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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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23:39 Thu 28 Feb 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was hoping for a reply too horse, but it seems my comment wasn't seemed valid or important, even though problems arose over completion bonus in previous seasons, correct me if I'm wrong.

But I know people have outside lives so I'm not expecting one soon.

Still feel the default decision was a joke and I'm happy to see some support for Sinners for once with other members from other clans agreeing and asking the same questions..
Posts: 11,489
00:09 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this rubbish about everyone being against sinners is a joke we all have had bad default decisions its not just your clan just get over it its only a game
Posts: 7,940
00:28 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this rubbish about everyone being against sinners is a joke we all have had bad default decisions its not just your clan just get over it its only a game

Yeh your right, it is rubbish that everyone is against Sinners, but its obvious to many they aint the most popular with certain people.
As for getting over it, why shouldn't clans be allowed an explanation if asked for by the captain, it happens in other leagues.
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00:40 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whilst I understand that some people might like an explanation to the default outcome, you will need to address the panel on here rather than shouting for Jay to explain something he had nothing to do with.

For the last time - he creates the thread, posts the information and then locks the result based on majority or average - JAY HAS NO INPUT ON THE DEFAULT AT ALL!

I would also like to make it clear I am against no-one and favour no-one, I am completely impartial. I have already explained my prediction as far as I can without compromising my position on the panel.
Posts: 10,109
00:52 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Whilst I understand that some people might like an explanation to the default outcome, you will need to address the panel on here rather than shouting for Jay to explain something he had nothing to do with.

For the last time - he creates the thread, posts the information and then locks the result based on majority or average - JAY HAS NO INPUT ON THE DEFAULT AT ALL!

I would also like to make it clear I am against no-one and favour no-one, I am completely impartial. I have already explained my prediction as far as I can without compromising my position on the panel.

Don't bother Jem. Very few people actually care about the topic. As far as I can see it's just opportunists looking to bash Sinners or Jay, depending what side of the fence they are on. #witchhunt

Regarding the issue at hand, I have witnessed several defaults in the past few seasons where one player has left the game prematurely, and every single default has come down heavily on the player that left.

All that said, I do think every clan should have representation on the default panel if they wish, but at the end of the day their decision should be final and their anonymity must remain in tact.
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00:56 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just don't like seeing my idiot hubby getting it in the neck for something he had no input on.

I totally get why Sinners are unhappy with the default but I think 6 people commented on this default none of which were Jay so if people want to bash someone then do it towards the anonymous default panel lol

Although I shall say I have been trying to work out a system similar to FBL in which Jay can do defaults as I seem to have had alot of positive feedback about the new FBL system.
Posts: 19,967
00:59 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Because they wouldn't be asking for it if it was a ridiculous result in their favour, they're only doing it because it is against them. Which means bias and not being against bad defaults, only one's that go against them which in itself is just as wrong as a poor default decision. Sinner's will obviously post a default in their own favour for others to interpret, and people aren't seeing the full picture.
Posts: 19,967
00:59 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The fact that _egotistical left the game early on in the fixture because he was refusing to complete the game and even says on his profile he doesn't have time for clans would tell me that he shouldn't score any points because there was no way the game would've been completed no matter how active scooby was. The blame is completely with _egotistical which is reflected by his score of 0. After he played he was completely uninterested with the game. Which was given by an unbiased default panel nothing to do with Jay or anyone else "against" sinners.

9 frames going to a default, 5 awarded shows big inactivity. Points awarded for actually playing and being able to complete it until an opponent tells the player to take all the remaining frames because they don't have time. The time a player spends offline before a fixture should have no bearing on a default. I don't have the whole picture either but the default wasn't ridiculous from what I see.

Oh and to use this as an excuse to re-launch an attack is pathetic, and suggesting league bias is one of the most hypocritical things you've ever come out with in a long list of ridiculous things

One day you'll leave something with dignity
Posts: 7,940
01:11 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just don't like seeing my idiot hubby getting it in the neck for something he had no input on.

I totally get why Sinners are unhappy with the default but I think 6 people commented on this default none of which were Jay so if people want to bash someone then do it towards the anonymous default panel lol

Although I shall say I have been trying to work out a system similar to FBL in which Jay can do defaults as I seem to have had alot of positive feedback about the new FBL system.

Correct me if I'm wrong but is Jay not the one and only FCL league runner, if he is I'm sorry but anything to do with FCL is his responsibility and he should be in the position to give an explanation to all FCL queries.
Posts: 10,109
01:22 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just don't like seeing my idiot hubby getting it in the neck for something he had no input on.

I totally get why Sinners are unhappy with the default but I think 6 people commented on this default none of which were Jay so if people want to bash someone then do it towards the anonymous default panel lol

Although I shall say I have been trying to work out a system similar to FBL in which Jay can do defaults as I seem to have had alot of positive feedback about the new FBL system.

Correct me if I'm wrong but is Jay not the one and only FCL league runner, if he is I'm sorry but anything to do with FCL is his responsibility and he should be in the position to give an explanation to all FCL queries.

He HAS explained it! An independent panel looked at all the evidence and decided on a result. That IS an explanation! Do you really expect Jay to receive individual explanations from each panelist, and post every one on on this thread?
Posts: 19,967
01:25 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Of course it is, and he has responded correctly to the situation. He stated the decision was nothing to do with him as a league runner, it was decided by the defaults panel according to the information they had from both sides. There is nothing else he can say, other than posting everything on the thread, making the whole defaults process being anonymous redundant and opening it up for further questioning.

Something he has no obligation to do and it is in the league's best interest not to as this would only escalate the situation further by dragging out the process which now bares no impact whatsoever on the league, so no positive outcomes would be possible (such as correcting the default if it would be found needing correction)

Also, any future defaults may be considered liable to causing further damage to the league because every default becomes questionable. The defaults panel has operated well so far, 1 default doesn't change that. Once in a while a controversial default appears and always has done no matter what the default panel has been. Over on snooker, panel members can vote on their own clan defaults which hasn't been the case on pool (or at least when I was a panel member) and the integrity of the panel can be seen by the runner, and has been for 3 seasons so to call it biased now would be to undermine and question at least 3 seasons worth of defaults
Deleted User
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01:26 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
this rubbish about everyone being against sinners is a joke we all have had bad default decisions its not just your clan just get over it its only a game

Just everyone in Chips n Gravy...and Snooker Squad...and Uprising....
Posts: 7,940
01:32 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Could he not have explained that lol

I've no interest in the default, I don't even play in the FCL for various reasons, all I'm saying is as the one and only FCL league runner Jay is responsible for all decisions made in the FCL and thats including defaults, can't keep passing the buck to avoid giving explanations.

Now I've got no more to say on the subject and I'm not going to explain why lol

Edited at 23:36 Thu 28/02/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
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01:34 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the decisions lie with Jay then what's the point of having a panel? Surely he can't give a say over his OWN team's defaults? 15-0 everytime lol
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01:48 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The whole reason I made the panel redundant in the FBL was so that I, personally, would be responsible and accountable for the outcome of each default as League Runner thus avoiding situations like this.

Jay, however, has continued to use the traditional default panel and therefore he cannot be held responsible for explaining multiple decisions made by other people. If Jay was responsible for the default scores then what is the point in having a default panel like the above post says.
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01:49 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
and for the record no one can comment on their own defaults
Posts: 19,967
01:50 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Again he has no obligation to, nick runs this site but he has no obligation to answer for everything he does. Why should Jay waste his time going round in circles explaining things to someone not even in the FCL, that just further reiterates the lack of an obligation because then it is going beyond the duties of a league runner. His time is better focused on the league than a silly query which will make no impact on the league or people he runs it for. 1 clan left, all the other clans stayed. If it was a real problem those numbers would be different.

A league runner is responsible for ensuring all roles of maintenance of the league and it's running are upheld and to share or pass on such duties where appropriate. He can't be expected to be held personally accountable for all actions such people take. When Kev left the league running and took the site it wasn't the fault of the person who put him in such a position, that would be ridiculous

Saying you have no interest in the default or league suggests you are just trying to make the situation worse by undermining the league runner and his integrity. He isn't passing the buck, he can't give an explanation because he didn't execute any league runner powers or responsibility in the individual situation to which this situation has arose from.
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01:52 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
wow zante, that was very fancy pants
Posts: 9,926
01:53 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
The fact that _egotistical left the game early on in the fixture because he was refusing to complete the game and even says on his profile he doesn't have time for clans would tell me that he shouldn't score any points because there was no way the game would've been completed no matter how active scooby was. The blame is completely with _egotistical which is reflected by his score of 0. After he played he was completely uninterested with the game. Which was given by an unbiased default panel nothing to do with Jay or anyone else "against" sinners.

9 frames going to a default, 5 awarded shows big inactivity. Points awarded for actually playing and being able to complete it until an opponent tells the player to take all the remaining frames because they don't have time. The time a player spends offline before a fixture should have no bearing on a default. I don't have the whole picture either but the default wasn't ridiculous from what I see.

Oh and to use this as an excuse to re-launch an attack is pathetic, and suggesting league bias is one of the most hypocritical things you've ever come out with in a long list of ridiculous things

One day you'll leave something with dignity

Said like a true member from uprising who knows fine that they have received a ridiculous default.

How does your player deserve his frames when he hasnt been online since and the rules clearly state that is is up to both players to show effort from the point that the game is half finished.

Even if egotistical has only logged in once from the point the game has finished partially, he has shown more effort than your player and thus would deserve more frames under the league rules.

Sorry but the default was a joke and i dont blame sinners for leaving the league as it is clear that the rules were not applied to the default and it is obvious that for some reason everyone thinks it is fair to treat them differently.

The league should be run as per the rules. Yes that may have been the default that the 'unbiased' panel came to, but as a league runner jay has a duty of care to make sure that the rules are applied and should have got involved.

Even if he had just posted the default result and not checked, when sinners highlighted that the rules were not applied he should have said he would look into it and at least give them an answer and explain why the rules were not being applied in this case.
Posts: 19,967
01:58 Fri 1 Mar 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Alls he has done (after his logical and professional response which was the correct thing to do from an unbiased viewpoint and in the best interest of the league) is protect the anonymous panel. From your logic he should throw these people out and/or to the wolves to be held accountable for the decision because he has a responsibility to as the one runner who appointed these people or upheld them in the role of defaults panel.

By doing this you must also accept that the likelihood of continuing with a defaults panel would be highly diminished as trust would be lost in such a panel (in an unbiased panel it shouldn't matter what clan you play for). And any prospective candidates for a panel would lose trust in the runners ability to protect them from the rant of an unhappy player which always occurs in defaults.
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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