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Posts: 9,926
19:05 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I didn't say there was but why not just ask a player that had nothing to do with the tournament to pick?

It makes no difference as the way it was carried out was random just like a toss of a coin, so who carried it out is irrelevant.
Posts: 334
19:13 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
But it isn't irrelevant. You had a player who has been messing Black Scorpions around with unfinished games and then you had a player who would be playing the winner of the toss. It may have been all above board, and I have no reason to believe that it wasn't, but why not remove any chance of a scandal by asking different players, players with nothing to do with the tournament or Lee?
Posts: 334
19:14 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
But like I said I would have disqualified both as that is in line with the rules.
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19:52 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Boo hoo I don't care if I do get hammered nuts,to me it is an online game not a matter of life and death . I also remember hammering you in the FCL . Now stop crying you sulky baby, grow up and accept it like a man

Says the person who left revs cos you didnt like fatmikee and spat his dummy out to get back in . You dont care about it but i do care and this speaks volumes as i wanted out match played and you didnt !

Face it u was chicken and couldnt face me cos u would of got your rare end kicked . Now run along and let the adults talk child !

Nuts if you think I am scared to play you then you are even more deluded than I thought. My whole point is if is an online game, and I agree with what most have said that a double dq would have been fair. Just because you moved your times half an hour does not mean you are right. What effort did you make to meet my times? Absolutely none so put your dummy back in, mind your bottom lip as it is becoming a trip hazard. Jeez and I thought dealing with adolescents was tough, give me them any day than a sulky supposed to be adult whose whole life evolves trying to win a pixelated trophy LOL. As for spitting my dummy out to get back in, once again you are showing your lack of understanding. I was happy to step away from the clan for my own reasons. I was asked not to by the captain and I reconsidered. The difference is nuts I could live without funky pool

Edited at 16:55 Wed 01/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 4,230
20:43 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
But it isn't irrelevant. You had a player who has been messing Black Scorpions around with unfinished games and then you had a player who would be playing the winner of the toss. It may have been all above board, and I have no reason to believe that it wasn't, but why not remove any chance of a scandal by asking different players, players with nothing to do with the tournament or Lee?

it surely is very irrelevant. as clearly they didnt know anything about it.
By saying tht its important who picked head/tails ur basically accusing Keith of cheating....
Posts: 334
21:27 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
No, I'm not accusing anyone of cheating. What I am saying though is that it is unfortunate that those players, out of the entire site, were chosen.

Irrelevant - not pertaining or connected to. Obviously niall is connected to the competition.

Edited at 18:34 Wed 01/07/15 (BST)
Posts: 7,297
22:22 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As shad said above this was all handled the wrong way and thats down to the league runner that should of made rules in place for this players championship . You shouldnt suggest something then do what you want regardless .

Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happend here .

I can understand if keith used his panel to do this silly coin toss but to involve 2 players who 1 involved in playing the winner of this toss is insane and reckless in my view !
Deleted User
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22:25 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As shad said above this was all handled the wrong way and thats down to the league runner that should of made rules in place for this players championship . You shouldnt suggest something then do what you want regardless .

Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happend here .

I can understand if keith used his panel to do this silly coin toss but to involve 2 players who 1 involved in playing the winner of this toss is insane and reckless in my view !

Are you still here I thought you were leaving clans lol
Posts: 38,097
22:30 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happened here .

What advantage? Niall has an opponent, if Keith chose to Double DQ then Niall wouldn't have an opponent, if anything Niall is at a Disadvantage as he has an opponent.
Posts: 7,324
22:32 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
How did the outcome give me an advantage? The toss wasn't between Seb and you/Matt lol

You guys clearly aren't reading my posts. I had NO IDEA who was heads and who was tails, even if I did consider huts a better player than Matt (which I don't tbh) I had no way of knowing who I was choosing. You need to understand that Keith logged in right after the extended deadline passed, came into mine and veyron's match and asked politely if we would assist the coin toss. We both agreed. Why should Keith have gone to someone else when the process is completely RANDOM? That's effectively character questioning, which is complete nonsense. Also Keith was off on holiday today so he did the right thing getting it sorted there and then while he could. He has been nothing but fair and reasonable, if anything possibly overly so. Just grow up and move on.
Posts: 7,324
22:34 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happened here .

What advantage? Niall has an opponent, if Keith chose to Double DQ then Niall wouldn't have an opponent, if anything Niall is at a Disadvantage as he has an opponent.

EXACTLY! I could have lobbied for a bye if I was concerned about who I had to play, and probably would have got one.
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22:35 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Trouble is he is always looking for a scapegoat. Also this time he thought he would win the default and it backfired
Posts: 7,297
23:00 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happened here .

What advantage? Niall has an opponent, if Keith chose to Double DQ then Niall wouldn't have an opponent, if anything Niall is at a Disadvantage as he has an opponent.

EXACTLY! I could have lobbied for a bye if I was concerned about who I had to play, and probably would have got one.

Playing mad_matt is like getting a bye . I wont be in clans after this season!

Chris done a great job i see this and he was fair and kept within the rules unlike keith .
Posts: 38,097
23:03 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
no its not, BYE = zero members, Matt = one member

they played already and niall narrowly won, niall still through, i still wonder what you would be like if you won the coin toss.

personally i'm glad
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:03 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Errors :

Allowing niall have anything to do with this match as the outcome would give him an advantage which has happened here .

What advantage? Niall has an opponent, if Keith chose to Double DQ then Niall wouldn't have an opponent, if anything Niall is at a Disadvantage as he has an opponent.

EXACTLY! I could have lobbied for a bye if I was concerned about who I had to play, and probably would have got one.

Playing mad_matt is like getting a bye . I wont be in clans after this season!

Chris done a great job i see this and he was fair and kept within the rules unlike keith .

Nuts you aren't as good as you think you are I would happily play you if you can match my times LOL
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:08 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
huts, you can't just demand what times someone has to play you. Your complete inflexibility renders a lot of your argument obsolete. The decision has been made, there's no need to give the league runner abuse, all Keith was doing was come to an amicable conclusion, with the consultation of others. It seems as though he has tried to be as fair as possible, so give the poor guy the respect he deserves for the great job he does
Posts: 38,097
23:14 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  

for sure for a long time minus chris i don't think the runner has had the respect they deserve, i know how hard it is (made slight easier over time) and respect the runners for what they do and all they get is abuse in return
Posts: 334
23:43 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Niall, I never once said you had an advantage. What I am saying, and rather succinctly at that, is that you should have had nothing to do with the coin toss at all as rightly or wrongly it draws suspicion.
Posts: 9,456
23:48 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If anyone else posts about this game then it will be removed, it's done now move on. And leave this for future games!

Posts: 9,926
03:40 Mon 13 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players Championship

Semi Final games can be found here...

Fixture deadline is ASAP for now
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