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FCL League Discussion Thread (3)

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Posts: 7,974
11:33 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
the last time i asked a question, with all due repsect you said it would be met with ignorance, this is still on topic from the last time

also it was met with mocking from a few people, however i was justified in asking one of the 2 questions i asked.

also alot of accusations were levelled at me, then more mocking it would be nice if a question could just be answered, without the need to be talked down to

the title of this thread is league discusion

i posted here just to get an answer, nothing else ment
and to draw a line under the shananigans.

Edited at 09:39 Fri 02/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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11:47 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is not the thread for Individuals, this is the League thread, Individuals has its own thread, I suggest you use that next time.

I shall reply to your question but only once, I am not getting into another debate about it.

Having seen dex get his old account back, mysterious asked Admin for his old account back as a) he liked that account and b) to cover the aspects you were concerned about in your previous question.

9ballsniper_ will replace mysterious in the individuals as they spoke to me again prior to reactivating the old account. The account is now well over 2 months old and he is registered to an FCL clan I hope that answers your question.
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11:52 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Love this site
Posts: 7,974
12:10 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Completely answers my question

So you can have numerous accounts, deactivate as many times as you like as long as you tell the league runner and then its ok to continue to play

Question answered
Deleted User
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12:15 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why you so bothered anyway, Your not even in 9US, Not seen anyone else question it.
Posts: 22,512
14:49 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to add to what Jema said, and say one im not happy with that decision she made like i said to her this morning and two if he changes account one more time he will be banned frmm the actual league and the individuals. I have trust in her though so i will see how this pans out.
Deleted User
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15:31 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree it should'nt be allowed either, But think ppl in 9US would much rather get the games rather than him been booted out and we get stupid bye's each round.

What i cant understand is why Craig is fussed over it anyway, It dont effect him

Edited by forum moderator fastboysam, at 11:01 Tue 06/11/12 (GMT)
Deleted User
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18:06 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
The only reason I let sniper continue with this account is because he promised it would be the last account, if he does it again then he will be removed.

But like Jack said, players would rather get games than BYES so I am trying to maintain as many players in the Indiv's as possible especially as 9US has the least participants.

Next season I will incorporate even tougher punishments for the Individuals and account name changes such as this will not be allowed, it is not in the rules at present so I have allowed it at my own discretion.
Deleted User
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20:26 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to add to what Jema said, and say one im not happy with that decision she made like i said to her this morning and two if he changes account one more time he will be banned frmm the actual league and the individuals. I have trust in her though so i will see how this pans out.

Taking your dislike of him a bit far aren't you? How can you ban someone from the league for just having new accounts and reactivating old ones?
Definitely need to be banning Jimmy
Posts: 22,512
22:55 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Not taking anything to far mate, and my dislike for him has never been a part of any league decision just like it wasn't when Kirk came back and the same for Jimmy (which we are ok now). I dislike a few members as most people know but my decisions in the league have nothing to do with that.
Deleted User
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23:29 Fri 2 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Can't see how you can justify threatening a league banning though mate, he hasn't done anything to justify that.
Posts: 22,512
00:53 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Changed account twice in the space of a week and still wants in the league. If it was Craig or another player that some people dislike on the game then others would be asking why they are not getting banned or being told they may face a ban if they do it again. My "threat" to ban from league was basically if it kept on happening, the removal from Individuals was for if he does it one more time.
Deleted User
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01:01 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree it should'nt be allowed either, But think ppl in 9US would much rather get the games rather than him been booted out and we get stupid bye's each round.

What i cant understand is why Craig is fussed over it anyway, It dont effect him

Sniper stick to this friggin account and stop been a noob
I got one of my original accounts back. Im set!
Deleted User
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10:57 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes that better be it you! Pain in the butt


Baka wa shinanakya naoranai
(Unless an idiot dies, he won't be cured)
Posts: 5,250
11:42 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I agree even after my multi accounts prior to being banned myself i believe joseph has learnt his lesson and will stick to his account.
Deleted User
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19:26 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If certain people think the league is farcical and biased then why don't they make like a tree and leave, end of the day we don't need negative comments constantly in the league the runners of all the leagues are fantastic and do a great job. Wish people would lay off their backs with stupid questions about something that has already been explained a hundred times .
Deleted User
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19:53 Sat 3 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Difference was dexter kept doing it while running a team or vice or with games to play when the team was short of players and he never got banned.
Sniper did none of those things and no nobody would expect Craig to be banned from the league if he kept changing names as it isn't against any rules.
Why does everything always have to get twisted, people cant make a point without getting accused of having agendas.
I dont get on with sniper I just dont see how someone having different names can in anyway be worthy of a league ban because he isnt cheating anyone or even doing anything sly, hasn't broken any league rules or used his name changes to avoid transfer rules so what is the problem?
Posts: 22,512
00:39 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
In case you failed to read i pointed it out on last post it was meant to be a individual ban and that is what it will be if changed again.
Posts: 22,512
01:09 Sun 4 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have now selected the default panel for this season, those i have picked have my full support in any decision that is made on the default forum. I am a little sad to see that some old default members can't come back and do what they do best due to other commitments but oh well it would have been nice to have more panel members but very happy with the ones i have right now.

Taken from the website.....

The default panel has been selected by bluenose1872 (Jay) based upon their reliability and experience in the leagues. The default panel have the full support of the League Runners and all decisions are final apart from extreme circumstances.

The default panel this season will remain anonymous to prevent arguments and potential harassment of panelists.

If any results are seen to be leaked before default decisions have been announced or if any default information is shared either before or after predictions have been made, then that member will be removed from the default panel and could be faced with a fixture(s) ban or in extreme cases a league ban.

If any captains or vice captains want to query a default then please offline message a League Runner, please do not post any queries on the public forums as these will be ignored.

Default panelists must NOT comment on their own defaults, anyone who does this will be removed from the default panel.
Posts: 22,512
08:01 Tue 6 Nov 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
As some of you may know myself and Jema are getting married on the 17th of this month, FCL third fixture set is due out the day after this but i will be busy as you can imagine. Now i have a dilema, i could possibly release the games two days earlier so would be a Friday but that would be pushing my personal time limit enough as it is, or you could wait until the monday for those games (i would give an extra day deadline if i felt it was needed after the scheduled deadline is over). Later on that week i will be going away with Jema and her family for a few days over the weekend and wont be back until at least Monday so the FBL will be the same but i am going to ask James if he can release the FBL games for me on that ocassion.

This is just so everyone knows and also asking what they prefer i do with the FCL next set, i am more leaning towards the Monday releasing right now. Will post on clan threads soon if no one has seen this and just to give a heads up.
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