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Deleted User
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22:49 Thu 29 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
micro tournaments are useless.. tournapoints have become worthless with them.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:50 Thu 29 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I say again... Leave the Micros Alone!
Posts: 292
22:52 Thu 29 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Get a grip
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:52 Thu 29 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
you cant exactly say to leave them alone.

you can suggest it but it seems simple enough that the vast majority dont want them.

perhaps do 1 micro every half hour? just dont have it on the tournaments page as its a waste of time, and dont let it award tournapoints.
Posts: 4,762
03:34 Fri 30 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
1 vote against a large quantity wanting rid of micros, Tournaments were amazing when it had 4 rounds/quarter/semi/final now 2 rounds/etc..
Posts: 6,262
04:20 Fri 30 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
2 vote's, I think they're a joke, still play them though

If stats for micra wins were backdated till when micra tournys started I'd have 100 +, most with no skill involved in many

Berry wants old pro tables
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:02 Sat 31 Mar 12 (BST)  [Link]  
For me you can keep micro's and arcade games so long as the numbers in the main tournaments increased. Since that doesn't seem likely, having read the comments, thought about possible solutions and also thought about what the appeal was for me when I first started... I'm inclined to suggest increasing the prestige for gaining tournapoints by leaving them out of the smaller tournaments.
The top prize IMO now are tournapoints, I think to get more interest, increase the amount available in the larger tournaments and again change the way they stand with the rest.

There are that many tournaments, I don't think that you'd ever get the appeal of winning one that we used to get, there's little point in going backwards, the site is constantly changing so I suggest adapting to it and helping it progress with threads like these, just accept that not every change will be to your liking.

Edit: At the moment when I see people with medals I think wow you've got loads of time on your hands whereas I should be thinking, wow you're someone I'd like to regularly play against
Posts: 491
09:33 Sun 8 Apr 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree 100% with niall, nick, bun, etc.... a couple of years back it was much funner entering the one tournament every hour. I know i'm just sounding like a parrot but I figure the more opinions, the higher the chance of change. It was much more rewarding winning a tournament with 70+ players than winning 20 or more micro tournaments a day. As many are saying it seems like much of the old names have completely lost interest in the site now that its changed to this tourny format. Not trying to bash the site or anything because im sure the amount of work that nick and the staff puts in is rediculous and they do a great job, but i think alot of the members feel the same way. I used to log in everyday to play a couple of tournys against the top players hoping for a win against 80 or more participants. Now i only log in every few months to play 1 game to assure that my account won't get deactivated
Posts: 292
04:34 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Bumping this back as something needs sorting
Posts: 4,762
06:31 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree 100% with niall, nick, bun, etc.... a couple of years back it was much funner entering the one tournament every hour. I know i'm just sounding like a parrot but I figure the more opinions, the higher the chance of change. It was much more rewarding winning a tournament with 70+ players than winning 20 or more micro tournaments a day. As many are saying it seems like much of the old names have completely lost interest in the site now that its changed to this tourny format. Not trying to bash the site or anything because im sure the amount of work that nick and the staff puts in is rediculous and they do a great job, but i think alot of the members feel the same way. I used to log in everyday to play a couple of tournys against the top players hoping for a win against 80 or more participants. Now i only log in every few months to play 1 game to assure that my account won't get deactivated

That's because we're the old people around here lol, I think it's over 5 and a bit years since I signed up. That's when we all played, I remember the usuals and people who used to win everything.
Posts: 1,594
14:13 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Suck it up boys, not everyone is on here hours at a time it's nice to log on play a tourny then log off.

I hate waiting for a tourny to come around only to miss it while i was doing something else, i agree take away micro and just stick a proper tourny in it's place.

How about get rid of the ranking in tournys that is 1 thing that really gets me, say i go 2-0 2-0 2-0 against an average opponent say 750 i gain lets be generous say 4 points per game thats 12 points, then i lose 2-0 only to lose 15 odd points.

I hardly play tournys especially maras as i play for my ranking, but whats the point in playing and winning a tourny but losing rank makes absouletly no sense.

If i win 2-1 all the way through i would lose soo many points for what winning all my games and the tourny??

why don't they get rid of tourna points what is that anyway a list of the most active users on here not the most skilled lol

Bring in something different like a tourny ranking just the same as normal rank only u get a little bonus for winning a tourny.

What about a tourny stats aswell, not being big headed but i have a good record of how many tournys ive won compared to how many ive entered, that would be cool i don't think ive ever been knocked out in the first round.
Posts: 299
21:01 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Get rid of micro's cos that's how sneaky slimeballs win day events. Then put speed and marathon tournies on each half hour. Rank in tournies would be stupid to get rid of i think. It should have been that from the start imo and you can't win every game. That said onua could do it so it's a goal to work towards
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:53 Thu 7 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
then maybe keep micros and take the tourna point value away from them
Posts: 292
02:21 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
I signed up 6 and a half years ago, times flown and alot of changes been made, could say i'm a retro player and miss the old ways. the tournament schedule is just messy i'd be happy with one every half hour just to make the newbies happy, BUT GET RID OF FRIENDLIES AND MICROS! thanks

P.S. i think the ranking system needs to go back to how it was before in normal ranked games, no one even plays them anymore, dont really wanna say it but the popularity factor is dropping slightly each year.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:42 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The points system is terrible I don't mind losin more for being a higher rank but to like 8-9 is it a little extreme 4-5 would be fine really u should only lose double what you could potentially gain.
Posts: 38,097
16:57 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
The points system is terrible I don't mind losin more for being a higher rank but to like 8-9 is it a little extreme 4-5 would be fine really u should only lose double what you could potentially gain.

could be worse though as once Seb lost 15 points in one game of original and got less than 2 points per frame, this was when seb is 900 and opponent is 700 or less i think
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:59 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
Only lost 15 I lost 16.9 in a game of original when I was ranked 931 :-)
Posts: 62
18:34 Fri 8 Jun 12 (BST)  [Link]  
its all messy was better when there was just 9ball, 8ball and uk8 with old ranking system but meh...
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