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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 7,974
23:12 Thu 15 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
ive chosen this thread, for this discussion hope it suits everyone

im sure most, if not all will agree the FCL is the premier tournament
I have issues now with fixture chaos, as yet there is no FCL or FBL cup fixtures released as yet

Have the FCL, FBL and FSL actually talked about what is going on, I know its clans choices which league to be part of, but the 3 leagues are forcing teams to choose

Is this a good thing, we have supersized clans now to cope and still teams struggle and with the FCL talking about less players in clans next season, this is going to make it near impossible as it is now to participate in all 3 any longer.

FCL the premier 15 games were the best player would normally win
FBL individual skills proving who are the most talented
FSL quick, fast and fun

Cups, well I guess this is the question are they needed any longer
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Posts: 7,974
23:55 Thu 15 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
so your very happy with all the fixtures lee

thanks for your input
Posts: 6,262
23:58 Thu 15 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
One big happy family
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23:59 Thu 15 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well you clearly struggled with the menu system on the site so happy to help and save you from the 'fixture chaos'
Posts: 7,974
00:06 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
no lee never stuggled at all, maybe you need to read the post again,
anyway thanks for your constructive comments as ever. it would be nice for once to have a league(s) discussion on this thread, but as always we must have the petty remarks, we must be the only team with fixture chaos,

ooh and good to see you again (might aswell join)

forget the discussion, on the league discussion thread.
last post
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00:20 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  

I have issues now with fixture chaos, as yet there is no FCL or FBL cup fixtures released as yet

That's what I answered jesus
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01:11 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to clear this up, the cup fixtures are started later on in the league as we aim to have them finish up about the same time as the normal league games, this has been done over the course of many seasons.

None of the leagues are forcing clans to choose anything, the clan decides what it is capable of and enters the league(s) it wants to. There are clans that have entered all 3 leagues and have managed to compete without any issues.

FCL, FBL and SL are all separate leagues, there is no requirement for all the runners to talk together. Although the FCL and FBL have worked this seasons schedules around each other, this will not be happening next season.
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01:44 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Think if clans decided to look at the bigger picture and tried to get games played straight away rather than coming out with deadline is next week line, they would have less issues.

If a player is offline for say, 6 days, why not look at active players that can sub in and get it played as soon as. I know that Seb makes the right sub at the right time hence very very few defaults. My opinion is that captains should try play week one and stop immature taunts to players that ask for a sub early!
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01:48 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agreed. No more nonsense and childish spellchecking and other nonsense. There are other forums on other websites that might welcome that sort of thing. Not here.

"Spellchecking" should have a hyphen, making it "spell-checking." I believe it is because it is a compound verb, but don't quote me!

"Not here" is not a sentence and should have been linked to the previous sentence using appropriate punctuation and language.

Technically "might" should be used only for the past tense, whereas "may" refers to present tense, but I'll let that one go!!

Posts: 22,512
03:06 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As Jema said the cup games will be released later in fixtures and as Lee kindly posted the schedules for them you can see. I thought you would have known their was a cup game coming out since i posted on clan pages asking to get lists and i mentioned the cup there to.

As for the amount of games being released that is not down to myself for the FCL or FBL, you all wanted the one week release then next week release thing and that is what i did, the Super League has made the most games come out and that is one reason i pulled Professionals out of that league as getting those amount of games played would take some amount of work.

Not the place to discuss here but i will mention it. I think the Super League should release their fixtures once a week with a week deadline on them, so set one comes out on a sunday and then set two comes out the sunday after (set one deadline day) with the arcade cup or what ever coming out on the same time as a league game instead of having its own two weeks or what ever it is that is what is making the Super League so long in my opinion. Yes they may have a long season but that is their own league and they don't need to worry about the FCL or FBL.
Posts: 11,057
03:09 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The best indicator to see if there are too many games is if they aren't getting played. Looks like there aren't too many defaults this season?
And for the majority of the defaults that I can see, it's the subbing policy that's the problem.

But yeah, a full fixture set of Super League games is only 10 games, so they're fine releasing them more often I think.
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08:31 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Could try not using the same players in every game if youre struggling too Craig
Posts: 7,974
15:46 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Could try not using the same players in every game if youre struggling too Craig

struggling lee, did i say that, no, back to putting words in my mouth again i see, never mind eh !

really lee
thanks for your advice, but we have had no defaults as yet and in previous teams that both sarah and i have been involved in running over the last couple of years, somthing we are very proud of, (maybe sarah had one)

think i will stick to what i do best and post my own teams thanks.
Posts: 11,057
16:47 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You said it's nearly impossible now to complete fixtures. That's probably why Lee assumed you were struggling......
Is this a good thing, we have supersized clans now to cope and still teams struggle and with the FCL talking about less players in clans next season, this is going to make it near impossible as it is now to participate in all 3 any longer.
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17:05 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
the Super League has made the most games come out and that is one reason i pulled Professionals out of that league as getting those amount of games played would take some amount of work.

Jay, you may as well be honest and state that the reason you pulled out of the Super league was because you only wanted to commit to two leagues and therefore wanted to commit to the ones you run rather than one you dont. Theres nothing wrong at all with that as a reason so no need to hide it.

Regarding numbers of games. SL would have put out 10 league games every ten days. That would have been 45 games in 56 days for each clan.

FCL and FBL puts out 16 games every two weeks. That would have been 72 games in 70 days for each clan in each league.

Both of the above do not include Cup games. But bearing in mind SL Cup games are 5-a-side in every round that will still be less games in SL for any team trying to reduce their committment.

Therefore numbers of games is irrelevant. Choice of preferred leagues by individual clans is what is important.

One final thing for this discussion. Jo and myself do not get anything for running the SL. However what we do provide is hopefully a hassle free, fun league, not bogged down with too many regulations or arguments, in which the vast vast majority of games do get played. I am more than happy to take on board any ideas from people to improve the way it, or the clan league world in general, runs. Simlarly, at the point the majority decides that the SL has run its course then I am also more than happy to wind it up.
Posts: 22,512
17:11 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Maybe you want to read the messages i sent to the other captain and both vice captains about a possible departure from the Super League before jumping to conclusions. Decision was made on the fact there was to many games and we felt that leaving the Super League would give us much less games. If we could have managed it all with the current active players we have right now then i would gladly stay in it as we where top of the league so far in it and doing very well. I don't need to hide anything as there is nothing to hide and has nothing to do with me having anything to do with two out of the three leagues. Im only doing the FBL to help out a mate as some people seem to forget that.
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17:30 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am not jumping to conclusions. I have no need to because you can take any decision you want based on any reason you want. That is freedom of choice.

I am responding to your quote where you stated SL has made the most games come out. Thats not correct and I was simply pointing that out in part.
Posts: 22,512
17:37 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
You jumped to the conclusion that i only wanted to commit to the two leagues that i currently run that is what my post was aimed at nothing else that you said and as i said you are wrong and i gave the reason on the above post. I also said that there was to many games, as in add all three leagues together and their games the last two weeks and there is a lot.
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17:39 Fri 16 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well if the aim was only to reduce the games played then it was a no-brainer which league(s) to commit to.
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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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