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Deleted User
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00:51 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I seem to remember not so long ago people stating "Sarah got forced out of fbl" one of those people are now trying to force jay out of fcl.

Jay isn't biased and he isn't in the wrong very one seems to be able to grasp what has happened and why. As dgen said IF you knew you wasn't eligible why carry on and play the fixture and only bring it up when the loss is there :-/
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:51 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
ONLY you are arguin this, no one agrees with you and we can all see this is more troublemaking and trying to annoy jay. typical of you really.

sure jem, if you say so

i aint the only one who agrees with me, believe me

i aint trying to annoy anyone, but if its one rule for one, then it should be one rule for all

and clearly i was ineligible to play in fix set 1 of fcl
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:52 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I seem to remember not so long ago people stating "Sarah got forced out of fbl" one of those people are now trying to force jay out of fcl.

Jay isn't biased and he isn't in the wrong very one seems to be able to grasp what has happened and why. As dgen said IF you knew you wasn't eligible why carry on and play the fixture and only bring it up when the loss is there :-/

mate as ive stated TWICE already, i didnt know i was ineligible until earlier today when 2 members told me

and we both know sarah was forced out due to craig coming out and being vocal as a league runner instead of doing it behind the scene like he did he season before
Posts: 38,097
00:56 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
not if Jay was going to release fixtures on Monday.

If Jay was going to release on Monday then you would be eligible regardless of if fixtures was released a year early.

and Jay don't go to that level mate your better than that.

runners shouldn't have to put every nick, dime and cranny in the rules but Jay if you want add the following.

League Fixtures are normally released on a Sunday but sometimes things outside the site may crop up and forced to release early (or late), if this is the case anyone who is eligible on the original release date can play.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:58 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
not if Jay was going to release fixtures on Monday.

If Jay was going to release on Monday then you would be eligible regardless of if fixtures was released a year early.

and Jay don't go to that level mate your better than that.

runners shouldn't have to put every nick, dime and cranny in the rules but Jay if you want add the following.

League Fixtures are normally released on a Sunday but sometimes things outside the site may crop up and forced to release early (or late), if this is the case anyone who is eligible on the original release date can play.

I was never eligible to play if the fixture was released on the original release date
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:00 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
i was eligible on the 18th (monday), original release date was 17th (sunday), making me ineligible
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:03 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I seem to remember not so long ago people stating "Sarah got forced out of fbl" one of those people are now trying to force jay out of fcl.

Jay isn't biased and he isn't in the wrong very one seems to be able to grasp what has happened and why. As dgen said IF you knew you wasn't eligible why carry on and play the fixture and only bring it up when the loss is there :-/

mate as ive stated TWICE already, i didnt know i was ineligible until earlier today when 2 members told me

and we both know sarah was forced out due to craig coming out and being vocal as a league runner instead of doing it behind the scene like he did he season before

Watch your mouth. Sarah wasn't forced to do anything you little snake. She made her decision after Craig reacted badly to being questioned. It was an independent decision and not pushed or forced by anyone.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:05 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I seem to remember not so long ago people stating "Sarah got forced out of fbl" one of those people are now trying to force jay out of fcl.

Jay isn't biased and he isn't in the wrong very one seems to be able to grasp what has happened and why. As dgen said IF you knew you wasn't eligible why carry on and play the fixture and only bring it up when the loss is there :-/

mate as ive stated TWICE already, i didnt know i was ineligible until earlier today when 2 members told me

and we both know sarah was forced out due to craig coming out and being vocal as a league runner instead of doing it behind the scene like he did he season before

Watch your mouth. Sarah wasn't forced to do anything you little snake. She made her decision after Craig reacted badly to being questioned. It was an independent decision and not pushed or forced by anyone.

watch my mouth? lmaooo you got to be kidding me hahahahaha i aint the one name calling

Sarah was forced out, and everyone could see it
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:09 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I seem to remember not so long ago people stating "Sarah got forced out of fbl" one of those people are now trying to force jay out of fcl

Jay isn't biased and he isn't in the wrong very one seems to be able to grasp what has happened and why. As dgen said IF you knew you wasn't eligible why carry on and play the fixture and only bring it up when the loss is there

mate as ive stated TWICE already, i didnt know i was ineligible until earlier today when 2 members told me

and we both know sarah was forced out due to craig coming out and being vocal as a league runner instead of doing it behind the scene like he did he season before

Watch your mouth. Sarah wasn't forced to do anything you little snake. She made her decision after Craig reacted badly to being questioned. It was an independent decision and not pushed or forced by anyone.

watch my mouth? lmaooo you got to be kidding me hahahahaha i aint the one name calling

Sarah was forced out, and everyone could see it

You're doing just as bad, and it looks like your trying to force Jay out here?

Sarah had a choice, and she made it. I have always said, that if she chose to return, i would leave as a league runner, without any problems. She was a good league runner and i supported her. Craig was a fool, and a terrible runner, and unfortunately, Sarah's dead weight.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:13 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL Craig ran it behind the scenes, was only when it came out and he spoke that it was a problem.

As you said, sarah was a good league runner, best we have had for seasons IMO (no offence dgen, you done a good job also)

Im doing just as bad? meaning you think im forcing a league runner out...which must mean you think others forced sarah out

you have got to think that, especially if im doing the same to hear you talk
Posts: 38,097
01:19 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shootermouse said:
LOL Craig ran it behind the scenes, was only when it came out and he spoke that it was a problem.

As you said, sarah was a good league runner, best we have had for seasons IMO (no offence dgen, you done a good job also)

I always had doubts about craig tbh, when he was updating tables it was fine it was when he was promoted and giving out unnecessary warnings then it came a problem.

none taken about Sarah and i agree with you, people didn't have a problem with Sarah just Craig. Sarah could have told craig to go back to tables and leave choices to her but she left instead.
Posts: 22,512
01:21 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm not being forced out, im just sick of the constant crap being thrown at me, i have family trouble going on that is why i was busy, i know i dont need to give reasons to why i was but there you go.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:23 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if you dont like how this league is run and who runs it, then leave!

without detail, jay has enough on his plate without you nitpicking stupid things for which there is an explanation that has been given to you.

give it a rest why dont you, its just sad now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:24 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
shootermouse said:
LOL Craig ran it behind the scenes, was only when it came out and he spoke that it was a problem.

As you said, sarah was a good league runner, best we have had for seasons IMO (no offence dgen, you done a good job also)

I always had doubts about craig tbh, when he was updating tables it was fine it was when he was promoted and giving out unnecessary warnings then it came a problem.

none taken about Sarah and i agree with you, people didn't have a problem with Sarah just Craig. Sarah could have told craig to go back to tables and leave choices to her but she left instead.

Mate believe me, I had my fair share of problems with Craig over the seasons and i know he doesnt handle issues in the best way and if Craigs honest, im sure he would agree with that aswel.

After all the abuse and stuff aimed at her partner, would you have stood by and told your partner they was in the wrong if it was you in sarahs position? I for one would stick up for my partner regardless...yes have a quiet word with them about it, but not in ear shot of everyone else
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:26 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if you dont like how this league is run and who runs it, then leave!

without detail, jay has enough on his plate without you nitpicking stupid things for which there is an explanation that has been given to you.

give it a rest why dont you, its just sad now

nitpicking? you meaning following the rules?
Posts: 9,926
01:27 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if you dont like how this league is run and who runs it, then leave!

without detail, jay has enough on his plate without you nitpicking stupid things for which there is an explanation that has been given to you.

give it a rest why dont you, its just sad now

nitpicking? you meaning following the rules?
Posts: 22,512
01:28 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I explained myself already the rest of it was you just "nitpicking"

The Craig and Sarah issue is an FBL matter not an FCL matter so please enough of that rubbish here. Thanks.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:29 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL Craig ran it behind the scenes, was only when it came out and he spoke that it was a problem.

As you said, sarah was a good league runner, best we have had for seasons IMO (no offence dgen, you done a good job also)

Im doing just as bad? meaning you think im forcing a league runner out...which must mean you think others forced sarah out

you have got to think that, especially if im doing the same to hear you talk

No you fool, your doing just as bad as name calling. Except your doing it in the form of harassing someone else. Honestly Ant, i didn't think you were this stupid?
Posts: 38,097
01:30 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
if i thought they was in the wrong yes but i don't have a partner and i don't ever want one so i wouldn't be in that position.

a quote from Vince McMahon

"Love doesn't have to do with anything, its just business, and i always do whats right for business".

In the league you need to forget the person as a partner but as someone who got promoted as a runner and treat the partner the same way as you would a normal person.

Outside the league fair enough do what you got to do but inside each person should act professionally especially runners
Posts: 38,097
01:31 Thu 28 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry Jay posted during your post
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