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Posts: 7,297
10:32 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
my times were 9.30pm until any time - due to my work / family requirements .

he would only play early which didn't allow me any chance to play this match . I even offered him a solution which I posted today and was turned down !

posts I posted on discussion thread regarding this match :

_huts24_ says : As keith said communication is needed which i agree , but how can you communicate to someone that is awkward, unhelpful and lazy .

In all honesty i feel he was online 4 days from 12 and no messages was sent to me in that time only replies when ive posted on there thread. Not to mention he was removed from revs in this time while i was trying to play him then he cried and got back in lol .

mad_matt says :

I can make tonight at 5.30 and tomorrow at 6 then are my times. All the arranging was done on the thread because yes I do have you on ignore as you are a raving numpty your effort can be seen on the thread, which was the same as mine so grow up fella it's an online pool game. If you cannot make these times then send your info to Keith. I already submitted mine good luck
Posts: 7,297
10:33 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
_huts24_says : Well i have so much to send in vs you so im happy to allow keith to deside . For me the players championship is a great tournament to be a part of shame i get stuck with a useless opponent whos never online and is lazy to arrange his match with me . Will submit my info to keith later when i get home as its clear win for me.
Sent a day ago
Online _huts24_ _huts24_ idea posted : Read the thread and you will see me asking you to play . Im at work so hardly refusing anything . Your refusing to play both evenings in which you know most players play. Can you play later that evenings as i can stay up to play you? After you go to pool and darts . Happy to stay up as long as its a sensible time
Posts: 7,297
10:35 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
mad_matt says :Not really no, I get home at around 12.30 after having a skinful of alcohol, I'm willing to miss my dinner to play you but not my beer, you just aren't worth that I'm afraid.
_huts24_ says : Well i gave another option we could play and its a no from mad_matt . Point proven here - me tyring to play and hes not!
Sent a day ago
Online _huts24_ FACTS:
mad_matt was offline 6 days of the 2nd week in play .
mad_matt had me on ignore throughout this tie - made things harder to arrange but I tried via thread.
mad_matt was only giving times that was early when he knows I play evenings - his excuse he didn't want to go bed late as hes got work in morning ( 9,30pm is NOT LATE)
mad_matt: never was online much and even left his clan then re- appeared back in .
mad_matt - made no effort at all until last few hours of deadline day in which I had family arrangements due to being sunday !
mad_matt - never message me once only replied to my posts and only said when he can play no effort was made on his part to compromise a time that would suit both .
mad_matt - didn't message me once and did not say nothing in the first week
mad_matt - said he would see what he can do only to not message me back and be offline for 6 days
Posts: 7,297
10:35 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
_huts24_ EFFORTS!

huts24 - first one to message on revs thread to arrange this match via thread.
huts24 - gave times he was online and was allowing mad_matt to pick any night that suited him
huts24- was coming online 30mins early than my normal time which was 10pm but said 9.30pm as I don't consider that late .
huts24 - been active throughout
huts24 - posted a solution and would stay up for when mad_matt came home from going to pool / darts nights
Sent a day ago
Online _huts24_ Continued :

huts24 efforts :

when given extra 48hours to play - huts24 was available for both nights - only for mad_matt to say no hes busy lol
Posts: 7,297
10:36 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
summary :

ive made so much effort its annoying , ive had an opponent who does dislike me be awkward , unreliable , lazy and showed no sign of interest in playing in this players championship - where ive been excited all the way through only to be drawn against mad_matt who doesn't want to try and play this match - he put he would play up till 9pm but wont play 9.30pm to me that doesn't make no sense , I also work and get up and I play evenings so his excuse is lame .

I believe my efforts regarding this match is great I couldn't of done any more and that's all I can be asked to do .

FACTS why this match didn't get played :

mad_matt - had me on ignore all throughout
mad_matt - wasn't active enough
mad_matt - was unwilling to play any other time that early
mad_matt - didn't do nothing in terms of compromise where ive offerd to play any night , stay up later for him so we can play after his pool night and dart night but he wasn't interested .
mad_matt - didn't message me at all only replied when I posted - shows no effort !
Sent a day ago
Posts: 7,297
10:38 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
There you go guys ! this is what the league runner IGNORED and used a silly idea of a coin toss which was heads , who chose heads? you keith? funny that lol
Posts: 6,417
10:50 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Toss of the coin seems ridiculous tbh. Either u make huts go through cause matt was offline for about a week, either u make matt go through cause huts refused to play. But both these reasons cant be true at the same time. I think a decision should have been made, even if it was wrong, but not in this way.
Posts: 11,061
10:53 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The decision was made, so should stick now, otherwise evry future decision will be questioned again and again.
I wouldve kicked both out. They were posting to each other on the threads at the same time instead of getting it played. Out!
Posts: 7,297
11:05 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Its clearly wrong decision!

Hes put through a player whos not active over an active player (me) and as you can see from my info above i tried hard to get this game played . Keith should only base a default on the info sent in and not by a toss of a crap coin! Never heard such a poor way to deal with a default !
Posts: 38,097
12:27 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If you won the toss huts you wouldn't be complaining, matt i have a feeling wouldn't complain about the loss, maybe sarcasm though.

At least this way a player continues to play, under normal guidelines BOTH of you would be out so would be an easy path for niall
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12:53 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Spot on dgen, I would not have complained as it is an online game. Yes there may have been sarcasm as that is what I do best lol.

My issue was that huts default argument was badly flawed! The 6 days he speaks of was actually 5. Also As previously stated by myself, it wouldnt have mattered if I was on every day of them 5 from 9am till 9pm, he still wouldnt have played as our times dont match.

As for saying 9.30pm is not late this again is flawed as I could say 6.30pm is not early, I have a life outside of funkypool as explained. I do not and will not explain my reasons to anyone as to why I wont/cant come on after this time.

Lastly, I came online deadline day and seen huts browsing. He would not come online to play me due to family etc. His poor family must have felt quite neglected as he found enough time to spout his usual dross, rather than come online and play me. The trouble with huts (and I can gather evidence of this), is that if he thinks he is right he will be stubborn enough to allow the game to go to default. What I have stated above is factual evidence.

so stop crying Lee you are supposed to be a man with a family. ACT LIKE IT
Posts: 334
13:24 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just because someone is browsing it doesn't mean they can play a game. I am very often sat in my car browsing while waiting for my Daughters to come out of school, come back from a school trip, gym etc..

Keith has made some very questionable decisions all season. Rules are there to be followed not bent at whim.
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13:38 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just because someone is browsing it doesn't mean they can play a game. I am very often sat in my car browsing while waiting for my Daughters to come out of school, come back from a school trip, gym etc..

Keith has made some very questionable decisions all season. Rules are there to be followed not bent at whim.

I agree with the browsing incident shad, but it does not make the rest of my response flawed. Like I say I do have proof that huts stated he would let a game go to default as he thought he was right. Also he states I was offline which was true if he stated 5 days, the part he left out was the game wouldn't have got played as our times didn't meet.

I think all those questioning how the league is run should dedicate some of their own time to do it how they see fit. I can guarantee you 1 thing though, put it in the hands of someone like huts and we would struggle to get past the 1st round of fixtures!

People need to start seeing the bigger picture rather than backing their friends. The effort huts made was clear to see, 2 or 3 posts each on a thread States same effort. Our times didn't meet, so what it happens.
Posts: 38,097
13:59 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just because someone is browsing it doesn't mean they can play a game. I am very often sat in my car browsing while waiting for my Daughters to come out of school, come back from a school trip, gym etc..

Keith has made some very questionable decisions all season. Rules are there to be followed not bent at whim.

true but the alternative is to disqualify both huts and matt which technically should have happened as both made similar amount of effort, just times mainly prevented them from playing.

Then would be a bigger argument possibly than now, personally i would have DQ'd them both but Keith has made his decision so guys need to accept it.

If you mean allowing transfers some are questionable but some guys quit (like me) so was free to join (or in my case) help out another clan.

The other is allowing new recruits to play to prevent a clan from folding something i would think about as no one wants a clan to fold. Your right though need concrete rules
Posts: 317
14:16 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Its clearly wrong decision!

Hes put through a player whos not active over an active player (me) and as you can see from my info above i tried hard to get this game played . Keith should only base a default on the info sent in and not by a toss of a crap coin! Never heard such a poor way to deal with a default !

So your opponent who is available to play 9am-9pm is inactive yet you can only play after 9-30pm but your active lol. I think the times alone say the right decision has been made imo. 99.9% of the site wouldn't of had any issues meeting matt's times so I think that speaks for itself.

The people who are not happy with how the leagues are been run since horse took over, why not put your names forward. I'm sure he'd be happy to hand it over.
Posts: 334
14:54 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
I am not questioning the amount of effort put in by both players. Being in a position of power tends to have many awkward situations to resolve, a coin toss is not the way to do it.

1 - If both players have put in equal effort and the games have not been played then both players get disqualified to move the competition on.

2 - If both players make no effort and the games have not been played then both players get disqualified to move the competition on.

3 - If one player puts more effort in to play the games then he goes through to the next round to move the competition along.

The hard part is when both players have put effort in to play the game. If there is no player who has made a clearly decisive effort then refer to points 1 and 2. If a player has made a clear and decisive effort to play then refer to point 3.
Under no circumstances should a coin toss have been entered into the equation.
Posts: 334
14:58 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Thinking on it a little, I will put my name forward to help out. I will be totally unbiased to friends and non friends alike.
Posts: 317
15:06 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair play good luck. If horse was bias then he wouldn't of put his own team out the cup by giving pros both games by default to put them through.

I know from been drawn against huts in a clan game before that he avoids games and makes excuses up for not playing till it gets to the last few days, he also failed to play the last round against an opponent who's one of the easiest to arrange with. It doesn't take much working out to me who the ones are that make it hard work to get games done.
Posts: 7,324
15:21 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to clarify, since Keith is now away on holiday, the "coin toss" was performed by veyron and myself. Keith messaged veyron with who had been assigned heads and tails, then asked me to choose either heads or tails. I actually then tossed a coin myself and it landed on heads. I did not know who was heads and who was tails, only veyron and Keith did. In that sense, it could not have been fairer. Whether the actual "coin toss" idea itself was fair is an entirely different matter, but in my humble opinion I think you were both fortunate to be afforded that opportunity. You had more than 2 weeks to play the game, over which you both gave times you could play. If you both wanted to play it badly enough, there should not have been a problem coming to some sort of compromise. That's just my input.

I'll message you my availability shortly Matt
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15:46 Wed 1 Jul 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Just to clarify, since Keith is now away on holiday, the "coin toss" was performed by veyron and myself. Keith messaged veyron with who had been assigned heads and tails, then asked me to choose either heads or tails. I actually then tossed a coin myself and it landed on heads. I did not know who was heads and who was tails, only veyron and Keith did. In that sense, it could not have been fairer. Whether the actual "coin toss" idea itself was fair is an entirely different matter, but in my humble opinion I think you were both fortunate to be afforded that opportunity. You had more than 2 weeks to play the game, over which you both gave times you could play. If you both wanted to play it badly enough, there should not have been a problem coming to some sort of compromise. That's just my input.

I'll message you my availability shortly Matt

For the record I have stated somewhere (whether it be in a dm to Keith or on a thread) that I would have happily taken a double dq, what I would have had an issue with is if he had taken huts spiel without looking at the facts. I am man enough to not let an online pool game ruin my life lol. Like I said 2 or 3 posts on a thread each with nobody willing to budge on time shoes the same effort made. Big wows that he could have moved it to 9.30, I could have made it at 8.30 am like I did for a clan opponent last season and made myself late for work . Not a rant at you Niall the last part is expanding
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