait a very long time on him playing what was ment to be one clan game. as i was getting impatient i go to check his whereabouts to notice he had played not only the game he told me about but also played another clan match.

Shocking player with no respect for others.

seriousblack Vs sean_paul

First Frame
35 - 11

Second Frame
35 - 11

Third Frame
43 - 0 with a 30 Pot Run

3 - 0
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:50 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (39) v (21) Fighting Eagles

jame2010s v gordo
mdj v destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
banana v seriousblack
its_me v aces_back
dark_chocco (8) v (12) kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (20) v (41) The Professionals

pat_groves07 (8) v (12) ginomanx3
destroyer_16 v scott7a
vegas v crazzymadman
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave v fuunky
seriousblack (10) v (11) _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
ladysapphire v the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:51 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL Result
kingdadcool bt dark_chocco 12 - 8

I v lucky
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:03 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mattywellie finally managed to get sean_paul online for him to appear then set up a game of 8uk as i was unaware of what we were ment to be playing we start playing and realize we were playing the wrong game should of been straight. so im at the table of 8uk with 2 shots and a easy clearance i miss on purpose so we can set up our straight game for him to very cheekily finish of the 8uk game which i found rather shocking.
we then set up our correct fixture set and i win rather convincingly for him to beg me to let him comeback after he plays another clan game as this other player was only online for a limited time. I allow this as its nice to be nice (unsure why though as i believe in treating people the way i want treated to which he had not done me any favors in the 8uk game)

I wait a very long time on him playing what was ment to be one clan game. as i was getting impatient i go to check his whereabouts to notice he had played not only the game he told me about but also played another clan match.

Shocking player with no respect for others.

seriousblack Vs sean_paul

First Frame
35 - 11

Second Frame
35 - 11

Third Frame
43 - 0 with a 30 Pot Run

3 - 0

Complete lack of respect here this is out of order and uncalled for ross.
Lyle isnt a disrespectful player and this is bang out of order.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:07 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
mattywellie finally managed to get sean_paul online for him to appear then set up a game of 8uk as i was unaware of what we were ment to be playing we start playing and realize we were playing the wrong game should of been straight. so im at the table of 8uk with 2 shots and a easy clearance i miss on purpose so we can set up our straight game for him to very cheekily finish of the 8uk game which i found rather shocking.
we then set up our correct fixture set and i win rather convincingly for him to beg me to let him comeback after he plays another clan game as this other player was only online for a limited time. I allow this as its nice to be nice (unsure why though as i believe in treating people the way i want treated to which he had not done me any favors in the 8uk game)

I wait a very long time on him playing what was ment to be one clan game. as i was getting impatient i go to check his whereabouts to notice he had played not only the game he told me about but also played another clan match.

Shocking player with no respect for others.

seriousblack Vs sean_paul

First Frame
35 - 11

Second Frame
35 - 11

Third Frame
43 - 0 with a 30 Pot Run

3 - 0
it can easily be a mistake to set up the wrong game type i've seen many people do it and now you start moaning about an 8uk friendly game that you lost lmao get a grip man.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:16 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
All I've done is state facts. I waited all night on this guy and was nothing but respectfull to him. But yet I'm out of order ? Explain
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:22 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
All I've done is state facts. I waited all night on this guy and was nothing but respectfull to him. But yet I'm out of order ? Explain

He had a pre arranged game on snooker but came in here first to try and get your game done but didnt have enough time, the comments you have made are slanderous towards lyle, he is a decent guy and im sure he meant no harm in making you wait.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:24 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets take this up via private mail.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:25 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets take this up via private mail.

Ok i await a message.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:47 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force 24 vs 18 Fighting Eagles-FBL League
Deadline for this fixture is 24th February 2013
solskjaer20 v gordo 8US
shadwell17 (2) v (4) funky_dave US8
krazyash_07 (1) v (5) sensibleshow 9Ball
lost (3) v (3) destroyer_16 9 Ball
deitch (2) v (4) squeezy 8UK
2h0t2p0t (6) v (0) scirocco 8UK
w_hoolahan (4) v (2) kingdadcool
2awesome2win (6) v (0) seriousblack
Fighting Eagles 13 vs 23 The Professionals
8US eaglestrike v beenjammin
8US vegas (2) v (4) horse10000
9US funky_dave v i_am_blessed
9US time_bandit (3) v (3) ginomanx3
8UK kingdadcool (1) v (5) the_only_ego
8UK squeezy (1) v (5) _redherring_
Straight seriousblack (6) v (0) sean_paul
Straight ladysapphire (0) v (6) dvz
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:09 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture One

6 Frames of your type. - 3 if straight.

Elite Force (24) vs (18) Eagles

solskjaer20 vs gordo
shadwell17 (2) vs (4) funky_dave

krazyash_07 (1) vs (5) sensibleshow
lost (3) vs (3) destroyer_16

deitch (2) vs (4) squeezy
2h0t2p0t (6) vs (0) scirocco

w_hoolahan (4) vs (2) kingdadcool
2awsome2win (6) vs (0) seriousblack


Eagles vs Pro's

eaglestrike vs beenjammin
vegas (2) vs (4) horse10000

funky_dave vs i_am_blessed
time_bandit (3) vs (3) ginomanx3

kingdadcool (1) vs (5) the_only_ego
squeezy (1) vs (5) _redherring_

seriousblack (6) vs (0) sean_paul
ladysapphire (0) vs (6) dvz

Deadline is the 24th Of February. Good Luck Everyone

now that looks better to me
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:12 Fri 22 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
beenjammin has already played eaglestrike, finished 4-2 to beenjammin.
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