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Deleted User
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22:31 Fri 3 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shooters have twice folded mid-season now and made a mess of the leagues in doing so, teams with lesser resources and means to get players in have battled on to see out a season.
People de-activating whilst captain and then expecting to captain again straight away shouldn't be allowed either.
Stable clans with a bit of staying power is what we want isn't it?
Posts: 22,512
22:35 Fri 3 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
It does not affect all teams that have folded. The only real big thing that would stop you or someone else running a clan would be a ban from the league on an old account or not (the ban will carry over to a new account the same as a warning would)

So if you finished this season with Uprising then you would qualify to be able to run a clan as you have the experience on this new account. There has been talks about making it two seasons experience so that would harm you if it happened but the last time it was mentioned it was not really liked anyway.

Previous usernames will not be taken into account for experience wise as so many players now change accounts so much. That was a highly talked about topic and i personally like it so i myself would not be to greatly pleased to see it removed.

There is also talks on the account age to enter the league and start playing and maybe raising it to two months instead of the one, if done that would only affect anyone with a new account next season so anyone who turns a month old in this season would be fine. This may also stop the players who change accounts a lot a may make them think twice about deactivating and what not as two months out of the league is basically four fixture sets depending on when you make that account during the season.
Posts: 7,974
10:09 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Shooters have twice folded mid-season now and made a mess of the leagues in doing so, teams with lesser resources and means to get players in have battled on to see out a season.
People de-activating whilst captain and then expecting to captain again straight away shouldn't be allowed either.
Stable clans with a bit of staying power is what we want isn't it?

where does it mention i would be captain or would want to captain ??

what has your post got to do with my question, im sure when reading it dosnt mention shooters anywhere, i asked a question and got the answer of which i appreciate

rules may have been changed or edited, to prevent me from captaining last time, i have no wish to captain for a while however i could never say never until i have the required experience on this account, but im having far to much fun at the moment, which im sure, that is what the site was designed for.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:20 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shooters folded this season ,and i am asking does it affect all teams that have folded during a season or is it just a team/person being singled out
This is the only reason i ask this question.

Was just saying that captains who fold teams during a season shouldnt be allowed to captain again because it ruins the season for the other teams and makes it harder for everyone else to keep players as we set up for 2 games a set not 1.
Same as me not completing individuals again...I lose interest in them so shouldnt be allowed to do them again because I could have taken someone else's place.
Always thought they should be stricter about getting suitable captains and you have to look at previous performances, eagles as they are under discussion were always a nightmare to get games done with in FBL, shouldn't be allowed in unless the captain changes to someone more suitable in my opinion.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:33 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shooters folded this season ,and i am asking does it affect all teams that have folded during a season or is it just a team/person being singled out
This is the only reason i ask this question.

Was just saying that captains who fold teams during a season shouldnt be allowed to captain again because it ruins the season for the other teams and makes it harder for everyone else to keep players as we set up for 2 games a set not 1.
Same as me not completing individuals again...I lose interest in them so shouldnt be allowed to do them again because I could have taken someone else's place.
Always thought they should be stricter about getting suitable captains and you have to look at previous performances, eagles as they are under discussion were always a nightmare to get games done with in FBL, shouldn't be allowed in unless the captain changes to someone more suitable in my opinion.

Have to admit i agree totally with lee on this and regards to FE was a nighmare from the start.. i let them in thinking he knew under spoonie had a clue but that was not the case..i got constant pm's asking me to sort out stuff when his games were not being played ...advised but kept gettin overload. Plus you have the Multi-using in the league.
Posts: 7,974
11:45 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
and as i said lee
shooters were never mentioned in my question, which is what i pointed out and is very clear.

this may have been mentioned later
i was asking about a precident being set about players being told so early that they wouldnt be able to captain clans and wouldnt be allowed entry into both the FCL and FBL

when reading through a reason was given that the same players were in the clan , when looking at the current team list the player concerned has 7 new players from this seasons team.

it would appear the player has done somthing about unreliable players and should be commended

also lee when pointing out about shooters, i left the clan in capable hands, blueberry is an experienced player and captain, i also left clans before any competitive games were played. so again i really dont understand your comments

Was just saying that captains who fold teams during a season shouldnt be allowed to captain again

whatever your thoughts are, there has been many people who have folded clans during a season, 2 last season who have gone on to captain this season to
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:15 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
You did mention shooters I even quoted the part to help you out and it seems as soon as they aren't up the top of the league and in a fight at the bottom they fold historically.
Sure you were quite adamant with your stance on captains that deactivate when you were giving your opinions on dextr before too...can't think what could have changed your mind.
The problem with eagles wasnt their players it was their captain not responding to reasonable sub requests with players offline for months in some cases.
Not getting into a debate anyway, given my opinion and everyone knows I have always thought there needs to be a lot tighter rules on captaining, you used to be the one agreeing with me on these too.
Posts: 7,974
14:22 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
lee i was quite clear it wasnt part of my initial question

and my stance hasnt changed, as ive said i have no intention of being a captain, so i dont know why you keep going on about it, where have i said anywhere i want to be a captain or will be, i totally agree with you, re-captain requirements

there were efforts made last time to stop me from captaining a clan, by editing rules of which i kept quite as id already copied them and admission was made to me later that conversations that took place to stop me captaining but hey common sense prevailed there.

but that is all in the past,,,,, and as ive said i dont want to captain a clan however that may change when i have the required experience on this account. sticking to my new found principles

now my question was answered in full, thats enough now on the topic and i hope yours have been to

mind lee shooters will always have 2 league titles to its credit, even if it did fold once under my tenure

new topic people
Posts: 22,512
14:24 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyway..... next season is drawing closer and closer and i want to make sure that i have everything sorted. Would like to ask what rules need rewording or totally taken out of the league and any other suggestions?
Posts: 38,097
14:34 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe if a current captain folds (runners discretion) mid season then they can't captain a new clan for a season? this would help them learn that we want clans to stay in league.

eligibility should be like FBL, on FCL you have to wait extra time due to fixture sets but FBL you can play from the eligibility date which makes it a fair wait for everyone which is way i like it.

for season experience keep that as it is as i get bored of people deactivating, plus people can claim its them when its not.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:50 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  

While i am here also i would like to point out to emma__jane and antione since they couldn't message me and ask, i told skunky not to add you to the team list yet as one it would be pointless as your account ages and plus after all that stuff last month Keith handed out warnings. I was not sure if it was more than a warning though so i told skunky i would have to check it to be sure and to keep the league right. I have still not found the post that Keith made and since then have told skunky that the team change has been done and dealt with.

Just wanna point out it has nothing to do with not being able to message, myself and Ant were aware we were given warnings. Until skunky was sent a message about us possibly not being able to play, there was no need for myself and Ant to get clarification of what the situation was, as we both knew where we stood.
Posts: 22,512
14:53 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
That is fine, like i said i did say to skunky that i would find the post just so i was absolutely sure about a warning or a ban. Have found it now and everything is good now.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:56 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
That is fine, like i said i did say to skunky that i would find the post just so i was absolutely sure about a warning or a ban. Have found it now and everything is good now.

Good good Just wanted to clear the situation up, you know me well enough to know if I had had any confusion it would be posted allll over discussions 8-)
Posts: 22,512
15:51 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Right well i have just been informed that Untouchables will be folding after this season has ended. This makes the division one very low as their has been some amount of teams folding. Below i have listed the teams that i have been told will be around next season, i have also added the new clan(s) into this, there is a possibility of one of these clans also folding though.

Snooker Squad
Latin Legends
Team Angry
Legend Killers
The Professionals

Even if this other clan do not fold their is going to be very low numbers in the divisions which in turn mean a very fast league will be done and it would be impossible to do what others wanted which was run alternative weeks with the FBL.

It has been brought to me and i have also been thinking about it but want others to have a say in it, what about combining both divisions to make one big league. This way the season would be made a bit longer but also the chances of the FCL and FBL running nearly side by side would actually work.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:55 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
For me I think it's a great idea.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:59 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
1 big league sounds good and maybe a playoff system like the superleague to keep teams interested
Posts: 22,512
16:00 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The only real problem is see here is smaller teams that would have stayed in division two would now have to face much larger teams like Snooker Squad and Team Angry so they might feel a little hard done by as in any normal season they would only ever draw them in a cup game.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:00 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Can't see why it would be low numbers, bound to be more clans forming, not even put crazy eights in there which makes 10....
Same numbers as always then and by the same rules as always you sort the divisions out.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:01 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
like the spl style then midway through season split ?
Posts: 38,097
16:01 Sat 4 Aug 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you forgot MVP i think
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