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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 5,702
05:28 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the change to 14 players.. gives me the chance to steal some great players

Pfft at it again snowball

I'm really confused :'( what am i at again, and why am i a snowball :( snowballs melt and then are gone for ever

First Jimmy now you lol...maybe i speak too cryptic lol...

You pinching players is the at it again (wolf pack obi wan)

Snowball...well you can't make a good one unless its fresh snow...(you coming back into clans)

Sorry for being confusing

Ohh yeah, back when we was the dominant team we did steal a few then too , its like a terrible infection, no matter what you do its gonna keep going mate sorry

You should be sorry! its very mean
Posts: 5,702
05:28 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been meaning to answer this...

Being reduced to try and increase the number of clans within the league.

It was raised to lower defaults, which has now not been the case at all as there is still a fair few of them.

I know that lowering the clan max may cause more but this gives teams more of an incentive to get reliable players anyway. It is a risk i am willing to take at this moment in time.

For now my mind is 100% on decreasing the max clan number, but as everyone knows things can change while the league is not ongoing and waiting on pre season and the websites and admin side of things to be done.
Posts: 38,097
21:04 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fighting a lost battle so what is the point

Edited at 20:50 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
21:10 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The discussion relates to here as it began here after a simple result, and nothing else, was posted on the Results Thread. A result that could have been posted by absolutely anybody.

Sometimes common sense has to transcend everything else. dgen, your previous post already highlighted the difference I was pointing out in that you posted to convey the thoughts of another user who was unable to post themself. That is 'posting on behalf of a banned user'.

Yes a result could have been posted by anyone however Craig posted the result on behalf of a revoked user which he himself admitted.

Craig: im posting on behalf of a friend he asked me

the result he posted involved its_me who is revoked so kind of obvious, result before was a week before.

Here is the rule:

Please do not post on behalf of banned users, as you will be treated under the same rules as the banned user.

i get revoked which i expected as a realised i did wrong (i forgot rule about time) but nothing happens here despite the post, same thing really.


Edited at 19:08 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)

please dont use my name on this thread thanks

dgen i said i posted on behalf of a friend please dont continue to refer that i knew he had lost his posting rights

because i didnt did you get that
Posts: 38,097
21:11 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fighting a lost battle so what is the point

Edited at 20:50 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
21:12 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgen do not name and shame me again
Posts: 38,097
21:17 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fighting a lost battle so what is the point

Edited at 20:51 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
21:22 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ur not entitled to name and shame

please dont do it again
Posts: 9,926
21:32 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been meaning to answer this...

Being reduced to try and increase the number of clans within the league.

It was raised to lower defaults, which has now not been the case at all as there is still a fair few of them.

I know that lowering the clan max may cause more but this gives teams more of an incentive to get reliable players anyway. It is a risk i am willing to take at this moment in time.

For now my mind is 100% on decreasing the max clan number, but as everyone knows things can change while the league is not ongoing and waiting on pre season and the websites and admin side of things to be done.

Jay as you have played for the professionals this season, the reduction in numbers makes even less sense. Professionals from having 16 players at start of the season went down to 8 or 9 active players. With the reduction in numbers if this happens to any other clan they would go down to 6 or 7 active players and fold. Why would you change a rule that is going to increase the chance of clans folding and have more defaults as less subs to get games played. You will never increase the number of clans as the number of active members doesn't change much, so logically you are better having 8 stable clans with plenty of players to hopefully prevent them folding mid season. Than 10 clans with less players and you have 1 or 2 folding each season. When numbers have changed previously it has usually either been discussed on here or the captains who actually run the clans and appreciate how hard it can be to get games done due to inactive players etc have been asked and have expressed their opinions. Now from all the seasons that this has been tweaked and tweaked to get us to where we are currently, you have decided on your own that i am reducing numbers next year as it doesn't really help for defaults etc. and will increase the number of clans, both statements are made with no constructive reasoning behind them other than a whim that you have. The numbers were increased as in previous seasons the scenario that happened to professionals had happened to others and they had either folded or had forfeited games 15-0 as they had no one to play them. This season professionals had the numbers that this didn't happen which would suggest the increase to the current number had worked. As for the response it is up to clans to get reliable players, it doesn't matter who you sign you can never guarantee how reliable they will be.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:22 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The discussion relates to here as it began here after a simple result, and nothing else, was posted on the Results Thread. A result that could have been posted by absolutely anybody.

Sometimes common sense has to transcend everything else. dgen, your previous post already highlighted the difference I was pointing out in that you admitted posting to convey the thoughts of another user who was unable to post themself. That is 'posting on behalf of a banned user'.

Yes a result could have been posted by anyone however someone posted the result on behalf of a revoked user which he himself admitted.

someone: im posting on behalf of a friend he asked me

the result he posted involved its_me who is revoked so kind of obvious, result before was a week before.

Here is the rule:

Please do not post on behalf of banned users, as you will be treated under the same rules as the banned user.

i get revoked which i expected as a realised i did wrong (i forgot rule about time) but nothing happens here despite the post, same thing really.


Edited at 19:24 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)

Not quite sure how this discussion made its way onto this thread as it is not an FCL discussion. I am not going to repeat myself because my post quoted above already says everything that needs saying. It really is a simple concept.

However for discussion's sake, let's just consider the alternative for a second. For any league game involving a member who cannot post at the time (and there have been many in the past and I am sure there will be many more in the future!! ) you are saying that the result either a) has to be posted by the opponent, b) not posted at all, or c) posted by any other person on behalf of the player who has not lost posting rights??!!

Now if the above doesn't show how ridiculous this all is then nothing will!!
Posts: 38,097
22:32 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fighting a lost battle so what is the point

Edited at 20:50 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
22:42 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jay allowed you to surprise surprise
i posted a result look

its_me v horse10000
2-3 8 ball
4-1 9 ball
3-2 uk
9-6 win to its_me

is that a problem reallyyyyyyyy

jays comments blew this lot up
what we onto now 5 full pages of rubbish

then jay posted this
Your banned so leave thread.
9 - 6 its_me againts horse

then you go on and on

important thing to remember here is unless this is your life, i figure you need to find one

get back to your childish rants and remember 5 pages of rubbish for posting a score , you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:00 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jay allowed you to surprise surprise
i posted a result look

its_me v horse10000
2-3 8 ball
4-1 9 ball
3-2 uk
9-6 win to its_me

is that a problem reallyyyyyyyy

jays comments blew this lot up
what we onto now 5 full pages of rubbish

then jay posted this
Your banned so leave thread.
9 - 6 its_me againts horse

then you go on and on

important thing to remember here is unless this is your life, i figure you need to find one

get back to your childish rants and remember 5 pages of rubbish for posting a score , you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy

You say you ain't part of fcl or fbl good riddance now be gone Craig and leave the threads you are just annoying everyone simple with your presence, I hope you get banned soon would be such a blessing.
Posts: 7,974
23:04 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jay allowed you to surprise surprise
i posted a result look

its_me v horse10000
2-3 8 ball
4-1 9 ball
3-2 uk
9-6 win to its_me

is that a problem reallyyyyyyyy

jays comments blew this lot up
what we onto now 5 full pages of rubbish

then jay posted this
Your banned so leave thread.
9 - 6 its_me againts horse

then you go on and on

important thing to remember here is unless this is your life, i figure you need to find one

get back to your childish rants and remember 5 pages of rubbish for posting a score , you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy

You say you ain't part of fcl or fbl good riddance now be gone Craig and leave the threads you are just annoying everyone simple with your presence, I hope you get banned soon would be such a blessing.

get banned from where, thats really not nice, in fact a shocking remark to make.

you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:43 Fri 14 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
jay allowed you to surprise surprise
i posted a result look

its_me v horse10000
2-3 8 ball
4-1 9 ball
3-2 uk
9-6 win to its_me

is that a problem reallyyyyyyyy

jays comments blew this lot up
what we onto now 5 full pages of rubbish

then jay posted this
Your banned so leave thread.
9 - 6 its_me againts horse

then you go on and on

important thing to remember here is unless this is your life, i figure you need to find one

get back to your childish rants and remember 5 pages of rubbish for posting a score , you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy

You say you ain't part of fcl or fbl good riddance now be gone Craig and leave the threads you are just annoying everyone simple with your presence, I hope you get banned soon would be such a blessing.

get banned from where, thats really not nice, in fact a shocking remark to make.

you make me laugh, leave me alone im not in FCL or FBL stop talking about me on these threads then i have no reason to post

cheers its real easy

Go to admin then if you feel that strongly; I'm sure you have them on speed-dial!
Posts: 22,512
23:53 Sun 16 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

In reply to your question...

The clan size limit will be used by FCL and the FBL (Jema has assured me that in FBL's new season she will follow the FCL clan size limit along with a few other things)
Posts: 8,885
23:56 Sun 16 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
oki thanks just wondering
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:12 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
any news on whether the FCL will be one league again or will be split back to division one and two..

personally, i feel that one whole league works much better, it means that there isnt too much damage should one team pull out and also it makes the league much more competitive, as seen with the tight finish that is happening this season.

Posts: 11,057
00:15 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
^Yup. The only problem with it is if the number of teams is around 8-10, because then playing each other once makes for a very short season (like the current one), while playing each other twice is way too long.

Fewer clans means two against everyone, more clans means one go through, which both work well.
Posts: 22,512
00:16 Mon 17 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was going to consider the two divisions again if we had the even amount of teams to do so, but since i made the big decision to make it one league some of the not so keen players have stated they actually like it and what not. So i would be more in favour in keeping it as one league. Also makes doing golden cue easier (Which reminds me to kick Jema's butt into shape as she is at least two sets behind on it!)
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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