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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 7,974
02:01 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funny how if it was some people I.e Craig that's this rule was harming most of you would be all for it. I like jimmy he is a mate but a rule is a rule.

matty i no you mentioned my name so im going to respond, your totally right in your comment

however, the reason it was brought in was to stop me captaining in the first place i still have a screen shot, were mrs mop was having a discussion about it

she has a very short memory, surprised there was no comment, i will gladly post said screen shot.

but id prefer as im banned change the rules anyways most rules have been, as long as people stamp there feet hard enough..

and as im banned please dont quote my name on these threads. wasnt aimed at you matty, but im in the wilderness im happy to stay there cheers
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02:05 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funny how if it was some people I.e Craig that's this rule was harming most of you would be all for it. I like jimmy he is a mate but a rule is a rule.

matty i no you mentioned my name so im going to respond, your totally right in your comment

however, the reason it was brought in was to stop me captaining in the first place i still have a screen shot, were mrs mop was having a discussion about it

she has a very short memory, surprised there was no comment, i will gladly post said screen shot.

but id prefer as im banned change the rules anyways most rules have been, as long as people stamp there feet hard enough..

and as im banned please dont quote my name on these threads. wasnt aimed at you matty, but im in the wilderness im happy to stay there cheers

No worries I was just using you as an example to get my point across.
Posts: 7,974
02:05 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
nps i no
Posts: 22,512
02:06 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrs Mop?referring to my wife now watch it.

Edited at 00:10 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)
Posts: 7,974
02:15 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mrs Mop?referring to my wife now watch it.

Edited at 00:10 Thu 13/12/12 (GMT)

did i mention your wife ???

or are you confirming you no about that converasation aswell ???

no surprises
Posts: 22,512
02:18 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I remember the argument that involved you and her, shes also the only girl apart from sarah that frequently posts on this thread so do the math. You claim others are rude, little hypocritical.

Insulting a league runner to, maybe increase a ban now. Therevs ban from your FBL era springs to mind again
Posts: 7,974
02:29 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
who cares

change the record, you change the rules all the time to suit friends and family, do you honestly think i give a jot..

refresh your memory
i was banned form fbl singles for highlighting the rules been changed to suit ur mates

banned from fbl and fcl because for highlighting the rules been changed to suit ur mates

your doing it again now, lmao

should be called friends and family.

and btw there was no argument between a him and her, there was a conversation between 4 ppl who changed a rule to 2 years to stop me captaining fact

i kept them, no denial that they exist i note

anyway dont post my name on these threads i dont exist ok thanks
Posts: 22,512
02:33 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I can post what I want.

Friends and family, ive banned friends before so dont even try and start the biased rubbish. FBL remember which you dont deny now that was biased. At least we agree on the fact you dont exist though.
Posts: 7,974
02:36 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
notice you still dont deny it funny guy

truth hurts

anyway ive better things to do than waste my time highlighting the fact that rules are bent and twisted to suit

check my posts, all appear to be ur pals fact aswell


please ensure my name isnt mentioned again on ur threads please
Posts: 22,512
02:43 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Deny? Deny the fact that when that rule came in you were allowed to vice captain even with out the season experience (that says non biased to me)

Again we get to the FBL facts again that you were a twisted league runner which you clearly never denied with your "who cares" post above.

If people think i am a biased head runner then they can speak for themselfs and post it, then again the truth speaks itself considering i have banned more mates than enemies so to speak. Again they know where the door is if they think that, i welcome them to stay if they want.

I'll ensure nothing of the sort as you stated once before i can't control who posts where or what they post.
Posts: 7,974
02:46 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no that it was changed to 2 seasons and it was to stop me from captaining simple ? really

you no that i have the messages, so why not just admit it, instead of going on and on
Posts: 22,512
02:49 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If it was changed for you to not captain or whatever then why would i allow you to vice captain when your account was not even old enough to do that (vice captain was changed to one season at the same time as the captain one was changed)

Again proving their was no biased decisions made.

As you said you want to leave this thread, why haven't you.
Posts: 7,974
03:02 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i knew you wouldnt answer it, maybe cos im not on the friends and family list,

i will take leave of this thread, and keep my head held high, only you no why you banned me jay and the truth thats behind it, shame you couldnt have been upfront and honest about it.

remember the only thing i did was point out your blatant breaches of your own rules, if im banned for a season 2 seasons whatever even a lifetime, clan leagues arnt my life i have a great family and a grand daughter i spend alot of time with, working hard helping provide for my family etc to enjoy things that life has to offer is my priority, youve actually done me a favour and i thankyou for it, honestly i do, ive realised i spend way to much time on here. again thankyou im now planning yet another holiday to eygpt

takecare have a great evening
your friend always
Posts: 9,926
04:12 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Taken from professionals thread

Teams go down to 14 per clan next season.

Why are we reducing clan numbers? If you take professionals this season with inactivity / deactivation etc if we didn't have a large squad we would have struggled a lot more than we have. Reducing squad numbers is mad with the number of games you have between FBL and FCL. There is always players leave, deactivate are inactive etc, each clan squad size needs to accommodate for these factors.

Bump still don't get the logic in reducing clan numbers?

Bump again as still no response as to the logic in reducing clan numbers?
Posts: 22,512
04:23 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been meaning to answer this...

Being reduced to try and increase the number of clans within the league.

It was raised to lower defaults, which has now not been the case at all as there is still a fair few of them.

I know that lowering the clan max may cause more but this gives teams more of an incentive to get reliable players anyway. It is a risk i am willing to take at this moment in time.

For now my mind is 100% on decreasing the max clan number, but as everyone knows things can change while the league is not ongoing and waiting on pre season and the websites and admin side of things to be done.
Posts: 5,702
05:13 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the change to 14 players.. gives me the chance to steal some great players

Oh jay.. your bias
Only joking matey
Posts: 5,250
05:15 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the change to 14 players.. gives me the chance to steal some great players

Pfft at it again snowball
Posts: 5,702
05:16 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the change to 14 players.. gives me the chance to steal some great players

Pfft at it again snowball

I'm really confused what am i at again, and why am i a snowball snowballs melt and then are gone for ever
Posts: 5,250
05:23 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i like the change to 14 players.. gives me the chance to steal some great players

Pfft at it again snowball

I'm really confused what am i at again, and why am i a snowball snowballs melt and then are gone for ever

First Jimmy now you lol...maybe i speak too cryptic lol...

You pinching players is the at it again (wolf pack obi wan)

Snowball...well you can't make a good one unless its fresh snow...(you coming back into clans)

Sorry for being confusing
Posts: 5,250
05:24 Thu 13 Dec 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been meaning to answer this...

Being reduced to try and increase the number of clans within the league.

It was raised to lower defaults, which has now not been the case at all as there is still a fair few of them.

I know that lowering the clan max may cause more but this gives teams more of an incentive to get reliable players anyway. It is a risk i am willing to take at this moment in time.

For now my mind is 100% on decreasing the max clan number, but as everyone knows things can change while the league is not ongoing and waiting on pre season and the websites and admin side of things to be done.
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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