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22:16 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
squeezy = 4 days
ladysapphire = 2 days
eaglestrike = 2 days

have you any active players to get some games played as there is only a week left.

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23:07 Sun 17 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The Players Championship - Volume IV

Full Round 1 Draw is here...

For details of format see here...

Deadline is 2 weeks tonight - 3/3/13
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00:41 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi aces_back not been online for 4 days, i have a match with him, any chance of a sub. I'm aware he lives in the USA but that doesn't stop him logging on anytime of day or night.

Thank you, it's only 6 frames of 9US, deadlines approaching, I don't want any games defaulted.

If you can sub another player in, I log in pretty much every evening at 8pm, so can play this match any time after that, hope this helps.

Edited at 22:44 Sun 17/02/13 (GMT)
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10:59 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (12) v (8) Fighting Eagles

jame2010s v gordo
mdj v destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1 v sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
banana v seriousblack
its_me v aces_back
dark_chocco v kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles v The Professionals

pat_groves07 v ginomanx3
destroyer_16 v scott7a
vegas v crazzymadman
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave v fuunky
seriousblack v _redherring_
time_bandit v dvz
ladysapphire v the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk

Edited at 10:05 Mon 18/02/13 (GMT)
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11:41 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
dbno Vs funky_dave

We had some great games - results as follows

8US 3-1
9 2-2
8UK 2-2

No extra points for 7 ballings that I remember. Great player and he deserved the win.
Posts: 4,557
11:52 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Aces_back offline 5 days
Squeezy offline 5 days

Any chance of a sub for these players , krazyash has mention about aces_back and had no kind of positive outcome .
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12:03 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
dbno Vs funky_dave

We had some great games - results as follows

8US 3-1
9 2-2
8UK 2-2

No extra points for 7 ballings that I remember. Great player and he deserved the win.

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12:07 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force 16 vs 2 Fighting Eagles-FBL League
Deadline for this fixture is 24th February 2013
buzzboxxuk v gordo 8US
shadwell17 v funky_dave US8
krazyash_07 v sensibleshow 9Ball
lost v destroyer_16 9Ball
deitch v squeezy 8UK
2h0t2p0t (6) v (0) scirocco 8UK
w_hoolahan (4) v (2) kingdadcool
2awesome2win (6) v (0) seriousblack
Fighting Eagles 3 vs 9 The Professionals
8US eaglestrike v beenjammin
8US vegas (2) v (4) horse10000
9US funky_dave v i_am_blessed
9US time_bandit v ginomanx3
8UK kingdadcool (1) v (5) the_only_ego
8UK squeezy v _redherring_
Straight seriousblack v sean_paul
Straight ladysapphire v dvz

Edited at 10:14 Mon 18/02/13 (GMT)
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12:11 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Substitution
sensibleshow in for aces_back
krazyash_07 vs sensibleshow
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12:16 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Players championship
r1 result
kingdadcool bt kathleen_B 7 - 3
both got run out at 9 ball
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13:45 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
lost v destroyer_16 9Ball

This was played, result 3 - 3
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21:08 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
eagles v professionals

time_bandit (1) v (11) dvz totally outclassed what a player to watch class ggs m8 gl in rest

8 ball us 4-0 dvz

9 ball us 3-1 dvz

8 ball uk 4-0 dvz i was unlucky in a few off the games lol
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23:12 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force 19 vs 5 Fighting Eagles-FBL League
Deadline for this fixture is 24th February 2013
buzzboxxuk v gordo 8US
shadwell17 v funky_dave US8
krazyash_07 v sensibleshow 9Ball
lost (3) v (3) destroyer_16 9 Ball
deitch v squeezy 8UK
2h0t2p0t (6) v (0) scirocco 8UK
w_hoolahan (4) v (2) kingdadcool
2awesome2win (6) v (0) seriousblack
Fighting Eagles 3 vs 9 The Professionals
8US eaglestrike v beenjammin
8US vegas (2) v (4) horse10000
9US funky_dave v i_am_blessed
9US time_bandit v ginomanx3
8UK kingdadcool (1) v (5) the_only_ego
8UK squeezy v _redherring_
Straight seriousblack v sean_paul
Straight ladysapphire v dvz
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23:14 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
TCL ~ Deadline 3/3/13

The Sinners (31) v (9) Fighting Eagles

jame2010s v gordo
mdj v destroyer_16
_pool_beast_ v vegas
king8ball1(19) v (1) sensibleshow
dbno (12) v (8) funky_dave
banana v seriousblack
its_me v aces_back
dark_chocco v kingdadcool
The Fighting Eagles (2) v (18) The Professionals

pat_groves07 v ginomanx3
destroyer_16 v scott7a
vegas v crazzymadman
sensibleshow v horse10000
funky_dave v fuunky
seriousblack v _redherring_
time_bandit (2) v (18) dvz
ladysapphire v the_only_ego

4x 8us/9b/8uk

Edited at 22:40 Mon 18/02/13 (GMT)
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23:18 Mon 18 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  

King (19) v sensibleshow (1)
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00:40 Tue 19 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok Eagles,less get these FBL Games played ASAP.Remember a loss is better than a default.Sorry i aint been on much but still have damm FLU tomorrow will be 7 days.Plus i aint had a Beer in 6 days .Gotta be some kinda a recored for me.Mikee
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10:28 Tue 19 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
_redherring_ 11-10 seriousblack

us8 2-2 (RH should have won 3-1 but messed an easy clearance)
us9 3-1 (RH got a runout but should have been 2-2 As i rattled easy 9)
uk8 1-3 (we both missed the black for a runout)

Very close match between us. ggs mate
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11:20 Tue 19 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
funky_dave beat shadwell17 4-2 in the US8 ball games.

Good games fella.
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15:02 Tue 19 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Please dont substitute me...I do get on if there's a specific time to get on for a fixture, just didn't have one, I've sent messages to all those I'm paired against
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15:55 Tue 19 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Elite Force vs Fighting Eagles

UK8: Deitch 2 - 4 Squeezy

No run outs or golden breaks
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